The New California Republic is best known for trying to bring law to the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout New Vegas. The NCR in the game are in a war against Caesar and his Legion, fighting for control over Hoover Dam. While traveling through the Mojave Wasteland, players are able to visit locations owned by the NCR or once owned by the NCR.

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By exploring these areas and talking to the characters of the wasteland, the player is able to learn more about the history of the New California Republic. The player can learn about the good of the NCR and the bad of the NCR.

10 President Has A Personal Vehicle

When the NCR president visits Hoover Dam, he flies in on a vertibird. This vertibird is called Bear Force One and has NCR symbols painted onto it. The New California Republic was able to capture vertibirds from the Enclave, and the NCR started to use them to transport important people.

The callsign of the president's vertibird is a reference to the name of the United States presidential aircraft, Air Force One. Depending on who the player sides with, they can also have the opportunity to destroy Bear Force One.

9 Possible To Be Labeled A Terrorist

In Fallout New Vegas, players can become liked or disliked by the big factions of the game. Helping the faction will cause the player to become idolized, but killing or joining a rival faction will cause the player to become vilified. For the New California Republic, it is possible for the player to be labeled a terrorist.

By killed the ambassador on the New Vegas Strip, it is possible to be labeled as a terrorist. This will cause the army to attack you on sight and hit squads will be sent after the player. Caesar's Legion will still take in the player, probably more happily now.

8 NCR Has A Ban On Gambling And Prostitution

By talking to some of the NCR personnel, it can be discovered that gambling and prostitution are illegal. This is pretty much the two things New Vegas is known for. If the New California Republic annexes New Vegas, it will be interesting to see what happens.

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Maybe New Vegas will be an exception, maybe it won't be. Either way, the city of sin might go through some unexpected changes if the NCR comes into control.

7 Most Veteran Rangers Are Ghouls

The NCR Ranger Veterans are iconic in their trench coats and body armor. But talking to these characters might reveal something unexpected. A lot of the NCR Ranger Veteran voices are those of ghouls.

It would make sense for these characters to be ghouls, as the longer lifespan and survival skills from living 200+ years would come in handy. While there are human NCR Ranger Veterans, a majority of them have a ghoulish voice.

6 NCR Ranger Chief Can Commit Suicide

The player can be given a quest where NCR reports are being falsified. By talking to all of the recon camps, the player finds out the camp radio operators do not know who did it, so the player must go talk to Chief Hanlon at Camp Golf. Upon talking to him, it is discovered he is the one falsifying reports.

If the player tries to turn Hanlon in, he tells the player he wants to make a speech before. He locks the door to his office, gives a speech, and proceeds to shoot himself. There is another option, where Chief Hanlon is convinced to stop falsifying reports. This option lets him live.

5 Some Marked Men Are NCR Troops

The Divide was occupied by members of Caesar's Legion and the NCR when it was destroyed. After the destruction, the skin was ripped off of these soldiers, turning them into Marked Men. Their past as NCR soldiers is shown in the armor they wear, patched up with street signs.

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The NCR came to The Divide in hopes of annexing it because of its prosperity. This came to an end when the Courier brought a package, detonating the nuclear bombs found around The Divide.

4 Desert Rangers Joined NCR

The Desert Rangers were a group that provides security for the Mojave Wasteland before the NCR arrived. After the arrival of the NCR, the two groups merged into one. A statue of this event can be found at the Mojave Outpost, also giving more information about the event.

The Desert Rangers say they could trace their heritage back to the Texas Rangers of the Pre-War world. In the Honest Hearts DLC, Desert Ranger armor can be found and worn by the player.

3 Blew Up Boulder City To Win Battle

The First Battle of Hoover Dam is talked about throughout the Mojave Wasteland by characters of all factions. It is known the NCR won the battle, but they had to sacrifice a city to do it. The NCR retreated to Boulder City, where they blew up the city and trapped the Legion inside.

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Skeletons of the soldiers who fought in the battle can still be found in the ruins. In one building, the player is able to find the remains of the 3 rangers who detonated the explosives to blow up the city.

2 First President Was Aradesh

Aradesh is the founder of the New California Republic and was also its first president. Before this, he was the leader of Shady Sands, which became the capital of the NCR. Aradesh lived in Vault 15 before he became the leader of these communities.

After his presidency, his daughter went on to become the president of the NCR. When he founded the community, he most likely did not think it would ever grow into the power it is in New Vegas.

1 Founded By Vault 15 Dwellers

The first community that turned into the NCR, Shady Sands, was founded by Vault 15 dwellers. While the NCR was founded by Vault 15 dwellers, the rest of the vault's residents went on to become raiders that would attack the NCR for years.

It is fitting that a massive country would be formed from the descendants of vault dwellers. The America of the Pre-War would be proud their vault experiment created a successful republic.

NEXT: 10 Facts You Didn't Know About Ghouls In Fallout 4