The New California Republic (NCR) is one of the largest factions in the Fallout universe. They are mentioned in every game, and make direct appearances in Fallout 2 and Fallout: New Vegas. Unlike all other factions, the NCR wants to restore the Wasteland to the ways of the old world, valuing democracy, law, liberty, and peace between people and economic development.

Since its founding, the NCR has had five different leaders: Aradesh, Tandi, Joanna Tibbett, Wendell Peterson, and Aaron Kimball. Each has contributed to the NCR in their own way.

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Aradesh and Tandi

Split image of Aradesh and Tandi.

Before Aradesh founded the NCR, he was the leader of the settlement of Shady Sands in 2161. He was originally a dweller of Vault 15 before it was attacked by Raiders, and so he founded Shady Sands with a G.E.C.K. and led it to become a fully self-sufficient settlement. Eventually, Shady Sands began to expand in terms of trade and cultural exchanges, which led to the NCR's founding in 2186.

Under Aradesh's leadership, a trial council government was formed, and they made a draft constitution. Junktown because one of the NCR's first provisional states, and three years after its founding it was voted on as an official federation by Los Angeles, Hub, Dayglow, Shady, and Hub.

Aradesh led the NCR, and his daughter Tandi became the next leader after his death. She served for 10 terms, winning every election until her death at over 100 years old. She is known to be one of the biggest influences in not just the NCR, but the entire post-war world. Under her guidance, the NCR expanded to be known as the largest political enterprise in the Wasteland, with laws like prohibiting torture remaining a part of the NCR long after her life. She also is the face of the NCR's $100 bill.

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Joanna Tibbett and Wendell Peterson

NCR statues.

Far less is known about NCR's third president, Joanna Tibbett. After Tandi's long presidency, Joanna only served for five years. She worked as the vice president for Tandi, and after serving the remaining years of Tandi's term when she died, Joanna was reelected - only to be kicked out of office by NCR's congress and senate in 2251. This followed 38 NCR citizens being murdered by raiders, with Joanna's response deemed too "timid." The NCR wanted someone who gave raiders no mercy, so Joanna was replaced by Wendell Peterson.

Wendell is the second longest-serving president of the NCR, having lasted for four terms between 2253 and 2273. Wendell militarized the NCR in response to the raiders killing 38 citizens under Joanna's presidency, and he undid some of Tandi's laws such as limitations on the number of brahmin per-acreage per-person. This made the NCR get agricultural barons, who hoarded trade routes with their unlimited supply of brahmin.

Aaron Kimball

Kimball outside of helicopter.

While Joanna and Wendell were not directly present in Fallout games, Aaron Kimball played a major role in Fallout: New Vegas. He was formerly a general, and began his presidency in 2281. He became a popular war hero during his military career when he led campaigns against tribes that had attacked NCR citizens, then in 2273 he retired from the military to seek a political career. He was a Hub representative before beating Wendell in NCR's presidential election.

Kimball's first act as NCR president was the occupation of Hoover Dam in 2274. This increased his popularity, as it created the New Vegas treaty and gave clean water to nearly NCR cities. His reputation would be tarnished, as he failed to annex the Mojave for seven years, however, draining resources in the process.

As Kimball tried to expand, the NCR also made more enemies. Between Caesar's Legion, the Brotherhood of Steel, and raiders, much of NCR's military became war-weary. Kimball's Mojave Campaign would later be nicknamed "Kimball's War," and it was unpopular for focusing more on NCR expansion rather than keeping quality lives in current territories. This not only negatively affected Kimball's reputation, but the reputation of the whole NCR as well.

Depending on the player's choices in Fallout: New Vegas, Kimball's Mojave Campaign can be a success or failure. If the NCR succeeds, they win the battle at Hoover Dam and take control of the whole Mojave Wasteland. The Strip and Freeside go under the NCR's control. This has big consequences for all characters in the Mojave Wasteland, who all either become NCR citizens or are forced out.

Fallout: New Vegas is available now for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360.

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