The Fallout TV show introduces a wide cast of sometimes eccentric characters. Viewers see Lucy's naivety getting absolutely trampled on by the Wasteland, viewers see the internal conflict of The Ghoul take him back and forth between right and wrong, viewers see Norm unable to let go of the Vault mystery (and feeling like the oddball among the other Vault-Dwellers), and viewers see Maximus' extremist behavior lead him astray more than once. Two other Fallout characters are essential to the plot, but players see them a little less.

These are Hank and Lee Moldaver, both with long, storied histories with Vault-Tec. While Hank seems like a kind enough father and Overseer at first, it's revealed how messed up his way of life truly is. The opposite happens with Moldaver. She seems like the ultimate villain at first, and while her actions are as severe as any other in the wasteland, it's clear her intent is much more kindhearted by the show's end. Game ZXC recently spoke with Sarita Choudhury, who portrayed Moldaver, about her character, her growth and development, and how she differs from other Fallout characters.

Moldaver Changes A Lot Over 200 Years


One of the biggest questions surrounding Moldaver is how she survived between the bombs dropping and the Fallout show's timeline. Choudhury teased that she might know a little more than the average person, but obviously, she wasn't at liberty to discuss it. It does seem this unanswered question has an answer, and hopefully, that's answered in Fallout season 2: "I feel like that is the nature of a series, right? You show a little bit, and if there's a season two, you show more."

Of course, that's not confirmation that fans will learn this in Fallout season 2 because Moldaver's fate at the show's end appears...very grim. She has survived worse, however, because that is the nature of the wasteland. When asked how she thinks the wasteland changed Moldaver, Choudhury revealed that was her main question when filming. Moldaver, she explained, is very organized and methodical as a scientist before the bombs drop, and afterward, that's not completely the case anymore. She's more accepting of killing and violence than she ever would have been before. Her goal relative to the Cold Fusion Reactor remains the same, but ultimately, Moldaver is more accepting of extremes after the bombs drop than before, which is a natural reaction.

The Wasteland Doesn't Change One Thing About Moldaver


Interestingly, the wasteland doesn't change one strong characteristic of Moldaver. We asked Choudhury if, with Fallout being her first video game adaptation role, that aspect changed how she prepared for the character. She said she had to get rid of that thought and approach it the same way she does every role: by making it believable within herself. She explained she couldn't play someone as iconic as Moldaver, who is literally worshipped by Vault 4, but instead had to make her own rules of who that character was to her. From there, Choudhury was able to latch onto that unchanging characteristic:

"Then the one thing I picked up on was that Moldaver's not very neurotic, and that helps me in a world that is so crazy, right?"

It's an interesting insight into who exactly Moldaver is in the Fallout show. Players are constantly affronted by "crazy" characters and situations, such as the Snake Oil Salesman or the fact that The Ghoul uses Lucy as fishing bait, but Moldaver is very organized, methodical, and logical. She's not neurotic, like much of the wasteland, and this is perhaps why so many viewers are interested in her story—she's the relatable middle ground in a world filled with crazy extremes. Her goal is noble as well, and it'll be interesting to see if Moldaver has a role in Fallout season 2. At the very least, fans deserve some flashbacks explaining what happened in that 200-year period, and if Moldaver somehow survives, it'll be interesting to see if she can retain herself for much longer.


Fallout is a franchise built around a series of RPGs set in a post-nuclear world, in which great vaults have been built to shelter parts of humankind. There are six main games, various spin-offs, tabletop games, and a TV series from Amazon Studios.