
  • Fallout achievements can present challenging tasks and require dedication and perseverance to unlock.
  • Some achievements, like killing Super Mutant Behemoths or finding steel ingots, demand meticulous planning and preparation.

In Fallout, there are dozens of difficult achievements that can leave players staring at their screens, scratching their heads, and helpless to move forward. These Fallout achievements are typically attempted by achievement hunters, who will go out of their way and suffer to eventually unlock them.

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Players need to prove they have the mettle required to grind hard for these achievements, and some of them can be unnecessarily brutal for the generic player. For many of the hardest challenges in Fallout, players should expect struggle in their attempts, in true post-apocalyptic fashion.

10 The Bigger They Are - Kill All The Super Mutant Behemoths. (Fallout 3)

Behemoth enemy mutant

As if fighting off the Super Mutant Behemoth outside Galaxy News Radio wasn't hard enough, players are tasked with locating and eliminating four more of them to unlock this achievement. Found in different areas all across the map, each encounter is unique in its own way, and players will need to bring some heavy firepower to put down the hulking behemoths before they can get close.

This challenge is an enjoyable one to unlock, as those who play blinded playthroughs, and without guides, will thoroughly enjoy the search for each Behemoth. Putting them down is a different story, however, as they hit like trucks and have enormous pools of health. It is best to be well-prepared before seeking out these hideous, mutated monsters.

9 Mill Worker - Found 100 Steel Ingots (Fallout 3)

Fallout 76 players will venture into Pittsburgh's ruins in the next major content update.

One of, if not the most satisfying achievements players can unlock in all of Fallout, the Mill Worker achievement is the ultimate test of determination and thorough organization, and players able to complete it unassisted are worthy of high commendation.

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Tasked with finding all 100 of The Pitt DLC’s steel ingots to unlock the achievement, completing such a feat is incredibly tough, and players should expect to struggle without properly following a guide and carefully tracing their steps. This achievement has some great rewards for finding all 100 ingots, so be meticulous in every effort to find them, and expect to be rewarded greatly.

8 Good Grief - Kill 20 Players (Fallout 76)

Players fighting

For the first of its kind to explore an online, multiplayer world of Fallout where PVP is encouraged, there is a severe lack of any in Fallout 76's online environment, as most players choose to get on with life on their own terms without any player interrupting them.

This comes as a result of players being simply too few and far between to warrant a battle, while those that still play frequently have extremely overpowered gear. Managing to get 20 kills without having a friend or two to help can make this achievement a miserable one to unlock.

7 Caravan Master - Win 30 Games of Caravan (Fallout New Vegas)

Fallout New Vegas Caravan card game

Being a game that nobody ever seemed to understand until they played it to death or read a thesis on its instructions, Caravan solidifies itself as one of the most memorable card games in all of video gaming, partly due to the differing ways it could be played.

While a game here and there could never hurt while adventuring the wastes, those attempting to unlock the achievement in one sitting, were in for a personal hell. With games that could be incredibly short or long depending on the experience and know-how of the player, having to win 30 games makes for a tedious achievement.

6 Vault-Tec CEO - Collect 20 Bobbleheads (Fallout 3)

All 20 bobbleheads

One of the most iconic figures in the entire franchise is the Vault Boy bobblehead, and players will relish in the opportunity to discover all of them, as hunting them down in their various locations makes for an exciting journey of discovery, and the mascot status of the Vault Boy for the brand of Fallout makes them worthy of collection.

With each bobblehead granting different permanent perks and skills, gathering all of them is a surefire way to maximize the player's attributes and make the game easier. Bobbleheads, such as strength, can increase carry weight and allow players to do more damage, which is greatly beneficial at any point in the game.

5 Desert Survivalist - Heal 10,000 Points Of Damage With Food (Fallout New Vegas)

Brahmin steak item

For the majority of players, stimpaks, buffout and other quick sources of health will be a mainstay in any given playthrough, as they are lightweight and offer instant, high amounts of health so the player can get back into the fight.

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Food sources can also act as an alternative to instantly healing medical items, although they gradually heal the player over time, which is not ideal in the height of combat. For this achievement, stock up plenty of food from each kill, and prioritize eating to increase health where possible. It won't take too long to eventually see the achievement pop up.

4 Beverageer - Create 20 Different Flavors Of Nuka Cola (Fallout 4)

Fallout 4 Nuka Cola Fridge

With a drink universally loved and inspired by Coca-Cola, Nuka Cola is understandably popular among fans and is cleverly marketed as a product that players can buy and taste in real life.

The difficulty of this achievement derives from the ingredients required to make and mix 20 different Nuka Cola flavors, which can take hours to fully collect and create as players must also find the recipes to create them. It is one of those painfully frustrating challenges that players should collect ingredients for overtime to make it easier to unlock, as doing so at once can be very time-consuming.

3 Benevolent Leader - Reach Max Happiness In A Large Settlement (Fallout 4)

Fallout 4 Sim Settlements Sanctuary

The Benevolent Leader is one of those achievements that never seems to properly unlock, even when it feels like all necessary conditions have been met. Requiring so many specific events to occur to obtain this achievement makes it one that feels like a chore to acquire, but unlocking it makes the slog of building up a large settlement feel worthwhile.

There are numerous guides and strategies that players can explore to make this achievement much easier to unlock, but even then players can still experience some difficulty with the settlement system. Consider building a large settlement over time during a playthrough, and eventually, when it fully thrives and all settlers are deeply satisfied, the achievement should unlock.

2 Data Miner - Hacked 50 Terminals (Fallout 3)

terminal hack

Hacking terminals in Fallout for most players is quite a tedious aspect of the game, especially when the difficulty of the hack makes the password longer and harder to guess. It can however be quite fun to engage with and figure out - that is until players must hack 50 of them.

While the challenge doesn't seem so difficult at first, players must first manage to locate 50 terminals, whilst also bearing in mind that due to the varying difficulties of each terminal, not every hack is a guaranteed one. With some determination and the tailoring of skills and levels to benefit hacking, players should be able to complete the achievement in a single playthrough.

1 Pros Only - Complete any three Gun Runners' Arsenal (GRA) Three-Star Challenges. (Fallout New Vegas)

A man getting attacked by a robot while he shoots another in Fallout New Vegas

GRA challenges can be unreasonably annoying to complete, and the challenges required to unlock this achievement in particular can seem almost impossible save for some helpful workarounds. With players tasked with absurd challenges ranging from killing a Deathclaw with a .22 pistol, or killing robots with brass knuckles, there's a reason this achievement can be so annoying.

Players should exploit where they can, getting enemies to low health with strong weapons such as the Anti-Material Rifle and then finishing them off with the challenge weapons. For those that want to take the high road, attempting to take them down with the challenge weapons only can feel like a bit of a marathon, but it's certainly possible for those looking to play by the rules.

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