The world is in pretty bad shape in the Fallout universe. People eke out an existence the best they can amidst the shattered remains of the United States. Everything revolves around survival and some individuals prove better at it than others. Thus, many of these hardy NPCs can be spotted across multiple titles.

It's worth noting that all of the games set between Fallout 2 and Fallout 4 take place within the same forty-six-year period. As such, it's not uncommon to find some familiar faces wandering about the wasteland. Whether it's New Vegas, The Commonwealth, or the Capital Wasteland players are bound to run into somebody they have met before.

Updated April 21, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: The interconnected nature of the Fallout series is one of the many things that fans love about this franchise. One need only look at the sheer uproar whenever Bethesda overwrites the established lore to see this. More recently, New Vegas fans had problems with the Fallout TV adaptation, when they assumed that the game itself was being removed from canon based on certain changes. So, it's easy to see why players enjoy seeing characters return in a Fallout game after being introduced. Still, many fans would still prefer that these appearances happen logically instead of just being done for the sake of it.

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12 Sierra Petrovita

Fallout 3; Fallout 4: Nuka World

Fallout 4 Nuka-World Sierra Petrovita

Nuka-Cola is one of the most popular and beloved beverages in the Fallout universe. Most people love a sip of this refreshing beverage during a time when tasty, untainted food is a rarity. The fact that bottle caps are used as currency in this universe means that there's an ulterior motive for most people who seek out these cans. However, this isn't the case for Sierra Petrovita. This woman is so obsessed with Nuka-Cola that she puts herself in the path of danger over and over again just to find rare versions of this beverage scattered across the wasteland.

In fact, Sierra's obsession with Nuka-Cola is so intense that she braves the dangers of the Capitol Wasteland and finds herself at the Nuka-World amusement park near the Commonwealth after a harrowing journey. Seeing her in this Fallout 4 DLC makes for a great surprise for players who loved her presence in Fallout 3. Fans love entertaining her quirks, even if she does go overboard with her passion for this drink at times.

11 Rhombus

Fallout; Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel

Rhombus in Fallout

The Brotherhood of Steel is one of the most controversial factions in the Fallout series. Some see their fanaticism for pre-war tech and hoarding of weapons and armor to tackle the threats of the wasteland as unnecessary. However, the BoS still manages to be one of the better factions in a world that is rife with death and destruction. One of the members of this group who serves as the head of the Lost Hills chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel is Rhombus. He's powerful and intimidating character who personifies this group in many ways.

Fans who only got to interact with this character sporadically in Fallout will be glad to know that they can control this character in the spinoff game, Brotherhood of Steel. The Initiate will find this man being tortured by the Church of the Lost. Saving him earns his gratitude and his presence as a controllable party member in the game who can lay waste to his foes with the greatest of ease.

10 Robert MacCready

Fallout 3; Fallout 4

MacCready From Fallout 3 & Fallout 4

In Fallout 3 the Lone Wanderer first encounters MacCready in Little Lamplight, a settlement composed entirely of children. The foul-mouthed youngster is the self-appointed mayor of the community. He looks out for the other children, protecting them from malicious adults, or "mungos," as he says.

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Ten years later MacCready can be found as an adult in Fallout 4 working in The Commonwealth as a mercenary. The Sole Survivor has the option of recruiting him as a companion once the player helps him clear up some business with the Gunners. Raising MacCready's disposition will get him to open up about his tragic backstory.

9 Harold

Fallout; Fallout 2; Fallout Tactics; Fallout 3; Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel

Harold From Fallout 1, Fallout 2 & Fallout 3

Harold's unfortunate tale spans three main entries in the series. Turned into a ghoul after his exposure to the FEV Harold can be met for the first time by The Vault Dweller in the original Fallout. By the time of Fallout 2, he can be met again by the Chosen One as part of a side quest.

His fortunes take a turn for the worse by the time the Lone Wanderer is introduced to him in Fallout 3. A mutation growing within him eventually roots Harold to the ground and transforms him into a tree. A cult, mistaking him for a god, establishes a religion in his honor despite his pleas and protestations to the contrary.

8 Marcus

Fallout 2; Fallout: New Vegas

Marcus From Fallout 2 & Fallout New Vegas

A hulking Super Mutant from Broken Hills, Marcus is a recruitable companion in Fallout 2. His specialty is in the use of big guns where he can be utilized as a tank-like character by the player. After the conclusion of the main quest, Marcus parts ways with the Chosen One.

Nevertheless, Marcus appears yet again in 2281 during the time of Fallout: New Vegas. He helps run Jacobstown, a small community composed of other Super Mutants and Nightkin. The Courier can decide whether or not to help Marcus protect the town from the threat of encroaching mercenaries.

7 The Mysterious Stranger

Fallout 1-4; Fallout: New Vegas; Fallout 76; Fallout Shelter

The Mysterious Stranger From Fallout 3 & Fallout 4

A very unique character, the Mysterious Stranger has appeared in every main Fallout title in the series, including Fallout 76. His purpose is to defend the protagonist when a situation becomes a bit too dire. However, the appropriate perk must be unlocked first to make use of his help.

The Mysterious Stranger is recognizable due to his consistent outward appearance, which has changed little throughout the years. He typically sports a brown trenchcoat, fedora, and wields a pistol. Not a bad guy to keep around when things get a little heated.

6 Madison Li

Fallout 3; Fallout 4; Fallout Shelter

Madison Li From Fallout 3 & Fallout 4

Dr. Madison Li plays a significant role in two separate titles. In Fallout 3, she is an old friend of the Lone Wanderer's father and one of the leading scientists of Project Purity. She acts as an ally to the player in the main quest to cleanse the waters of the Capital Wasteland.

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She reappears ten years later in The Commonwealth as a member of the Institute. If the player decides to join that faction Dr. Li becomes a frequent contact and quest-giver. Otherwise, if the Sole Survivor allies with the Brotherhood of Steel, she can be convinced to switch sides and leave the Institute behind.

5 Arthur Maxson

Fallout 3 & 4

Arthur Maxson From Fallout 3 & Fallout 4

Arthur Maxson holds a pretty distinguished lineage in the world of Fallout. As a descendant of the founder of the Brotherhood of Steel, a lot of high expectations define Arthur's life. His tutelage as a child under Elder Lyons can be witnessed in Fallout 3.

Maxson makes a dramatic entrance midway through Fallout 4's main quest aboard the Prydwen. Now commanding the Brotherhood of Steel forces on the east coast he seeks to bring The Commonwealth under his influence. Along the way Maxson clashes with the forces of the Institute, leaving the player to decide which faction to support in the end.

4 Tandi

Fallout 1 & 2

Tandi From Fallout 1 & Fallout 2

For the New California Republic Tandi is a highly revered character. Elected as the second President of the NCR she led the fledgling republic through a period of internal prosperity and expansion. Two protagonists can meet Tandi at different stages of her life.

In Fallout the Vault Dweller is tasked with rescuing a sixteen-year-old Tandi from a band of Great Khans. Decades later the Chosen One encounters a much older Tandi in Fallout 2. She asks the player to negotiate with a group of settlers in order to bring them into the NCR fold.

3 Henry

Fallout 2; Fallout: New Vegas

Dr. Henry From Fallout New Vegas

A genetic research scientist, Henry is a former member of the Enclave. His medical clinic can be found in NCR town in Fallout 2. He offers a side quest to the Chosen One to test an experimental serum on a dangerous Super Mutant.

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Forty years later, Dr. Henry is operating a new clinic in Fallout: New Vegas. He is involved in several side quests that range from repairing Rex's cyberbrain to acquiring testing materials for his scientific experiments. Dr. Henry is also one of the former members of the Enclave that needs to be collected for the Arcade Gannon companion quest.

2 Liberty Prime

Fallout 3 & 4

Liberty Prime From Fallout 3 & Fallout 4

Most Fallout games feature the Brotherhood of Steel as a faction. They also tend to feature heavily in the main quests. A good deal of their ideology is centered around the preservation of pre-war technology. Liberty Prime, a massive war robot belonging to the defunct U.S. Army, is one such example.

The hulking monstrosity gives the Brotherhood a massive edge in combat. Once rebuilt in Fallout 3 it shreds through the Enclave soldiers like a hot knife through butter. His activation (or destruction) is left up to the Sole Survivor in Fallout 4.

1 Dogmeat

Fallout 1-4; Fallout: Brotherhood Of Steel; Fallout Shelter

Dogmeat From Fallout 2, Fallout 3 & Fallout 4

This loyal canine is quite possibly the most recognizable companion in the Fallout franchise. Dogmeat has made appearances in every main entry in the series and always as a recruitable companion. Although perhaps not the same dog in every game the character itself has been an enduring fixture of the series since the beginning.

In the original Fallout Dogmeat can be found in Junktown. He can be found again in Fallout 2 in the Cafe of Broken Dreams. The Lone Wanderer comes across the ubiquitous dog in a junkyard in the Capital Wasteland fighting off some raiders. Finally, the Sole Survivor can meet the German Shepherd shortly after emerging from Vault 111.

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