Originally debuting in 1997, the Fallout series has intrigued countless gamers for decades with its iconic post-apocalyptic setting, immersive storytelling, and unforgettable characters. While human characters take the majority of the spotlight, it's the non-human inhabitants that help add depth, uniqueness, and world-building to the dark wastelands. From loyal companions to quirky robot allies, these non-human characters are often favorites among the large Fallout community.

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While there are a variety of characters to love, these bring humor, companionship, and thought-provoking perspectives to the desolate wastelands. Whether it be synthetic life or mutated creatures, these non-human characters all have earned their spot in the Fallout universe.

10 Goris

goris in robe

Goris is an intelligent deathclaw, a sight that is rarely seen throughout the franchise. He is a possible companion in Fallout 2, makes an appearance in Fallout: New California, and is mentioned in the Fallout Bible. He resides in Vault 13 in the year 2241 and is the son of Gruthar, the leader of the intelligent deathclaws within the vault.

Normally, Goris is covered in his brown robe at all times, but only during combat does he reveal his true deathclaw form. Goris will join the Chosen One's side after leaving the vault in search of knowledge and new experiences. While there are other intelligent deathclaws that appear in smaller Fallout titles, Goris is the only one to appear in the main canon titles and is arguably the favorite among players.

9 Liberty Prime

liberty prime, fallout 4

Liberty Prime is a unique US Army robot that has appeared in Fallout 3, Broken Steel, Fallout 4, and other smaller Fallout titles. It was found and restored by the Brotherhood of Steel with the help of Dr. Madison Li. The original goal of its creation was to be the most powerful combat robot in the history of war and to be used to liberate Anchorage from Chinese occupation.

Liberty Prime is integral to completing the story of Fallout 3 and was upgraded significantly with the aid of The Sole Survivor in Fallout 4 to help the Brotherhood fight the Institute. Liberty Prime repeats patriotic and anti-communist phrases when it's active on the battlefield, which gives it an air of humor and personality. Its epic stature, memorable quotes, and firepower are reasons why players love this character.

8 Dogmeat


Dogmeat is a canine companion in several Fallout games. It is confirmed by Bethesda that at least two of the Dogmeat are different dogs. Fallout 3's Dogmeat is an Australian Cattle, which is based on Mad Max's dog in Road Warrior. Fallout 4's version is a German Shepherd. However, some fans still speculate that the dogs are connected in some way.

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Regardless of Dogmeat being a different breed in each game, the loyalty and companionship with the player remain the same. While being a beloved character, Dogmeat is also a valuable gameplay asset. Just like other companions, he aids in combat. However, he cannot be disbanded since he cannot understand regular commands.

7 Raul Tejada

Raul Tejada, fallout 3

Raul Tejada made his debut in Fallout: New Vegas. Raul is no longer a human, as he has fully transformed into a ghoul when the player meets him. He is a former gunslinger and mechanic who is being held captive in the town of Black Mountain by hostile super mutants. After being rescued, he can become a potential companion, offering his repairman and sharpshooter skills.

His background is what makes him a memorable character for fans. Raul often engages in thoughtful conversation about his history in Mexico and his perspectives on the wasteland, giving his personality more depth. Additionally, the player can embark on a personal questline with him to help find closure from his past. His dry sense of humor and loyalty as a companion is why players love this character.

6 Fawkes

mutant fawkes in Fallout 3

Fawkes appears in Fallout 3 as an intelligent super mutant that is significant to the game's story. The player meets him in the depths of Vault 87, where he has been imprisoned for his refusal to participate in turning humans into more mutants. He is also a product of the same human-to-mutant experimentation but retained his intelligence, unlike many others. The player can choose to free Fawkes in exchange for help in retrieving an important story item.

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Fawkes stands out due to his thoughtful and philosophical nature. His views as a super mutant and the challenges he faces allow the player to think more about the morals of the wasteland. His genuine desire to help the player and his overall personality is why fans adore this character.

5 Nick Valentine


Nick Valentine, a synth detective, appears in Fallout 4. He is a prototype synth that was created before the Great War and possesses advanced technology and human memories. Throughout the game, Nick aids the player in their quests, providing his investigative skills.

Players are drawn to his multi-layered personality and backstory. His role as a detective coupled with the dichotomy of his synthetic nature and human qualities makes for a unique character that wasn't explored in previous Fallout games. Fans enjoy his well-written dialogue and feel he is a genuine character with a sense of justice.

4 Marcus

marcus, fallout nv

Marcus is an intelligent super mutant seen in Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas, and other smaller titles in the series. As a compassionate super mutant, Marcus is committed to maintaining peace and justice in the town of Broken Hills when he becomes sheriff. He often assists the player in their quests, provides valuable information, and is an overall ally.

In Fallout: New Vegas, he reappears as the protector of Jacobstown in the Mojave Wasteland. He plays an important role in the conflict of those who want to rid the town of mutants. His compassion, moral compass, and personal story are reasons why players love this character.

3 Codsworth

Fallout's Codsworth droid is dirty and rusty. In the background is a paneled wall that is rusted and some dead shrubbery

Codsworth, appearing in Fallout 4, is a Mister Handy model robot that serves as the player's loyal companion and a helpful aid throughout the game. His purpose is to assist the player in their quest through the wasteland of Boston, known as the Commonwealth.

Fans of Fallout 4 love Codsworth for several reasons. Firstly, his loyalty and dedication to the player, even after centuries of isolation, create an emotional connection. His British wit and humorous remarks give comic relief to the bleak and desolate atmosphere of the game.

2 Yes Man

yes man

Yes Man, in Fallout: New Vegas, was originally a generic securitron robot programmed to work for Mr. House, then was recovered by Benny after being damaged. "Yes Man" is not just his name, it's also his job description. Yes Man is completely unable to decline any order he is asked of. Yes Man aids in shaping the outcome of the story, presenting many options regarding the various factions looking for control.

His sarcastic dialogue gives humor to the world of the Mojave. He easily adapts to the players' choices which also enhances his interesting personality. Overall, his memorable and entertaining moments throughout the story are why players love Yes Man.

1 Harold

fallout 3 harold as a tree

Harold is one of the most unique non-human characters in the Fallout series. Harold, once a human just like a ghoul or super mutant, was exposed to the FEV which altered him greatly over two centuries. The drastic mutation gradually changed him from a human to a talking tree. In Fallout 1, he took on a ghoul appearance but could still travel, and by Fallout 3, he was fully rooted in the earth as a large tree. Retaining his conscience and some intelligence, he longs to be human again.

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Traveling all over, Harold was only five years old when the war started. Eventually, in 2102, he traveled to the military base with others where the FEV was held. A crane crashed into the container that exposed them all to its radiation. Harold's ultimate desire, in the end, is to be relieved of his existence. His predicament in Fallout 3 leaves a lasting impression on players.

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