The Fallout series has had many memorable factions throughout each of the games. Some factions might be known for their outfits, while other factions are known for their characters. Major factions such as the Brotherhood of Steel can be found in multiple games in the series, while some factions such as the Gunners are only found in one game.

Most of the characters in the Fallout series have a connection to the factions in the series, whether negative or positive. The player can usually become friends or enemies with each faction, depending on the choices they make throughout the given game. Here are the best factions that can be found in the Fallout series.

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Updated May 12, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: A huge part of what makes the Fallout series special are its many unique factions. Recently, fans of the TV show have gotten a taste of how these groups add more flavor to the irradiated sands of the wasteland. However, Amazon's stellar adaptation has only scratched the surface of how twisted and varied these factions are. Long-time fans of the series are more than aware of the sheer enjoyment players can have as they interact with these groups and either aid them in their efforts, stand against them for their own reasons, or develop complicated relationships with their members.

13 Followers Of The Apocalypse

One Of The Few Factions Actively Trying To Aid People

Followers of the Apocalypse camp at Old Mormon Fort in Fallout: New Vegas
  • Appears In:Fallout; Fallout: New Vegas

Given how twisted the world is following the nuclear apocalypse, it's easy to see why surface-dwellers have forgone their morality in favor of ensuring their survival at all costs. However, there are some groups that actively try to make the lives of survivors better in this wasteland, going out of their way to ensure that people enjoy a great life here.

The Followers of the Apocalypse are a selfless group with this goal in mind. This makes them one of the better factions to support in Fallout: New Vegas if players want the Courier to walk on the path of good. They selflessly secure supplies to ensure that they don't turn down anyone who needs help, which is a noble goal worth appreciating.

12 The Railroad

Aim To Free Synths From The Oppression Of The Institute

A picture of the Railroad HQ
  • Appears In:Fallout 3; Fallout 4

Given the savage nature of the Commonwealth, it's easy to see why players may have reservations about helping a faction who is apparently as selfless as possible in their quest to liberate Synths from the oppression of the Institute. However, players who spend some time with this group will realize in no time that the intentions of this faction are genuine.

This makes the Railroad the perfect faction for players who want to stick to the side of good, even if some people complained that the ending route with this faction isn't that satisfying. Still, it's a worthwhile faction for players who want to help synths lead a normal life instead of being turned into guinea pigs by the Institute.

11 Great Khans

A Tribe Of Vicious Raiders

Fallout New Vegas Great Khans Logo
  • Appears In:Fallout: New Vegas

The Great Khans may seem like a simple raider tribe, but there's more to this group than meets the eye. They promote loyalty within their group and try not to be so animalistic and savage in their attempts to make a name for themselves in the Mojave Wasteland.

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Regardless of how players deal with this group, there's no denying that the Great Khans will make a solid impression on them. The fact that this minor faction ends up being so captivating is a huge reason why New Vegas is touted as one of the greatest RPGs ever made.

10 Gunners

A Vicious Group Of Mercenaries

A gunner named Cruz in Fallout 4
  • Appears In:Fallout 4 (Nuka-World)

The Gunners are a faction in Fallout 4 who more or less take over the role of Talon Company from Fallout 3. The Gunners are a mercenary group that will attack the player on sight. As the player levels up, the Gunners start getting better gear such as power armor and combat armor to challenge the player.

One companion, McCready, has a quest where the player must help him kill some Gunners who are giving him trouble. Players can travel to Gunner strongholds and kill their leadership, weakening their position in the Commonwealth.

9 Treeminders

A Peaceful Tribe With A Focus On Religion

Treeminders inside of Oasis
  • Appears In:Fallout 3

The Treeminders are a faction in Fallout 3 that can be found in the oddly green Oasis. Talking to the members of the faction will reveal they are worshipping a man who had turned into a tree, who is revealed to be Harold from the earlier games. Because of Harold's condition, he is spreading greenery throughout the area he is rooted at.

While most Treeminders can be found in Oasis, one former member can be found in a church, where he snipes people passing by. There is a quest related to the Treeminders where the player can either accelerate Harold's heart's growth, stop the growth, or destroy Harold's heart and kill him.

8 Regulators

Paramilitary Do-Gooders Who Operate From The Shadows

Regulators in the Capital Wasteland
  • Appears In:Fallout; Fallout 3

The Regulators are a group of vigilantes who can be found in the Capital Wasteland in Fallout 3. If a player has good karma, they can acquire a perk where the player can join the Regulators and hunt down evil characters for a profit. Likewise, Regulators can hunt down a player if they have evil karma.

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With the Lawbringer perk, players can bring the fingers of evil karma characters to the Regulators HQ for a few caps. Becoming part of the Regulators is a fun addition to the game, allowing them to feel good about killing off any evil character that crosses their path.

7 Atom Cats

Inspired By The Look Of The Greasers

Atom Cats member with the logo on their jacket
  • Appears In:Fallout 4

The Atom Cats are a group that can be found in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4. The Atom Cats are like greasers of the 1950s, including their logo on the back of their jacket, preserving the subcultural lingo from their time, and painting their power armor suits to look like hotrods.

Players can join the Atom Cats after helping repair a pump at the Warwick homestead and defending it from Gunners. If you can't find the Atom Cats garage, meeting a member named Duke who roams the Commonwealth will mark the location on the map.

6 The Kings

A Group Of Elvis Impersonators

A member of The Kings outside of their headquarters
  • Appears In:Fallout: New Vegas

The Kings are a group who can be found in Freeside in Fallout: New Vegas. The Kings were founded by a man who found a building that had images of a man who was called 'The King.' The man was Elvis, and the gang modeled their mannerisms and style after him, most specifically in his Jailhouse Rock era.

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The Kings are the most dominant group in Freeside, protecting the citizens and having the respect of the community. Through completing quests, the player can join The Kings and get their own leather jacket.

5 First Recon

A Battalion Of The NCR

Corporal Betsy at Camp McCarran
  • Appears In:Fallout: New Vegas

The 1st Recon is a group of snipers in the New California Army, known for their red berets and marksmanship. The first member of the group the player is likely to meet is Boone, a former member who can be found in Novac. The 1st Recon is famous throughout the Mojave Wasteland, especially for their role in the Bitter Springs Massacre.

The 1st Recon can be first found at Camp McCarran where the player can help them hunt down bounties and talk to the members of the squad. After helping with the bounties, the 1st Recon relocates to Camp Forlorn Hope, where they stay for the rest of the game.

4 Boomers

An Amusing Group Who Loves Bombing Everything In Sight

Boomers in front of the B-29
  • Appears In:Fallout: New Vegas

The Boomers are a group of isolated vault dwellers who can be found at Nellis Air Force Base in Fallout: New Vegas. Before living in the Air Force base, the Boomers lived at Vault 34. The Boomers wear flight jackets over their vault suits, covered in war medals and patches.

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To meet the Boomers, the player must cross a field of artillery and make it to the front gate. After the meeting, the player can help the Boomers raise a B-29 from the bottom of Lake Mead, which the Boomers will repair and use in the Battle of Hoover Dam. Depending on the choices the player makes, the Boomers may leave the base and start making contact with the rest of the wasteland.

3 Caesar's Legion

A Draconian Group Emulating The Savage Ways Of The Roman Empire

Caesar with his legion in New Vegas
  • Appears In:Fallout: New Vegas

Caesar's Legion is a major faction in Fallout: New Vegas that is fighting for control over the Hoover Dam and New Vegas. The faction models itself after the Roman Empire, having legionaries and referring to their leader as Caesar.

The Legion also has a legend amongst its ranks of the Burned Man, the legate who was burned and thrown into the Grand Canyon. This legate, now known as Joshua Graham, can be found in the Honest Hearts DLC.

2 New California Republic

Bringing Pre-War Values and Systems Back Into The World

Soldiers of the New California Republic
  • Appears In:Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas

The New California Republic was founded by residents of Vault 15, reviving the California Republic from before the war. The Republic encompasses the West Coast of America. In Fallout: New Vegas, the NCR is fighting for control of the Hoover Dam and of the Mojave Wasteland.

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The player can join the NCR and side with them in The Battle of Hoover Dam. Quests for the faction include killing off raiders in the Mojave Wasteland, protecting the president from assassination, and finding allies for the final battle.

1 Brotherhood Of Steel

Obsessed With Hoarding Pre-War Tech

Brotherhood of Steel flying into the Commonwealth
  • Appears In:Fallout;Fallout 2;Fallout 3;Fallout: New Vegas;Fallout 4;Fallout 76; Fallout Tactics;Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel

The Brotherhood of Steel was founded by an army captain named Maxson after the Great War. From their founding to the events of Fallout 4, the Brotherhood has acquired technology such as power armor, laser weapons, and even a gigantic robot named Liberty Prime.

The last descendant of Captain Maxson, Arthur Maxson, has a prominent role in leading the Brotherhood in Fallout 4. The Brotherhood defeated the Enclave in the Capital Wasteland and can go on to defeat the Institute in the Commonwealth, depending on the player's actions. The Brotherhood is a worthy foe, and not to be messed with.

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