
  • Fallout games feature badass women navigating the Wasteland, embodying S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes to thrive.
  • Characters like Cassidy, Tandi, Moira, Sarah Lyons, Piper, and Veronica exemplify strength, courage, and resilience.
  • From challenging corruption and standing up for the common good, these women shine in a world full of chaos.

For a person to survive in the Wasteland, either they need 10 out of 10 luck, a full suit of power armor, or a badass hide strong enough to withstand the irradiated monsters, cannibal chompers, and relentless raiders roaming the dead world. Fortunately, the surface in each Fallout game is populated with plenty of badass women ready and willing to do what it takes to survive and thrive, as Lucy MacLean proved from the Fallout TV show, despite her "sheltered" upbringing.

8 Hardest Fallout Games, Ranked

Some games in the Fallout series are harder than others.

As for the games, besides the player character, there are countless female NPCs who embody all the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes necessary to survive in a world gone frazzled and look good doing it. Whether it be at the business end of a sawn-off shotgun or a razor-sharp diplomatic exchange, as usual, it's up to women to hold the world together.

1 Rose of Sharon Cassidy (Fallout: New Vegas)

Hard-Drinking, Hard-Shooting, Hard-Living

rose of sharon cassidy with a whisky bottle fallout new vegas
  • A tough-as-nails caravan owner, ready to take on anyone, especially if they deserve it
  • Her nickname, "Whisky Rose," is well-deserved, as she's as quick with a shotgun as she is with a shot glass

Is there any more of an archetypal badass than Rose of Sharon Cassidy in the Fallout universe or any other? She's tough, headstrong, and fixes her problems head-on, but she also enjoys taking out her anger on those deserving of her scorn. While she is obviously no fan of the vile, slave-keeping Legion, Cass has plenty of qualms with the NCR as well.

After being informed that her livelihood was blown to dust, Cassidy Caravans' owner can be found holed up in a Mojave Outpost Barracks bar, shooting shots and renewing the lease on her nickname: Whisky Rose. Should the player leave a bottle of whisky out of their line of sight (or in her inventory), she will pound it all down immediately, leaving only an empty bottle and none to share.

2 President Tandi (Fallout 1 & 2)

From Scrappy Kid To Hardline President & Usherer Of A Golden Age

Tandi From Fallout 1 & Fallout 2
  • From a kidnapped child to a beloved leader, Tandi oversaw the NCR golden age
  • Tandi expanded the NCR's influence through diplomatic finesse and infrastructure programs, leaving a lasting legacy despite subsequent corruption

Tandi appears in both Fallout and Fallout 2; in the first instance, she is only a child. Between the two games, many years had passed, during which Tandi had become the president of the expanded Shady Sands, AKA the New California Republic, and had governed it into prosperity for 52 years. Tandi isn't just a career politician. After being kidnapped by the Great Khans and saved by the Vault Dweller, she was inspired to altruism by their heroic actions. In Fallout 2, with the help of the Chosen One (the Vault Dweller's descendent), Tandi helped to rebuild.

War Never Changes: The 16 Best Quotes From The Fallout Games

There have been a lot of awesome quotes sprinkled throughout the Fallout series. Here's a look at 10 of the all-time best.

President Tandi laid down infrastructure and forged connections across the scarred landscape. She was no mere diplomat in office, as her steely will allowed her to expand the NCR even as far as the north, where other powers resisted its influence. At 103, Tandi finally let go of the reigns and passed away. Unfortunately, she was not succeeded by a worthy successor, as many of the laws she enacted, which prevented concentrations of wealth, were overturned by President Kimball, leading to baronies and other power struggles, and much of the corruption and internal conflict seen in Fallout: New Vegas.

3 Moira Brown (Fallout 3)

The Indomitable Scholar And Survivor Of Nuclear Vaporization

Fallout 3 Moira Brown copy
  • Although she is green under the collar, Moira Brown is willing to go to any extreme to satiate her thirst for knowledge
  • Moira can survive even the most catastrophic of events, even bouncing back from a nuclear blast

Moira is the eccentric and philosophic proprietor of Craterside Supply, Megaton in the Capital Wasteland. She has a thirst for knowledge and will elicit the help of just about anyone (including the Lone Wanderer) to progress her passion project: her Wasteland Survival Guide. She may not be a shotgun savant or a genius pugilist, but her upbeat attitude and high tolerance for setbacks make her a badass all the same.

If a cheery demeanor and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge aren't enough, consider that if the Lone Wander goes down the evil route and sets off the bomb at the center of Megaton, not only will Moira survive the blast and live on as an irradiated ghoul, but she will also continue her mission without missing a beat, nonplused by her extreme, radioactive makeover.

4 Sentinel Sarah Lyons (Fallout 3)

The Roaring Pride Of The Brotherhood

Sarah Lyons fallout 3-1
  • Loved by her allies and feared by her enemies, Sentinel Sarah Lyons kicks ass every day without compromising her morals
  • Lyons is unapologetic about her abilities and position, and her confidence inspires cult-like devotion from her squad

There are few proverbial "knights in shining armor" in the wasteland, as even those sporting power armor usually have a thick layer of soot soiling their metal exterior and eternal soul. Sarah Lyons, however, is one of the few in the wasteland with a stainless steel conscience. Through her supreme combat prowess, charismatic leadership, and unyielding resolve, she has garnered many admirers among the Brotherhood of Steel and steadfast loyalty in her squad, Lyon's Pride.

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The Dark Brotherhood is the most secretive faction in Skyrim, and here are ten hidden details about them which most players missed.

She is one of only a few characters with high "good karma," but that doesn't mean she won't scatter teeth with a laser blast, nor does it make her in any way modest about her prowess or station, as she considers her position a settled matter of fact, despite being the daughter of the chapter's elder. Whether she's facing raiders, super mutants, the Enclave, or any other walking monstrosity, she will make sure to put a hole through each of them without bending an inch.

5 Piper Wright (Fallout 4)

Dragging Occurances Of Corruption Into The Publick Eye

Fallout 4 Piper Wright sitting on a couch in her office
  • Despite being an outsider, Piper Wright sticks out her neck for the common good, including challenging corrupted power
  • Piper isn't afraid to punctuate her words with gunshots if the need ever arises

Gutsier than a military-grade, three-limbed floating robot armed with plasma weaponry, Piper lives to expose the truth and chase out corruption wherever she sees it. She is more inclined to use her newspaper, Publick Occurrences, to combat injustice, but when more than accusations fly, she's known to pull out her 10mm and punctuate anyone fool enough to cross her with extreme prejudice.

Piper is never afraid to punch up, which tends to create tension between her and those in positions of power, and even her loved ones when they get caught in the crossfire. She learned never to follow authority blindly, as her father was killed for exposing a plot to allow raiders to ravage a town, all at the town leader's behest. In Diamond City, she acts as an agitator but always for the common good. Risk for Piper is just a part of the job, and she counts her achievements on how many scrapes and assassination attempts she survives.

6 Journeyman Scribe Veronica Renata Santangelo (Fallout: New Vegas)

Handy With A Toolbox, Handles Fools With Ease

Veronica in Fallout New Vegas
  • Eschewing guns or melee weapons, Veronica handles her problems with a closed fist
  • Although she respects the Brotherhood of Steel's leadership, Veronica is never afraid to voice her doubts or aggravations

Veronica isn't just talented at taking apart machines; she's also good at disassembling the flesh, blood, nervous system, or circuitry of anyone or anything that comes into contact with her pneumatic fist when she's in a bad mood. That includes going mano-a-mano with giant radscorpions, cazadores, and deathclaws if need be, making her a formidable companion as well as an excellent adventure partner.

Although she is loyal to the Brotherhood, Veronica is never afraid of speaking her mind, bending the rules when necessary, and never cowers away from questioning the ill-thought-out orders of her superiors. Should the player foolishly wish to cross her by murdering all of her family in the Brotherhood bunker, she will not hesitate to avenge them.

5 Post-Apocalyptic Games With Strong Female Protagonists

As the post apocalyptic survival genre continues to enjoy popularity, gamers are finally seeing strong, independent women in leading roles.