Fallout contains many intriguing mysteries found throughout the franchise, some of which span through multiple installments. The most famous examples of this are the alien occupation of Earth and various Lovecraftian horrors found in certain locations. Despite these seemingly two vastly different ideas, there is a chance that they are actually related.

Though Fallout's main themes are that of the nature of humanity and war, it is not afraid to delve into otherworldly concepts. When it does explore these ideas, it does so with layers of intrigue in mystery as to not tell the player too much. However, Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter may have let the cat out of the bag on the secret relationship between its aliens and Lovecraftian horrors.

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Where Fallout’s Aliens and Lovecraftian Horrors Intersect

Fallout's aliens and Lovecraftian horrors have had a long run in the franchise. Lovecraftian horror themes first appeared in Fallout 3 in the form of the Dunwich building and would later appear again in its Point Lookout DLC. Compared to concept of aliens however, it is much younger of a concept. Fallout's history of alien intervention goes all the way back to the first Fallout game released in 1997. In it, the player can find a crashed alien spaceship, confirming the existence of aliens in the in-game universe. There are even NPCs in Fallout 2 that confirm that groups like the Enclave have had dealings with extraterrestrial beings.

For a long time, the wildcard of these two mysteries has been the inclusion of these oddly shaped giant heads found throughout the franchise. These giant, metallic heads can be found all the way back in Fallout 3 and are in locations typically associated with Lovecraftian horrors. This includes the aforementioned Dunwich building, the Dunwich Borers in Fallout 4, and near Ithe Interloper in Fallout 76. For that reason, many have associated this dark Fallout mystery with Lovecraftian horrors. However, Fallout Shelter contain a hint that Lovecraftian horrors may have a link to the extraterrestrial.

In Fallout Shelter, players can obtain the SSR card, Lorenzo Cabot, who is actually a character from Fallout 4. This character was deemed to have gone insane after placing what seems to be an alien artifact on his head. It gave him otherworldly powers, such as immortality and an extreme resistance to physical damage. However, what is of note about his card in Fallout Shelter is that he is standing in front of one of the giant, metal heads mentioned before, and its eyes are glowing. This strongly suggests there is a relationship between Fallout's Lovecraftian horror themes and its extraterrestrial beings.

In a lot of ways, this brings up just as many questions as it does answers. For example, while it does suggest there is a relationship between aliens and the Lovecraftian horrors found throughout the game, it does not prove it is same species as the one players currently interact with in the Fallout games. Also, there is a chance that the artifact Lorenzo Cabot wears isn't an alien artifact at all, rather belonging to a previous iteration of the human species. After all, the only individual who actually believes the artifact is alien in nature is Jack Cabot, and he may not be a reliable source. Regardless, it does illustrate an interesting picture of one Fallout's most chilling mysteries.

While players will likely see these themes making an appearance in Fallout 5, it is interesting to speculate with what clues players have been provided by the developer. After all, one of Fallout's most interesting aspects is seeing how plot lines develop throughout its various installments.

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