Fallout 76 earned itself a bad reputation as the worst title of the franchise upon its release in 2018. The post-apocalyptic RPG took controversial departures from the Fallout series formula, such as its multiplayer focus and lack of NPCs. In conjunction with glaring performance issues and bugs, these deviations caused an uproar among fans. Reviews declaring Fallout 76 a monotonous, uninspired, and buggy game were abundant. So much so that many believed Bethesda would abandon the game and move on to other promising projects.

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Bethesda was not willing to renounce Fallout 76 just yet, however. Soon after launch, the infamous prequel to the Fallout franchise underwent countless updates. Many of which corrected substantial issues and improved the overall experience. These improvements have dramatically altered Fallout 76 and granted it another chance at success. The efforts of Bethesda were not in vain, as their most controversial title to date began rising in popularity. Several improvements, in particular, have made Fallout 76 an RPG worth playing in 2022.

Updated July 19, 2022, by Christopher Anaya: Fallout 76 is a game that none expected to last more than a few years after its abysmal launch. Yet, despite the fans' beliefs and Bethesda's disappointment, the game has beaten the odds to remain relevant for many years. This unexpected comeback is due to numerous improvements and alterations to solve problems seen at Fallout 76's launch. Such changes turned this once dissatisfying RPG into an entirely different game that goes above and beyond to meet fans' expectations.

Now, Fallout 76 receives praise for being a riveting multiplayer experience that remains true to the Fallout universe. Players can spend days traversing the expanse of Appalachia, fulfilling quests, building settlements, and tagging along with others for events. What was once an empty and bleak game is now a famed multiplayer RPG worth trying in 2022 and the coming years. There are many reasons, but those listed here are among the most prominent that contributed most to the revitalization of Fallout 76, redeeming it from its sloppy start.

7 Fixes And Quality Of Life Updates

Fallout 76 players walking through camp

When Fallout 76 was released, it was a mess of glitches and clunky mechanics that dulled the experience. The poor performance of the RPG caused fans much annoyance as they struggled to get through the game. Those unbothered by the differences of Fallout 76 were certainly discouraged by this. Bethesda has since fixed many pressing issues and released quality of life updates to boot in hopes of resolving the contempt these issues wrought.

Fallout 76 now boasts little to no extensive glitches, with serious bugs being dealt with swiftly. Players can enjoy everything the RPG offers without fear of potentially disastrous issues. With these fixes also came the various quality of life updates that refined particular aspects of Fallout 76, such as increasing the carrying capacity of the stash box. The RPG is now the well-performing and near-flawless game players expected at launch.

6 Better Solo Support

fallout 76 legendary cores

Bethesda surprised many with the reveal of Fallout 76 being a multiplayer game, as such a thing was unprecedented for the franchise. This controversial decision met with concern among fans, especially those that prefer playing solo. Bethesda claimed that it was possible to play alone, but the game punished those who did. Fallout 76 has received extensive support to cater to these solo players.

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While Fallout 76 still has no dedicated single-player mode, it has succeeded in making lone players feel comfortable. Solo players no longer have to worry about relying on others, as they can defeat enemies, progress the story, and take on events alone. There are no substantial benefits of playing on a team that will make solo players feel limited. Fallout 76 is now solo player-friendly, despite having no official single-player mode.

5 Better Multiplayer Support

Fallout 76 survivors standing around power armor

The key selling point of Fallout 76 was that it was the first multiplayer title of the franchise, yet it lacked appropriate online support. The servers were significantly unstable, causing players to lag or disconnect frequently. Fallout 76 promised fans a thrilling multiplayer experience in the Fallout universe and ultimately failed to deliver. Many of the first updates to the RPG worked extensively to fix the game's erratic server, making it far more stable.

Fallout 76 can support multiplayer with little to no issues, making even server-wide lag rare. Players can now enjoy the RPG with their friends, free of detrimental connectivity problems. In addition to multiplayer support, Fallout 76 implemented features to improve teams, such as the Public Teams System. These improvements allow players to enjoy the multiplayer of Fallout 76 just as they have envisioned.

4 New Content And DLC


Fallout 76 was remarkably lacking in content, despite having a map four times the size of Fallout 4. Appalachia was a beautiful region but was largely empty and void of things to do. Players could only wander in hopes of coming across a compelling quest or intriguing location. Since its launch, Fallout 76 has introduced a great deal of new content and DLC to fill the Appalachian's emptiness.

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Fallout 76 is now brimming with things for players to do, granting them hours upon hours of playtime. With the introduction of dozens of NPCs, several main questlines, hundreds of items, and more, the RPG finally feels like a Fallout game. Appalachia is ironically no longer an empty wasteland but a lively region with much to offer. There is no limit as to what players can achieve in Fallout 76.

3 Competitive Seasons


In addition to Fallout 76's lack of multiplayer support, the RPG also lacked incentives to invest players in the game. There was little to do beyond completing the main story and enjoying end-game events, such as bombarding Appalachia with nukes. Players would have little reason to keep playing Fallout 76 once they accomplished these things. The RPG has introduced seasons to keep fans interested.

Fallout 76's seasons offer players additional quests, challenges, and rewards. Players who invest time and energy into the game will benefit greatly, as seasons grant unique prizes as they progress. The more advancements that players make, the better the rewards become. Players can spend hours in Fallout 76 completing seasonal quests and challenges, granting them more to do while rewarding them.

2 Upcoming Content And DLC

Fallout 76 Roadmap 2022

Fallout 76 has introduced plenty of new content and DLC, granting players countless hours of playtime. Despite this, Bethesda intends to support the RPG for many years. Fallout 76 will bring new content and DLC, increasing the game's longevity. Every addition to the RPG offers players is fresh and exciting, going beyond players' expectations for the game and the franchise.

The new content and DLC seen in Fallout 76's first year displayed much diversity. The year one roadmap introduced unique new quests, features, game modes, etc., which were unprecedented. These new additions changed Fallout 76 dramatically, turning it from a bleak and empty game into a lively, fun-filled experience. Upcoming content and DLC promise to do the same, reinventing and improving the RPG.

1 Bethesda's Five-Year Plan

Fallout 76 Five-Year Plan

According to Bethesda, Fallout 76 is not only expecting a slew of new content this year but for many years to come. There is a five-year plan for the game promising enough new content to keep fans' interest for much time. Bethesda guarantees to keep Fallout 76 relevant for this amount of time at a minimum, but chances are, this plan will extend the period for much longer. This project is something that many will be excited to see as long as Bethesda keeps fans interested in the game.

Those looking to give Fallout 76 a try or those that saw it through will be excited to know that this five-year plan has much support and dedication from Bethesda. The team behind the game has much planned for the future, ambitious projects that will go above and beyond anything ever expected. For this reason alone, Fallout 76 is a game worth trying in 2022 and will continue to be until 2027. Should it remain relevant, it could last for another couple of years or even about a decade as The Elder Scrolls: Online has.

Fallout 76 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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