While Fallout 76 players were critical of the game at launch, there's no denying that the developers have worked hard to turn the game's post-apocalyptically poor reputation around. The most recent content update re-introduced a classic Fallout location alongside three new trophies / achievements for players to unlock.

Among these new achievements / trophies, arguably the most fun of the three is called 'Troglodiced,' and involves killing a vast number of Trogs with the Auto Axe. For players looking to get all the achievements the game has to offer, here's a guide.

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How To Get The Auto Axe Plans

fallout 76 score screen with auto axe crafting selected

For players looking to get the Auto Axe sooner rather than later, the first fifteen tiers of Fallout 76's equivalent of a battle pass must be completed. Scoreboard XP can be earned in the following ways:

  • Completing daily challenges
  • Completing weekly challenges
  • Purchased using the in-game currency, Atoms. Skipping directly to Tier 15 will cost roughly 2000 atoms.

If players are trying to get the Auto Axe plans after the current season has concluded, however, they need to speak to the newly introduced Whitespring Refuge NPC, Giuseppe Della Ripa. He can be found behind a bar, and only trades with stamps. These are earned by completing daily missions for the Whitespring Refuge NPCs.

How To Craft An Auto Axe

After the plans have been unlocked and claimed from the scoreboard screen, players must use a weapon workbench to craft the auto axe. Its exact crafting recipe varies depending on the level the auto axe is being crafted at, but players will need between 5 and 20 of each of the following components:

  • Gears
  • Adhesive
  • Oil
  • Screws
  • Steel

Modifying the Auto Axe further with elemental effects or legendary modifiers is also recommended for greater damage output.

Where to Find Trogs

Fallout 76 Trogs crawling around in The Pitt

After visiting the now-inhabited Whitespring Refuge for the first time meeting its many NPC quest-givers, players will eventually finish the 'Responders Reborn' main quest and unlock transport to the iconic formerly-Pittsburgh Fallout location, The Pitt.

Getting there requires fuel for the group's vertibird. Despite the Fallout series taking place in a post-apocalyptic nightmare, Appalachia apparently has an unlimited supply of Ultracite batteries, so players will simply need to complete the Whitespring Refuge's three daily quests to gain a trip to The Pitt. It's also possible to join another player's Pitt expedition to avoid having to wait 24 hours between trips.Once they've reached The Pitt, Trogs will be plentiful. It should be noted that the 'From Ashes To Fire' expedition features significantly larger numbers of Trog enemies, though.

To prepare themselves for The Pitt, players should bring the following:

  • Power armor
  • A melee-focused set of perk cards
  • Plenty of Stimpaks
  • Plenty of Radaway
  • Plenty of Disease Cures
  • Plenty of food and water
  • A Hazmat suit
  • The Auto-Axe, of course
  • Firearms to deal with non-Trog enemies
  • Friends — damaging the Trog with the axe and having another player kill it still countsas progress towards this trophy

When the hundredth Trog enemy has fallen to the almighty auto-axe, the trophy / achievement will unlock.

Some players have reported needing to kill more than a hundred Trogs for the trophy / achievement to unlock. It's possible that only standard 'Trog' enemies count, and 'variants' (such as the Trog Superior and Trog Fledgling) do not. If players are confident that their kill numbers have exceeded a hundred, they're encouraged to keep slaying Trogs until the trophy / achievement relents and is unlocked.

Fallout 76 is available on Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC.

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