By now, the problems surrounding Fallout 76 are widely known. It lacked a lot of the oomph previous titles in the series had and its launch on PC was absolutely abysmal. There are certainly those who are enjoying their romp through the wastelands of West Virginia, but there are still those who are sorely disappointed in what the game has to offer. This week, at a recent panel at PAX East, executive producer Todd Howard touched on the rocky launch of Fallout 76, admitting there were "a lot of difficulties" while developing the title.

The fact that the team faced difficulties should go without saying, considering the product's issues made its development history quite clear to those who played it. "We knew that we were going to have a lot of bumps coming out with the game, and we definitely had some, some of them a lot harder than we anticipated," Howard said. "And this was a very new and different project for us."

"To be honest, we had a lot of difficulties during development and sometimes those difficulties do show up on the screen. You never want them to. We grew the studio, we're four different studios now in North America...and this was a game that really took a ton of people across those four studios coming together to make work."

Howard failed to elaborate on the details of what these difficulties were, instead choosing to talk about the developer's continued dedication to improve upon Fallout 76, adding, "There's a lot of cool content coming."

Bethesda is still facing difficulties, as expected, but the really devastating issues facing the title at launch have mostly been ironed out. There have been many strides to fix lingering problems and improve on the experience. For example, the developer recently rolled out a fix for item duplication and server disconnects that were causing headaches for players. Additionally, Stash limits were raised to combat issues with inventory management. All-in-all, jumping into Fallout 76 now will be a better experience than it was at launch.

Those interested in roaming the post-apocalyptic wasteland should take a glance at the game's roadmap, which provides a clear picture of what new content is coming, such as the Wild Appalachia expansion. With this update, a new crafting system will be introduced that will even allow Fallout 76 players to brew their own beer.

Fallout 76 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.