Over the years, Fallout gamers have seen some very dangerous creatures, from Centaurs in Fallout 3 to Cazadors in Fallout New Vegas. Fallout 76 also features lots of enemies who are hard to kill, like Scorchbeast Queens, Assaultrons, and more. There are lots of enemies in the game that can down players in just one hit. However, the game also has a few enemies that are stronger than one would think at first glance.

From Anglers to Mirelurk Kings, some creatures in Fallout 76 pack a surprisingly hard-hitting punch. As the updates for the game keep rolling in, players may see new surprisingly powerful enemies being added to Fallout 76 in the near future.

Fallout 76: 8 Underrated Weapons

Fallout 76 has a huge weapons armory for players to use, and while the meta weapons are established, others have undeservedly flown under the radar.

6 Mr. Gutsy Robots

Designed To Pack A Punch

A Mr Gutsy Robot in Fallout 76




Don't have particularly high HP.

Multiple forms of attacks

Crippling their lefs results in self-destruction.

Mostly found in groups

Their thrusters are weak points.

Players would expect Mr. Gutsy Robots to be fairly strong since they are military robots. Even so, they seem to have some unfair advantages when compared to other robots in the game. Players would assume that the much larger Sentry Bots would be much more powerful than Mr. Gutsies, but this doesn't seem to be the case.

Mr. Gutsy Robots are fast-firing, hard-hitting robots that can take down even veteran players in just a few shots. It is unclear why these robots are stronger than other much larger robots, but one thing is for certain: players wouldn't want to be surrounded by these deadly military machines.

5 Radscorpions

A New Player's Worst Nightmare

Radscorpion in Fallout 76



Relentless hunters

No ranged attacks

Inflict poison damage

Can't attack players who are off the ground.

Lots of HP

Its face is a weak point.

While exploring the ruins of post-war Appalachia, players will inevitably come across Radscorpions. These mutated scorpions are fast, powerful, and can pop up out of the ground to surprise the player. They have also been known to follow players for great distances, making them almost impossible to shake off.

Radscorpions deal large amounts of poison damage. While the damage can be somewhat mitigated by using the Funky Duds legendary effect, these mutated insects are still tough to kill, thanks to their ability to go underground whenever they like and pop up next to the player to cause maximum damage.

4 Ants

A Real Nuisance

An Ant in Fallout 76




Vulnerable to ranged weapons.


Not a particularly powerful attacker.

Often found in groups

Its face is its weak point.

Unlike the other entries on this list, ants aren't strong in the conventional sense. These creatures can be quite tricky to kill because they are small and tend to blend in with their environment. They can also take quite a beating thanks to their tough exoskeleton.

Fallout 76: Best VATS Builds

VATS plays a critical role in many high-damage builds in Fallout 76. Here's how to set one up.

Ants are typically found in groups of between three to five. They can be particularly annoying for non-VATS, users as the best way to take down these insects is to use VATS to find them.

3 Mirelurk Kings

An All-Round Nightmare

A Mirelurk King in Fallout 76



Ranged and melee attacks

Vulnerable to explosive attacks.

High HP

Cryo attacks slow them down.

Can stun players with its sonic blast attack.

Its face is a weak point.

In Fallout 76, standard Mirelurks are pretty easy to kill. However, Mirelurk Kings are typically found alongside Mirelurks, and those creatures know how to inflict damage. Not only do they have hard-hitting melee attacks, but they can also send out sonic blasts that can hurt and disorient the player.

Since Mirelurk Kings have both a melee and a ranged attack, players can't hop on a roof and shoot them safely from a distance. Mirelurk Kings are challenging for both low-level and high-level players. Their combination of high health, fast movement, and piercing attacks can take down players in just a couple of strikes.

2 Angler

Fire Spitting Monsters

An Angler in Fallout 76



Shoot flaming mucus balls

Limbs are easily crippled.

Melee and ranged attacks

Ranged attacks aren't very accurate.

High HP

Vulnerable to armor piercing attacks.

With the ability to blend in with its surroundings, the Angler is an incredibly strong enemy with an almost overpowered attack. These creatures can shoot out large flaming balls of mucus that cause lots of damage.

They can fire these balls pretty far, and unless the player has various fire protection perks and armor pieces equipped, they will have a hard time dealing with the barrage of snotty fire. Thanks to that and their high HP and good energy damage resistance, these creatures are some of the most surprisingly powerful enemies in the game.

1 Cave Crickets

Strangely Powerful And Fast

A Cave Cricket in Fallout 76



Powerful armor piercing melee attacks

Energy attacks

Often found in groups

Limbs are easily crippled

Fast movement speed and ability to jump

No ranged attack

Cave Crickets top the list when it comes to strangely strong enemies in Fallout 76. These creatures are tanky, powerful, and fast, making them deadly foes. Cave Crickets also have very high damage resistance, which makes them hard to kill.

Due to their relatively small size when compared to other powerful creatures, it's easy to underestimate Cave Crickets. They tend to be found in groups. Just two or three of these creatures can be enough to kill the player multiple times. It's best to use fast-firing ranged weapons to deal with these deadly predators.

fallout 76
Fallout 76

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
Action , RPG