In Fallout 76, the Scorched have taken over as the Ghouls in the series. After the Great War, the people of West Virginia were exposed to a sickness that turned them in the creatures seen in the game -- the Scorched. These enemies are sure to stand out, as they have crystals in their skin and look similar to Marked Men from The Divide.

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Running into these foes are sure to surprise players as they go into old buildings, as they can be found inhabiting the world of West Virginia. Before the inclusion of humans in an update, Scorched acted as the remains of humanity for Fallout 76.

10 Becomes Petrified Corpse After Some Time

It would seem the Scorched have a limited life span when compared to Ghouls. Players are able to find the bodies of Scorched, called Petrified Corpses, frozen in place around West Virginia.

These corpses do not hold very valuable loot, but a few can be searched. Players are able to find ammo and little pieces of junk. These corpses also take on the loot of rock with green crystals sticking out of them.

9 Holds On To Bits Of Past Life

Scorched in West Virginia are residents who were not lucky enough to get into a vault. Players can see that these creatures sometimes carry on bits of their past lives. In one event, Scorched can be seen carrying protest signs, still protesting from before the war.

A few newer Scorched can be found, wearing the same outfits as raiders found throughout the region. It is interesting to see these enemies still carry on as if the Great War has never happened.

8 Animals Can Be Infected By Scorched Plague

Humans are not the only ones who can be infected by the Scorched Plague. Deathclaws, bears, and mole rats are also able to be infected. Animals with the infected will be seen with pinkish skin and scars.

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Certain animals are immune to the plague, such as cats, brahmin, and ragstags. Besides a change in how the creature looks, nothing like health or damage is changed.

7 Dropped Gifts During Christmas

These Scorched were included during the Holiday Scorched community event. The enemies will wear a Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, or a festive suit. The Scorched will also emit a jingling noise when they are nearby.

These enemies will also drop holiday gifts, containing different levels of loot. Players are able to get a large number of caps, rare gift items, and rare plans.

6 Playable Character Can Be Infected With Scorched Plague Variant

The playable character of Fallout 76 either lived before the bombs dropped or was born in the vault. This means they should have no immunity to the Scorched Plague that ravages the area. Despite this, the player cannot turn into one of the infected.

Players will instead be infected with a condition called The Blight. This will lower the player's SPECIAL skills by 1 point for up to 3 hours.

5 Scorchbeasts Were Created By The Enclave

Scorchbeasts are what the Scorched are connected to. The creatures also are what infects playable characters with The Blight. What players might not know is that these creatures were created by the Enclave on accident.

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The Scorchbeast was created when the Enclave exposed irradiated bats to biochemical experiments. With the track record of the Enclave, it should be no surprise they are behind the creation of these creatures.

4 Scorched Connected By Hive Mind to Scorchbeast

Scorchbeasts are responsible for infecting the people of West Virginia with the Scorched Plague. This has also caused the people of West Virginia to become linked together to a hive mind. Despite this hive mind, Scorched are able to retain a bit of humanity.

Scorched can still carry weapons and can be heard speaking bits of English. It is interesting to note, if the Vault 76 Resident did not push back the Scorched, humanity could have gone extinct.

3 Responders Were Creating A Cure

The Responders were trying to create a cure for the plague before they were killed off. The group was doing this at the Morgantown Airport under the control of Dr. Claire Hudson. The Responders even tried to reverse the disease.

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The disease proved to be too lethal to cure. The Responders tried to find a cure, as they thought the Scorched would become a bigger threat and destroy anything in the infected's path.

2 Scorched Plague Explains Why No Humans At First

Players are sure to remember there were no wastelanders in the game until the Wastelanders update. This was explained by the Scorched Plague, which infected practically every human in West Virginia. Slowly, new wastelanders and raiders moved into West Virginia, meaning NPCs made an appearance.

Players are tasked with creating a type of vaccine for the new arrivals in order to stop the spread of the infection. It works, and West Virginia once again becomes inhabited by alive and functioning humans.

1 Some Carry Nuclear Launch Codes

Members of the military were not spared when the Scorched Plague hit West Virginia. A few of these military members also carried nuclear launch codes on them. These Scorched have a backpack that gives off a high pitched beep and can be noticed by their berets.

By getting 8 codes from these former officers, players are able to launch nukes from missile silos. It is almost like the Vault 76 Resident did not learn the lesson of what nuclear devices can do to the world.

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