
  • Fallout 76's Skyline Valley update brings in new enemies like Thrashers, The Lost, Thunder Crab, and Storm Goliaths.
  • The new enemies have different strengths and weaknesses, with some being tougher to kill than others in the game.
  • Players can expect new weapons, plans, events, and quests as they explore the Skyline Valley region in FO76's latest major update.

Fallout 76's first-ever map expansion has brought in new quests, events, weapons, plans, and more. It has also brought in a handful of new enemies. While some of them are pretty similar to enemies that have been in the game for a while, they have new looks and different attack styles to spice things up.

Fallout 76: How to Start the Skyline Valley Update

Skyline Valley is the 19th major update for FO76. Here's how players can start it.

As players make their way through the Skyline Valley region, they will come across all sorts of new enemies. Some of them are tough to kill, others are attack fast, and some are just plain strange. Each new enemy has its strengths and weaknesses that players should know about.

4 Thrashers

Overgrown Angry Turkeys

Thrasher in Fallout 76

Thrashers look like oversized turkeys. While they aren't particularly hard-hitting, these creatures are fast runners. They also tend to hang out in packs, which can make it rather tricky for players to take them down. That said, a few well-placed shots will take down one of these pecking pests pretty quickly. They can be found dotted all over Skyline Valley., and players will randomly come across them as they explore the new region.

Players can come across three different types of Thrashers: regular Thrashers, Toxic Thrashers, and Alpha Thrashers. Out of the three different types, Alpha Thrashers are the hardest to kill, as they are slightly stronger than the other two variants. That said, any player carrying a decent weapon should have no problem dealing with an Alpha Thrasher. Since they tend to run in packs, if the player comes across a few of them, then the best course of action is to jump onto any nearby structure and fire at them from above.

3 The Lost

Electric Ghouls

The Lost in Fallout 76

The Lost are a new enemy type that roams around Skyline Valley. They are electrically-charged enemies, and while some are feral, others aren't. Whether they are feral or not, The Lost will attack the player on sight. That is, with the exception of those living inside Vault 63.

Fallout 76 Explains How Transforming Into a Ghoul Will Work

Following recent confirmation that Fallout 76 players will soon be able to transform into Ghouls, Bethesda explains how this will work.

The Lost that are most dangerous are the ones that aren't yet feral, as they can utilize weapons and armor to attack the player. There are several different types of Lost that the player can encounter while exploring Skyline Valley:

  • Feral Lost
  • Lost Dweller
  • Lost Builder
  • Lost Welder
  • Lost Engineer
  • Lost Heavy Engineer
  • Lost Robot Master
  • Lost Champion
  • Lost Exalted Champion

Typically, these enemies aren't hard to take down. A few bullets or a few swings of a melee weapon should do the trick. The trickiest Lost to deal with are those who wear Power Armor, as they are tanky enemies with lots of health. These may be quite challenging for lower-level players.

2 Thunder Crab

Dangerous Pastimes Event Boss

Thunder Crab in Fallout 76

The Thunder Crab is a special variant of the hermit crab that can be found in the Mire Region. What makes the Thunder Crab different from regular hermit crabs is the fact that it's charged by lightning.

The Thunder Crab comes to life during the Dangerous Pastimes event. It is a 3-star legendary enemy that has plenty of health and a hard-hitting attack that can potentially down players in a single hit if they get too close. Players will need to take down the Thunder Crab in order to complete Dangerous Pastimes. Usually, there are enough players at the event to take down the Thunder Crab fairly quickly, but, if there are only a couple of people present, then the best way to take down this creature is to hop onto the substation tower and shoot it from above.

Since the Thunder Crab is a tough enemy, killing it will net the player a healthy amount of XP. Just be sure to get at least one hit on the Thunder Crab to receive the XP. Upon completing Dangerous Pastimes, players may be awarded one of the games' new rewards. Some of them can be seen below:

  • V-63-BERTHA
  • Red Terror
  • Plan: Burnt Vault Chemist Coat
  • Plan: V63 Security Outfit
  • Plan: Moe The Mole Safety Cutout

1 Storm Goliaths

Neurological Pastimes Event Boss

Storm Goliath in Fallout 76

Similar to the Scorchbeast Queen, Earle Williams, and The Ultracite Titan, Storm Goliaths are a part of a Nuked event. Neurological Warfare is the newest endgame boss battle. It sees players taking on three Storm Goliaths inside Hawksbill Weather Station.

Fallout 76: How To Launch A Nuke

Fallout 76 gives players complete freedom to explore the wastelands and one of the most satisfying things to do is discovering how to launch a nuke.

Storm Goliaths are giant, electrically-charged robots that have devastating attacks and insanely high damage resistances. In order to complete Neurological Warfare, players will need to take down all three Storm Goliaths within 25 minutes.

While this may seem like a daunting challenge, these enemies have one major weakness: Gamma Guns. It's unclear whether this was an intended weakness put in by the developers, or if it was some sort of accident, but regular non-legendary Gamma Guns can take these robots down quickly and easily. Since all the Storm Goliaths are 3-star legendary enemies, taking them down will award the player with three 3-star legendary items. Also, killing a Storm Goliath awards players a decent amount of XP.

Upon completing Neurological Warfare, players have a chance to receive one of the following new weapons that were introduced with the Skyline Valley update:

  • V63-OLGA
  • V63-HELGA
  • Anchorage Ace
  • Plan To Craft The V63 Zweihaender
fallout 76
Fallout 76

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
November 14, 2018
Action , RPG