Fallout 76 is marked by a distinct lack of tutorials, which has left players to their own devices as they attempt to determine what exactly they can do in the game. Now, industrious Vault Dwellers have come across yet another mechanic never formally introduced by Bethesda's new multiplayer RPG: animal taming.

As outlined in a Reddit post by u/warbrand2, when an animal is tamed, it is sent to the captor's C.A.M.P., which it will defend until it has been killed or the base is moved. It is speculated that tamed animals are intended to move with C.A.M.P.s, as they remain in the location of the moved base and only despawn when a player logs out of Fallout 76, but that has not been confirmed by Bethesda.

For those that are looking to add an animal defender to their C.A.M.P., it is first worth noting that not all of Appalachia's animals can be tamed. Currently, players have confirmed the following species are tamable, though more are likely to be added to the list as the mechanic is further explored:

  • Brahmin
  • Deathclaw
  • Mega Sloth
  • Mongrel
  • Radstag
  • Yao Guai

Further, not every instance of these animals can be tamed in Fallout 76. While players are still determining the exact criteria for a tamable animal, it is currently believed that the following must be true:

  • The animal must be less than half of the tamer's level.
  • The animal must spawn alone.
  • The animal must be a random spawn, not tied to an event where it will continually respawn.
fallout 76 taming a yao guai

The animals are not the only party that must meet certain criteria, however, as players will need to tune their characters specifically if they want to be an animal tamer.

To begin, animal taming requires a build focused around Charisma, and a higher Charisma stat appears to allow for higher difficulty animals to be tamed. For example, reports suggest that six Charisma is sufficient to tame a level 16 Yao Guai while the confirmed captures of level 21 Deathclaws have come from players with nine Charisma or more. Players that are looking to tame all of the beasts of Appalachia should focus on maximizing their Charisma stat.

Additionally, taming animals requires a full three levels of the Animal Friend perk. Animal Friend is a Charisma-based perk that becomes available at level 30. With this perk, players have a chance to be able to pacify animals, and, at level three, taming becomes possible. Once an animal has been returned to C.A.M.P. it will remain there even if the perk card is removed.

With a high Charisma stat and a maxed Animal Friend perk equipped, a "Tame" option will appear when pointing a gun at a tamable beast. A player must simply press the designated button to capture it.

While players are still determining all of the intricacies of the animal taming mechanic, this is the foundation, and it is the first indication that solo players may want to focus on a Charisma-based build. For the many players that may be interested in animal taming but have not invested a single point in Charisma, there is hope beyond starting an entirely new character. As announced by Bethesda, players will be able to move stat points after level 50 following a December 11 patch.

This new discovery may leave some confused about why Bethesda would not call more attention to this unique mechanic, but it indicates that there is a bit more to Fallout 76 than meets the eye. Now, if players can find ways to turn their captured animals into following companions, fans will really have something to be excited about.

Fallout 76 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Reddit

Images: u/warbrand2, u/Too_many_novelties