One of the most iconic staples of the Fallout franchise is the hulking power armor that players use to battle their way through the apocalyptic wasteland. The earliest trailers for Fallout 76 confirmed that the armor would still be a part of the series this time around, but players have been curious about how the suits will work in a multiplayer environment. After spending tons of time with the game's beta, Game ZXC can now help shed some light on those questions.

Most importantly, Fallout 76 players will be happy to hear that other users cannot steal your power armor. Once a players has found and entered a frame, they own that armor and other users can't take it from them. That means that it is safe to step outside of the armor and walk away from it for a few minutes if necessary. If players stray too far or don't return to their armor, it will teleport back to their inventory, rather than sitting out in the forest for another player to loot.

With that concern out of the way, players can start to think about how to actually obtain the iconic armor. The power armor frames are scattered throughout the wasteland and can usually be found in abandoned factories or old military structures. Players simply need to stumble onto a power armor frame in order to claim it (assuming they meet the minimum level requirements needed to walk away with it).

Here is a list of confirmed Power Armor locations compiled from our playthrough, Reddit, and IGN...


Aaronholdt Homestead

Morgantown Warehouse

Point Pleasant

Eastern Regional Penitentiary

Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant

There are likely plenty of other power armor spawn points that will be discovered when the game launches this week, but those are the ones that were confirmed during the limited beta testing windows. Keep in mind that if you arrive at one of the locations and the armor is gone, another player may have already been there and claimed it for themself.

Be sure to check back in the coming days for more Fallout 76 news, updates, and strategy guides.

Fallout 76 launches on November 14th for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.