With season 17 live in Fallout 76, players are plowing their way through the challenges to unlock all the new rewards. The way that season progression works has changed recently. There used to be a scoreboard where players had to unlock each item in order. Now, players have some degree of choice when it comes to unlocking rewards.

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Fallout 76's Skyline Valley update brought with it a few new guns for players to add to their collection.

While lots of players think that the best strategy is just to complete the challenges as fast as possible to earn SCORE quickly, there are a few clever ways that players can speed up the ranking process. In the past, some players have been able to complete the season and unlock all of the rewards in less than 1 week.

Don't Complete Weekly Challenge Straight Away

Wait To Receive Extra SCORE

Challenges Screen in Fallout 76

While it may seem counter-intuitive, players should avoid completing weekly challenges when they are released. The normal weekly update time for Fallout 76 is Tuesdays at around 10 am EST.

While the challenges vary, there is one particular challenge that remains the same: earn a gold star daily challenge for 3 days. Every day, if the player completes all of the challenges (all but one for Fallout 1st members), then they will receive a gold star. This not only gives the player a nice amount of SCORE, but if the player completes all of the challenges for 3 days, then they will receive the weekly rewards for even more SCORE.

If you complete all of the daily challenges for Tuesday and Wednesday, then on Thursday, activate a SCORE Booster to gain a 25% boost to all SCORE earned for 24 hours. After activating the SCORE Booster, complete all of Thursday's daily challenges and all of the weekly challenges to really maximize the amount of SCORE you earn.

SCORE Boosters can be unlocked during the season and purchased from the Atomic Shop. For players who are looking to purchase SCORE Boosters, the prices and quantities can be seen below:

  • 1 x SCORE Booster: 100 Atoms
  • 3 x SCORE Boosters: 250 Atoms
  • 7 x SCORE Boosters: 500 Atoms

Use XP Boosting Items

A Boost For 100 Ranks

Lunchbox in Fallout 76

For the first 100 ranks, players will earn extra SCORE for every 10,000 XP they earn. So, by using XP-boosting items, it's possible to rank up even after completing all of the daily and weekly challenges.

There are lots of ways that players can give themselves a boost to their XP gain. The best ones can be seen below:

  • Lunchboxes: Up To 100% XP Gain
  • Unyielding Armor: Up To +3 Intelligence Per Piece (Every Point in Intelligence Boosts XP Gain)
  • Join A Casual Team: Up To +4 Intelligence
  • Cranberry Relish or Tasty Squirrel Stew: Up To 25% XP Gain
  • Berry Mentats: +5 Intelligence
  • Inspirational Perk Card: Up To 15% XP Boost While on A Team
  • Egg Head Serum: Up To +8 Intelligence
  • Sleep: +5% XP Gain
  • Live and Love 8 Magazine: +5% XP Gain

You should also keep an eye out for Double XP Weekends as the boosts mentioned above stack with Double XP Weekends, meaning that you can earn more than triple the amount of XP that you'd normally be able to earn.

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During season 17, there will be a Double XP Weekend that will run from July 4 - 8. There is also another Double XP Weekend that runs from September 12 - 16, but by then, it looks like season 17 will have finished and season 18 will have started.

Make The Most Of Double SCORE Weekends

A Great Event For Ranking Up Fast

Season 17 Rewards in Fallout 76

Every couple of months, players will be able to participate in a Double SCORE Weekend. As the name suggests, this doubles the amount of SCORE that players can earn from completing daily challenges and the 10,000 XP repeatable challenge.

There are going to be two Double SCORE Weekends during season 17. The first one will run from June 20 - 24, and the second will be alongside a Gold Rush Weekend that runs from August 8 -12. These Double SCORE Weekends are especially useful for players who don't have enough time to complete all of the normal daily and weekly challenges in Fallout 76.

Use Re-Rollers Wisely

A Chance For Epic Challenges

Challenge Re-Roller in Fallout 76

Similar to SCORE Boosters, Re-Rollers can be unlocked by ranking up through the season or by purchasing them from the Atomic Shop. Players will also get free Re-Rollers to use pretty frequently. What these Re-Rollers do is allow players to Re-Roll challenges.

This is good for two reasons. Firstly, it's a good way to swap out any difficult or time-consuming challenges. Second, there's a small chance to receive an epic challenge when using a Re-Roller. Epic challenges are usually a little harder to complete, but they offer more SCORE.

While you may be tempted to use your Re-Rollers on daily challenges, it's best to use them on weekly challenges. This is because the extra SCORE that comes with epic challenges is much larger for weekly challenges than it is for daily challenges.

For those who are interested in spending their hard-earned Atoms on some Re-Rollers, the prices can be seen below:

  • 1 x Re-Roller: 50 Atoms
  • 6 x Re-Roller: 250 Atoms
  • 15 x Re-Rollers: 500 Atoms

A Fallout 1st Boost

A Member's Only Boost

Fallout 1st Boosts in Fallout 76

For those who are willing to invest in a Fallout 1st subscription, one of the benefits you'll get is special SCORE Boosts. When unlocked, these boosts will give you a SCORE boost that lasts until the end of the season.

These SCORE Boosts stack with the SCORE Boosters that can be purchased from the Atomic Shop, making them great for powering through the ranks. There are a total of 3 SCORE Boosts that Fallout 1st subscribers can unlock. They are unlocked via the season reward menu.

From rank 1, members can unlock a 5% SCORE Boost. At rank 39, you can unlock a 10% SCORE Boost. Finally, at rank 65, you can get another 10% SCORE Boost.

Unlocking all of the boosts adds up to a +25% to all SCORE earned. For players who don't want to purchase a year's subscription but want to get these SCORE Boosts, it's possible to just purchase one month of Fallout 1st.

fallout 76
Fallout 76

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
Action , RPG