Fiberglass is a reinforced plastic mainly used in crafting protective suits and weapons of Fallout 76. It comes in scraps, bulks, and spools and can be extracted from junk materials. But as an uncommon item, Fiberglass is somewhat tricky to farm. Players will first look for things containing Fiberglass and then scrap those to get Fiberglass. This guide, however, simplifies the farming process and explains where to look for the most lucrative Fiberglass deposits in Appalachia.

RELATED: How to Farm Copper in Fallout 76

Best Fiberglass Farming Locations

Fallout 76 players exploring the top of the world ski resort

To get Fiberglass in Fallout 76, players will need to loot the Composite Skies and Ski Swords in and around the Top of the World building. They will also find scrapable Fiberglass items at Skullbone Vantage, Pleasant Valley Ski Resort, Whitespring Resort, and the National Isolated Radio Array. Additionally, players can also farm Wendigo for Fiberglass.

  • Top of the World. Collect the Composite Skies and Ski Swords and scrap them on the nearby workbench. The swords are in the Vendor Bot Resin’s room.
  • Skullbone Vantage. Loot the dead skiers’ bodies for Fiberglass materials.
  • Pleasant Valley Ski Resort. Look for Composite Skies on the ground and in the racks.
  • National Isolated Radio Array. Steal the telephones on the desks and scrap them for Fiberglass.
  • The Whitespring Resort. Loot the telephones and scrap them to get reinforced plastic.

To find Fiberglass in junk items, open the Pip-Boy, go to Junk, and tag Fiberglass by pressing A (X on PlayStation). This helps locate items with this material much faster, as it will show an indicator next to their title.

What Items to Scrap for Fiberglass

image showing the best item for farming antiseptic in fallout 76.

Items that yield the most Fiberglass are Abraxo Cleaner Industrial Grade, Blood Sac, Cigar Box, Composite Ski, and Industrial Cleaner. Scrapping each one of these items grants 2 Fiberglass pieces. But these are not the only objects with reinforced plastic. The following is a complete list of every Fallout 76 item that contains Fiberglass.

  • Abraxo Cleaner Industrial Grade
  • Blood Sac
  • Cigar Box
  • Composite Ski
  • Ski Sword
  • Industrial Cleaner
  • Aluminum canister
  • Jangles the Moon Monkey
  • Telephone
  • Rat Poison
  • Undamaged Abraxo Cleaner

Best Event for Getting Fiberglass

Fallout 76 Scorchbeast Queen Nuke Boss Event Fight

Because Wendigo mutants drop Fiberglass, the ideal Fallout 76 Event for farming this item is A Colossal Problem. In this side quest, players will need to battle three waves of Wendigo enemies to earn dozens of Fiberglass pieces in just a few minutes.

Fallout 76 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

MORE:How to Farm Aluminum in Fallout 76