
  • Completing challenges in Fallout 76 can reward players with Atoms, the in-game currency used to buy items.
  • Modifying and repairing weapons can be costly and time-consuming challenges that require resource management.
  • Killing tough enemies like Scorchbeasts and Wanted Players can be difficult tasks that test players' skills and patience.

Challenges in video games are nothing new, but in Fallout 76, players have the opportunity to complete lots of challenges that reward them with Atoms. Atoms are Fallout 76's currency, which is used to buy items from the Atomic Shop. Atoms can be purchased with real-world money, and they can be earned in-game.

Fallout 76: How to Farm Atoms

Here’s how to keep farming Atoms in Fallout 76 now that Daily & Weekly Atom Challenges are gone.

While some of the challenges that players can complete are easy, others are difficult. Then, there are some that are beyond difficult. From killing thousands of robots to taking down tough enemies, there are some combat challenges in Fallout 76 that take time, patience, and skill to complete.

6 Modify Weapons 76 Times

A Costly Challenge

Modifying Weapons in Fallout 76

Modifying weapons and armor pieces in Fallout 76 is something that all players will need to do fairly often. While it's not a difficult task, modifying weapons doesn't come cheap. Each time the player modifies a weapon, it will cost them resources.

This isn't a hard challenge for players with a Fallout 1st subscription, as they get to store an unlimited amount of junk in a special stash box. Players who don't have this service will need to manage their resources carefully.

There is one fairly cheap way to complete this challenge: Players can buy and earn weapon skins. Weapon skins are cheaper to craft than regular weapon mods, but are considered modifications by the game. So, once the player has unlocked a skin, they should keep applying and removing the skin to their weapon. This is by far the most effective way of quickly completing this challenge.

5 Repair Weapons 76 Times

Most Players Will Get There Eventually

Repairing Weapons in Fallout 76

Repairing weapons is something that players will do regularly. Just like modifying weapons, repairing weapons costs resources. Some of those resources can be hard to come by for new players and players without a Fallout 1st subscription.

Players who want to complete this challenge will probably feel the need to go around repairing every weapon they find. This is a waste of resources. Instead, players should either take their time and repair the weapons they use whenever a repair is required, or they should craft something that's cheap to repair, like a board, hit an enemy with it a couple of times, and then repair it. Repeat this process for what seems like forever, and players will eventually complete this challenge.

4 Kill Different Kinds Of Tough Enemies

Take Down 13 Specific Enemies

A Deathclaw Attack in Fallout 76

To complete this challenge, players will need to kill 13 tough enemies. Not just any tough enemy, either; there's a specific list of enemies. Players will need to kill one of each type of enemy on the list:

  • Super Mutant Behemoth
  • Mole Rat Broodmother
  • Legendary Deathclaw
  • Grafton Monster
  • Megasloth
  • Mirelurk Queen
  • Mothman
  • Scorchbeast
  • The Scorchbeast Queen
  • Sentry Bot
  • Legendary Super Mutant
  • Vertibot
  • Legendary Yao Guai

This challenge is difficult in two ways. First, low-level players will struggle to fight some of these tough enemies while using early-game gear. Second, some of these tough enemies can be hard to find, especially the legendary ones. Most legendary enemies are random spawns, so it may take quite a while to find a specific legendary enemy required to complete this challenge.

3 Kill 76 Scorchbeasts

This One Is A Grind


Players will typically encounter a Scorchbeast within the first few hours of leaving Vault 76. These flying creatures can be difficult for new players to kill. This challenge requires the player to kill 76 Scorchbeasts, which is a very tedious grind.

Fallout 76: The Best Areas to Hit With a Nuke

When it comes to weapons in Fallout 76, Nukes are as strong as it gets. These areas are perfect for players wanting to test out their capabilities.

While Scorchbeasts spawn at every Fissure Site, typically only one spawns at a time. On top of that, they are always protected by a hoard of Scorched. This is not an easy or quick challenge to complete. It may even require multiple server hops and countless lives to kill 76 of these creatures.

There is one thing that players should keep an eye out for to help speed up the process: The event "Surface To Air." This event usually spawns around 5 Scorchbeasts that the player can kill. Even then, it is still a grind, but it makes this challenge slightly easier to tackle.

2 Kill 76 Wanted Players

This One Requires Luck, Good Timing, And Skills

Having A Wanted Level in Fallout 76

Almost every Fallout 76 player has received a bounty at some point. Whether intentionally or by accident, a wanted level will immediately allow other players to attack and kill the player on sight. It also puts a wanted icon next to the player on the map for all to see.

Players can obtain a bounty by unlocking other players' doors or resources and stealing from them. The reason why this is one of the hardest challenges in the game is due to how rare it is to find wanted players.

For the most part, the Fallout 76 community is a nice and friendly one, and won't typically do things to make themselves wanted. That said, when someone does something to earn a wanted level, players tend to go and take them down pretty quickly. So, to complete this challenge, players will need to keep an eye out for wanted players, get there quickly, and kill the player before someone else swoops in and takes the kill. Just be warned that some players are very hard to kill, especially ones that are stealing the best gear from other players, so be sure to wear good armor.

Fallout 76: Which Legendary Armor Pieces Are Worth Keeping?

As you play Fallout 76, you will eventually come across Legendary armor pieces that have powerful effects, and here are some things to keep in mind.

There is one thing that players can do to make this an easy challenge: kill a friend! If a player has a friend who is willing to become wanted repeatedly, then it's possible for this challenge to be completed very quickly. However, this is clearly not how the game wants players to do this challenge.

1 Destroy Robot Challenges

Countless Hours Killing Robots

Protectrons in Watoga in Fallout 76

This last entry is cheating a little bit, as it involves multiple challenges. However, they all share a common theme, and they're all a grind to complete. There are lots of challenges centered around killing robots. While some of them are easy, like the Kill 10 Robots challenge, some of them are incredibly difficult. In fact, a couple of them are the hardest combat challenges in all of Fallout 76.

Here's a list of all the difficult robot-killing challenges that players can attempt:

  • Destroy Robots With A Rifle: 1100
  • Destroy Robots With A Blunt Weapon: 1111
  • Destroy Robots With A Bladed Weapon: 1001
  • Destroy Robots With Black Powder Guns: 1000
  • Destroy Robots With A Revolver: 1010
  • Destroy Robots With A Pistol: 1010
  • Destroy Robots With A Hammer: 1001
  • Destroy Robots With A Gauntlet Or Unarmed Weapons: 1100
  • Destroy Robots With An Improvised Weapon: 1000
  • Destroy Robots With No Weapons Equipped: 1100
  • Destroy Robots With An Energy Weapon: 1101
  • Destroy Robots With A Sword: 1111

The best way to complete these challenges is to farm the "Fertile Soil" event. Even then, completing all of these challenges will typically take a couple hundred hours of gameplay, and it's almost a certainty that any players who manage it will never want to look at another robot again.

fallout 76
Fallout 76

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
November 14, 2018
Action , RPG