The recent Wastelanders update has added a brand new currency called Gold Bullion to Fallout 76, and indeed players will need to earn quite a lot of it if they hope to purchase all of the game's newest items. For fans that would like to make sure that they are getting as much of Fallout 76's Gold Bullion as they can, this guide provides details on how to do so, while also explaining the limitations connected to earning this new currency.

Before diving into all of this, though, it is important to mention that players will need to complete the Wastelanders main quest before they can really start earning Gold Bullion in Fallout 76. Fortunately, it will only take fans a handful of hours to do this, and they will even earn their first Gold Bullion along the way.

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With that established, once a player has finished the Wastelanders main quest they can then begin earning FO76's Gold Bullion. One way to do this is simply to buy it, at a rate of 1,000 Caps per 50 Gold Bullion, from a vendor located inside The Wayward called Smiley. However, this NPC will only sell a maximum of 300 Gold Bullion per week, which means that players cannot endlessly convert Caps into this new Fallout 76 currency.

That said, there in another way to earn Gold Bullion, and that is to change Treasury Notes, which are obtained by completing public events and daily faction quests for the Settlers and Raiders, into Gold Bullion at a Gold Press Machine in Fallout 76. Indeed, Gold Press Machines, which are located in both Foundation and Crater, will offer players 10 Gold Bullion per Treasury Note, but they will only provide 200 Gold Bullion each day.

As such, FO76 fans can earn 1,700 Gold Bullion every week, and that is done by purchasing the weekly 300 Gold Bullion from Smiley and converting 20 Treasury Notes into Gold Bullion every day. Players that are interested in earning Fallout 76's Gold Bullion should thus make sure to always complete their daily faction quests (each of which grants three Treasury Notes) and focus on grinding public events. On average, these events reward two Treasury Notes, which means that fans should plan to complete around seven of them daily to earn maximum Gold Bullion.

Fallout 76 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

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