Mods can make a huge difference when it comes to building a character in Fallout 76, and if you're looking to make your gear better early on in the game, you're going to need some Cork. This is an uncommon resource that players may have trouble finding, especially since there's a plethora of different item types in the Appalachian Wasteland.

While Cork may not be among the most important junk materials in Fallout 76, it still has its uses. Apart from gear, it may occasionally be required for some daily challenges or other in-game quests. If you're looking for Cork, here's the best place to get some.

Fallout 76's Vault 63 Explained

Fallout 76's unexplored vault has been a hot topic for years, and the Skyline Valley map expansion solves it once and for all.

Where To Get Cork in Fallout 76

Image of the whitespring resort on the map in Fallout 76

The best way to get Cork is to go to the golf course near the Whitespring Refuge in the Savage Divide. Gather as many golf balls as you can from golf bags, the nearby golf club, and the green fields all over the course. The best place to hit for a few quick golf balls is the golf club itself, which is right next to the fast travel point (check the display cases). If you think you have enough, head to the Whitespring Mall to scrap and store your new batch of Cork.

The golf course can be pretty dangerous, especially indoors. There tons of Feral Ghouls all over the place, and if you're clearing the buildings alone, then you might find yourself overwhelmed. A decent Fallout 76 character build can make quick work of ghouls, but if you're not quite leveled yet, at least bring a suit of Power Armor to mitigate incoming damage.

A golf ball in Fallout 76

If you find yourself in need of Cork while in some other part of the wasteland, you'll want to look for antique globes and crystal liquor decanters. You can usually find the former inside offices or lobbies, while the latter can be found in kitchens or lounges.

Also, Pipe Rifles can be dismantled to get Cork Scrap. If you don't plan on using any of these guns, take them to your nearest workbench and scrap them all. You can get a lot of Pipe Rifles by raiding places with high concentrations of Super Mutants in Fallout 76.

Some good places to hit for additional cork are:

  • Clancy Manor (Decanters)
  • West Tek Research Center (Super Mutants/Pipe Rifles)
  • Hemlock Holes (Golf balls)
  • National Isolated Radio Array (Antique globes)

If you have the Caps to spare, you can also try checking vendors if they have any Bulk Cork or any of the above junk items for sale.

fallout 76
Fallout 76

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
November 14, 2018
M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Drug Reference, Intense Violence, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol