A disgruntled Fallout 76 fan has managed to purchase the Fallout 1st domain name and load it with a scathing critique of Bethesda's recently released subscription service. The website is currently up and running, though there's no telling when or if the website will go offline. For those that do decide to check out the website, be warned - the language used is pretty NSFW.

The website actually looks fairly official on a surface level, using the color scheme and font of Fallout 76. However, it quickly becomes apparent that the website is about as far removed from official Bethesda marketing as it gets. Throughout the site, the service is referenced to as "Fallout F*** YOU 1st", with individual aspects of the service being criticized further down the page. Private worlds, in particular, are skewered, with many fans having asked for the feature since launch. Scrapboxes are also mentioned, which some fans have reported deleting their resources since the launch of the service.

RELATED: Fallout 76 Premium Subscription's Private Worlds Have Major Issues

So far, the Fallout 1st service has been met with criticism from nearly every corner of the internet. The Fallout 76 subreddit, once a beacon of positivity for a game that has faced relentless critique, is now awash with disgruntled fans, some of whom have been playing since the game's initial beta. This is largely due to the fact that Bethesda released the subscription just days after announcing the delay of a major Fallout 76 update.

fallout 76 mini-gun

Because of the current state of Fallout 76, Bethesda is in serious danger of handing over Fallout 76 players to The Outer Worlds, Obsidian's recently released RPG that scratches a similar itch, but has been met with positive reviews. Since the announcement of Fallout 1st, Bethesda has remained radio silent on the fan feedback, leaving fans more or less in the dark.

Fallout 76 has been a major PR disaster for Bethesda in the year since it launched. The game has regularly made moves that upset fans, and Bethesda's responses to the outcry have done little to patch things up. Hopefully, Bethesda will be able to gain back some favor with DOOM Eternal, though it has been delayed until next year.

Fallout 76 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Fallout 76 Wastelanders Update Delayed