
  • The first part of Fallout 76's Atlantic City update introduces new locations like Blue Ridge Bunkhouse and Settler's Ridge, allowing players to interact with different survivor groups in the game.
  • Several existing locations have also been reworked, such as Gillman Lumber Mill, now occupied by the Responders faction, and Ingram Mansion, which is currently vacant and being moved into by new owners.
  • Players have discovered hidden locations that were not mentioned in the official patch notes, suggesting that these locations might be part of an underground tunnel network that will be further explored in future updates.

Part one of Fallout 76’s two-part Atlantic City update is available, and there are plenty of new things to get into. While the two new Expeditions are the main buzz of this major content update, players shouldn’t overlook some of the more discreet details added in the first Atlantic City update for Fallout 76.

The entirely new locations added in this update have likely caught most players' attention already. However, since the release of the first Atlantic City update, keen players have also discovered multiple unlisted locations that have been changed or newly introduced, and some of these new locations appear to be hinting at a big change coming to Fallout 76 in the near future.

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Part of Fallout 76’s upcoming Atlantic City updates will contribute to a recurring problem that’s causing frustration among the affected players.

New Locations from Fallout 76’s First Atlantic City Update

  • Blue Ridge Bunkhouse
  • The Coop
  • Forward Station Tango
  • Organ Cave North, South, & West
  • Settler’s Ridge

Considering these locations are all located near Vault 76, where players begin their journey, each of these new locations generally serves as a way for new players to get introduced to the survivor groups of Fallout 76. Specifically, players can meet the Blue Ridge Caravan, Settlers, Raiders, Mothman Cultists, and the Brotherhood of Steel factions at these new locations. There aren’t any main story quests that take place at these locations yet, but that may change in a future update.

Reworked Locations From Fallout 76’s First Atlantic City Update

Deserted Mine

This location is a new interior added to the Crosshair location in the far north of Fallout 76’s map. The Blood Eagles at the Crosshair appear to have reopened some old mining tunnels used by Mole Miners, and upon entering, players can encounter these two groups fighting each other over this territory.

Gillman Lumber Mill

Gillman Lumber is an existing location just south of Vault 76 that received a general overhaul and is now occupied by the Responders faction. There is a new daily side quest that players can complete here to get acquainted with the region and some of the other factions in Fallout 76, as well as a new vendor that both new and returning players may want to check out.

Ingram Mansion

Ingram Mansion is located on the edge of the Savage Divide region, just east of Morgantown. This location was formerly occupied by Mothman Cultists. Although this location is currently vacant, a note can be found on the door explaining that new owners are in the process of moving in here.

Mirelurk Den

This unmarked location can be found in the far northeast corner of the map, hidden in the Mire region. Blood Eagles have tracked down and killed a troublesome Mirelurk Queen, and afterward have taken residence in the Queen’s nesting grounds here.

Fallout 76’s Atlantic City Updates May Be Hiding a Big Secret

Aside from Gilman’s Lumber Mill, the rest of these newly reworked locations weren’t discovered in Fallout 76’s Public Test Server leading up to the first Atlantic City update, and they also weren’t explicitly mentioned in the update’s official patch notes. Instead, these hidden locations were discovered by players shortly after the release of the update and shared among Fallout 76’s community.

It’s generally believed that most of these new and reworked locations will be relevant in the quests that will be added in the second Atlantic City update. However, certain clues reveal that there may be more in store for Fallout 76 beyond this. Specifically, some of the new locations added in the first Atlantic City update are believed to be hinting at an underground network of tunnels coming to the game, and players who want to witness this ongoing process firsthand should check things out for themselves before any further locations are changed.