
  • Join the Fire Breathers in Fallout 76 by taking an exam at the Charleston Fire Department.
  • The Knowledge exam involves answering questions about scenarios players might face in the game. A Cheat sheet is available.
  • After passing the knowledge exam, players must complete a physical test involving parkour and agility. Use tips to help finish faster.

While playing through Fallout 76, players can join an elite group: the Responders. The Fire Breathers (a division of the Responders) acted as a high-risk team that explored beyond the Ash Heap. Sadly, the group came to an end by the year 2096. When the Fire Breathers were in the Big Bend Tunnel, the group was attacked by the Scorched and wiped out.

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After leaving Vault 76, players can join the Fire Breathers by completing an exam. Players will need to travel to the Fire Breather base in Charleston and use a terminal. Completing the test successfully will allow players to join the ranks of the group, becoming the first Fire Breather in years.

Updated May 4, 2024 by Benjamin Joe: New players are heading into post-war Appalachia every single day. As such, fans can make use of some extra tips and tricks that can make completing the Fire Breathers Exam a little bit easier.

The Fire Breathers play an important and interesting part in the story of Fallout 76. It's something that the players will encounter very quickly after starting the game. While the original Fire Breathers died out, their legacy lives on.

Fire Breathers Knowledge Exam Quick Answers

All The Answers in One Place

Pointing in A Fire Breather Uniform Fallout 76

Not everyone is interested in the stories behind the answers to the Fire Breathers Exam. For those who just want to get it done as quickly as possible, here's an answer sheet with all the details:



The tunnel you're traversing has begun filling up with a strange gas and you're without your breathing apparatus. What do you do?

Evacuate as quickly as possible

While traversing a smoke-filled building, your breathing apparatus has failed. Which of the following will serve as the best replacement?

A Water-Soaked Rag

One of your fellow Fire Breathers has been burned. The area is painful to the touch, but no blisters are forming. You've applied a cool compress. What's the next thing you should do?

Gently bind the burn with clean bandages

While exploring a collapsed mine, your team leader flashes their safety light quickly three times. What does this mean?

Retreat Immediately

One of your squadmates has caught a case of Sludge lung. Which of the following sets of ingredients, when cooked together, can be used as a cure?

1 pt. Purified Water, 2 Ash Rose, 2 Blight, 2 Soot Flower

You've stumbled upon a band of Scorch-diseases people brandishing clubs. Which of the following is the only acceptable method of engaging them?

Fall back and engage from a distance with firearms

You've captured a Scorched-infected man who you recognize as a childhood friend. What do you do?

End his life as mercifully as possible

Head To The Charleston Fire Department

Head Into The Ash Heap Region

Fallout 76 Charleston fire department

To take the Fire Breathers exam, players need to head to the Charleston Fire Department. The test can be found on a terminal behind the reception area. It will be clearly marked on the player's map. In addition to the test, players can find weapon plans, holotapes, and lots of lead in the firehouse.

Fallout 76: Where is the Ash Heap?

There's more to this charred location than burning debris and the husks of exploded vehicles, such as hot loot! Here's how to find the Ash Heap.

While there are often a few enemies around the place, it's pretty safe for the most part. There is also a vendor in this location, allowing players to buy and sell items. While it isn't the best vendor bot in the game, it can be useful for new players to offload some of their unwanted items for a few Caps.

Find The Answer Sheet

A Handy Little Cheat Guide

The answer sheet found in the fire department

Taking an exam requires practice. There is another option, as players can find the answer sheet for the Fire Breather's exam. The cheat sheet is located on the second floor next to the master terminal. Picking it up allows the player to write down the answers and pass the exam.

While the last question does not provide an answer, it will be obvious to players during the exam. It might not be honest to cheat on the exam, but it is not like anyone is around to punish the player. The exam requires a 7/7 score, making it reasonable to cheat.

Question 1. "Evacuate As Quickly As Possible"

The Obvious Choice

Players walking away from trouble

The first question players are given relates to gas filling a tunnel. The question mentions that the person does not have a breathing apparatus and asks what they should do. Players then have to choose between three different answers.

The right answer for players is 'Evacuate as quickly as possible'. While the first answer is obviously wrong, that leaves players with a 50/50 choice. If a player chooses the option of lighting a match, they do not deserve to be a Fire Breather!

Question 2. "A Water-Soaked Rag"

Again, A Fairly Obvious Answer

Two players in Fire Breather armor

This next question relates to the pre-war firefighters that the Fire Breathers are based on. It asks players what the best replacement for a breathing apparatus would be if it failed. Again, one answer is completely wrong. It says a person should use plastic wrap, but hopefully, nobody tries that.

Players should choose a water-soaked rag as the best option. Doing this gives the correct answer and allows players to proceed to the next question.

Question 3. "Gently Bind The Burn With Clean Bandages"

All First Aiders Will Know This One

A medical kit players can find in the game

This question relates to the medical side of the Fire Breathers. The prompt mentions a comrade has received burns and the area is painful. Obviously, coating the wound with dirt would be a terrible idea, leaving only two real options for the player. This question is a bit easier, as tying a tourniquet above the wound wouldn't help.

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This leaves players with only one choice. Choosing the first option says the player should gently bind the wound with clean bandages.

Question 4. "Retreat Immediately"

The First Difficult Question

Players fighter a Scorchbeast in Fallout 76

This is one of the harder questions, as it does not have a goofy answer. Question 4 asks what it means if a team leader flashes their light three times. Two of the options say it means to halt in place or advance further into the mine. These are both incorrect.

The right option to choose is to retreat immediately. While there are not many ways for the player to know this right away, the cheat sheet comes in handy for this. It might take some time to figure this out without the cheat sheet, but it earns some bragging rights.

Question 5. "1 pt. Purified Water, 2 Ash Rose, 2 Blight, 2 Soot Flower"

A Question For The Crafters

The items used in the question's answer

It's time for players to know their crafting recipes. The question says a teammate gets Sludge Lung and certain ingredients are needed to craft a cure. One answer mentions dirty water as part of the recipe, automatically disqualifying this one. With only two options left, another answer can be crossed off.

The right answer has players combine purified water, ash rose, blight, and soot flower to cure the disease. Players can also get the disease by being exposed to toxic air or a diseased Wendigo. Maybe this recipe can help the player as well.

Question 6. "Fall Back And Engage From A Distance With Firearms"

The Smart Decision

A player aiming a gun

Question 6 relates to stumbling upon a group of people infected with the Scotch disease. It gives three options about how to deal with the group, with the correct answer being the only acceptable way for a Fire Breather to fight. One option is what most players most likely do, with the option saying to charge in with police batons.

Another option mentions sneaking up on the group and silently slitting their throats. This is also incorrect. The right answer has the player engage from a distance with firearms. Of course, players do not have to actually follow this advice.

Question 7. "End His Life As Mercifully As Possible"

It's The Nicest Thing To Do

Image of a Scorched with the Gauley Mine Production Log in Fallout 76

The last question players need to answer relates to something personal. It says the player found a Scorched-infected man who was a childhood friend and asks what should be done to him. The first answer is wrong, as it says the Scorched man should be convinced to join the Responders.

Players should also not bring the infected man back to the station for questioning. The right answer requires players to end their old friend's life as mercifully as possible. It might seem brutal, but it would end the friend's suffering. With this, players should pass the knowledge exam easily.

Take The Physical Test

It's Time To Go Running

The beginning area of the physical test
  • Players Will Have 3 Minutes To Complete The Course
  • Each Checkpoint is Marked On The Player's Direction Indicator At The Bottom Of The Screen
  • Players Can Typically Finish This Course Well Within The Time Limit

While the knowledge exam is completed, players will need to take a physical exam to join the Fire Breathers. Players will need to run across Charleston in a parkour and agility test. There are still enemies on the course, meaning players will need to be careful. As if the enemies weren't enough, the course needs to be completed in a certain amount of time.

Players will need to go to three checkpoints and press a button. After this, players will be given a Fire Breather's uniform and they will join the organization.

There are a few tips to help make completing the physical exam a little easier:

  • Use Canned Coffee Or Company Tea To Help AP Regeneration
  • Before Starting The Course, Clear The Enemies That Are Around The Charleston Capitol Building
  • If The Player Holsters Their Weapon, They Will Run Faster
  • Apply The Perk Squad Maneuvers Or Use The Speed Demon Mutation To Run Faster (Only Use One As They Don't Stack)
  • The Marsupial Mutation Will Allow Players To Jump Higher And Make It Easier To Finish Faster
fallout 76
Fallout 76

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
Action , RPG
November 14, 2018