Fallout 76 currently allows players to visit locations beyond the borders of the Appalachian wasteland via Expeditions, and an Atlantic City Expedition is on track to be added sometime in 2024. For the time being, players can explore two locations in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, nicknamed “the Pitt”. These locations offer unique enemies, as well as a chance to help out the Union faction of survivors on behalf of Appalachia’s Responders.

Fans of Fallout 76 have requested extensions of the game’s playable area for a while now, and it seems that Expeditions are going to be how Fallout 76 takes on this challenge. Expeditions are self-contained missions that allow players to explore new content specific to certain locations in the Fallout franchise’s historical fiction version of North America. With the upcoming Atlantic City Expedition in the works that will take players to New Jersey, Fallout 76 would be missing an opportunity not to explore additional worthwhile locations throughout North America in future Expeditions.

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Iconic Locations that Future Fallout 76 Expeditions Should Explore

Fallout 76 Expedition Vertibird
  • The Glow

Even though Fallout 76 is a prequel to all the games in the Fallout games timeline, certain locations from the older games in the franchise could still be worth revisiting with a fresh set of eyes. From the original Fallout, one location that would be worthy of visiting on an Expedition is the Glow, which is a direct impact site of one of the nuclear bombs from the Great War. Before becoming a site of highly irradiated ruins, the Glow was formerly the site of a West Tek research center, infamous for being the accidental birthplace of Super Mutants in the Fallout universe. Having the chance to explore the Glow with Fallout 76’s graphical updates would certainly be a nostalgic trip, though the potential for discovering medical advances concerning Super Mutants is the primary reason to revisit this location.

  • The Capital Wasteland

Another location from past Fallout games that might be worth visiting is Fallout 3’s Washington D.C. In the Fallout universe, the United States’ center for politics and government was another direct target of the nuclear bombs, and as a result, most of the iconic real-world locations of this area were reduced to rubble. Although, as Fallout 3 goes on to show, certain pockets of the area withstood the aftermath of the Great War. Due to Fallout 76 taking place before any of the other Fallout franchise games, Appalachia’s survivors are likely unaware of the state that Washington D.C. is in. A hopeful Expedition to the nation’s capital in pursuit of technology would give Appalachia’s survivors a lot of insight as to how the more prominent locations across America were torn apart by the Great War.

  • New York City

New York was once upon a time the capital of real-world America, and this bit of history is likely true in the Fallout universe. With all the rich history, culture, and architecture of the city of New York, this location could have a lot of potential as one of Fallout’s nuclear wastelands. It would certainly be a big change of scenery compared to the latest countryside settings of the Fallout games.

  • Area 51

In the real world, Area 51 has effectively become a living meme and gold mine for conspiracy theories about the classified contents of this government facility. This location is a prime candidate for a future Expedition since the Fallout franchise is no stranger to including encounters with extraterrestrials, such as the Zeta alien race that has appeared in every Fallout game so far. Not only is Area 51 a good location to explore the potential for aliens, but this area also has plenty of military technology that the Brotherhood of Steel faction would certainly be thrilled to commandeer. Also, since Area 51 is located in Nevada, an Expedition here could be a way to kill two birds with one stone and revisit the nearby Mojave Wasteland from Fallout: New Vegas.

Fallout 76 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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