Earlier this month Fallout 76 confirmed that the Brotherhood of Steel faction will defy the lore of the Fallout series in order to be featured in the game, but it's far from the only faction that fans can expect to come into contact with when the game launches next month. Bethesda has now revealed that The Enclave, an antagonist faction from Fallout 2, will also be making a return in Fallout 76.

For those out of the loop, a tweet from the official Fallout Twitter account explains what The Enclave is all about. The faction is made up of United States leaders who escaped to a remote oil rig before the bombs fell. They have since been working to "to re-establish governmental control of America from key locations, like a secret bunker hidden somewhere deep in Appalachia," explains the post.

Fans are already coming up with their best theories about where The Enclave's secret bunker is, using their knowledge of the game's map to make some educated guesses. The most popular suggestion so far is that the bunker is underneath the Greenbrier building. In real life, the Greenbrier does feature an underground bunker and given that Bethesda has gone to some lengths to make the in-game version look so realistic, that probably extends to the bunker too.

Fans are also wondering how exactly they will be able to interact with The Enclave. Fallout 76will not feature any NPCs, therefore The Enclave will not have any human representatives and may instead be featured in the game through letters, notes, and recordings. Additionally, fans want to know whether they will be able to become a part of The Enclave. The faction is rather villainous, having kidnapped the residents of a town in Fallout 2 in order to perform experiments on them. But, it could be exciting to play as a bad guy instead of the helpful hero, for a change.

The Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel won't be the only factions in Fallout 76, though. Other factions include The Raiders, a group which is described as "the scourge of the wasteland," the Free States which is a group of doomsday preppers, and The Responders who are former first responders (police officers, firefighters, and medics) who roam the wasteland trying to help people. The game will include plenty of things to do, from forming camps to fighting other players, and fans can also add learning about the different factions to that list.

Fallout 76 is set to release on November 14, 2018 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.