
  • Fallout 76 includes the most cryptids of any Fallout game, with over a dozen already, and potentially more to come in future updates.
  • The Aliens and Sheepsquatch are considered top-tier cryptids in Fallout 76, with unique traits and challenging encounters.
  • The Mothman, Wendigo, and upcoming Jersey Devil are among the cryptids that players have a special appreciation for in the game, with their eerie appearances and tough boss battles.

The Fallout franchise has a long history of including local cryptids in some capacity throughout the different post-apocalyptic wastelands in each Fallout game. Fallout 76 doubles down on this tradition, featuring the most cryptids of any Fallout game so far, with potentially more on the way in the near future for the live-service game.

While the Fallout franchise overall has its share of references to numerous cryptids, Fallout 76 notably includes over a dozen cryptid creatures so far. In the upcoming Atlantic City updates, the Jersey Devil will also be joining Fallout 76’s cast of cryptids, and while it hasn’t been confirmed, the Jersey Devil likely won’t be the last cryptid to come to the game. Among the cryptids featured in Fallout 76, players have developed a special appreciation for some more than others, based on their unique in-game traits.

RELATED: Every Major Cryptid Yet to be Added to Fallout 76



Fallout 76’s Aliens are featured in the Invaders From Beyond Seasonal Event and sometimes the Daily Ops missions, but outside of these, they are extremely rare to encounter in the Appalachian wasteland. However, they are still much more common in Fallout 76 than any other game in the franchise. Considering all the different varieties of aliens in this entry in the franchise, along with their unique weapons that players can obtain, these cryptids are top-tier.


This cryptid essentially embodies most of what players love about Deathclaws in the Fallout franchise. Specifically, encountering one is always a surprisingly challenging fight and after defeating it players can craft a couple of melee weapons with the creature’s bones. Not to mention, without the Sheepsquatch, there would be no Sheepsquatch Impostor Raid boss, so the original cryptid deserves plenty of praise.


Common Wendigos in Fallout 76 aren’t much deadlier than the franchise’s iconic feral ghouls, especially the Glowing One ghoul variant, but the appearance of the Wendigo is much more unsettling. While the common variations of this cryptid are arguably mid-tier, Wendigos otherwise have similar merits as the Sheepsquatch: the Wendigo Colossus raid boss in Fallout 76 is one of the toughest enemies in the game.

Jersey Devil

Coming in Fallout 76’s upcoming Atlantic City updates, the Jersey Devil cryptid is yet another creature that seemingly capitalizes on the nostalgia that franchise veterans have for Fallout’s famous Deathclaws, based on its similar appearance. From what’s been revealed about this cryptid ahead of its release, it’s shaping up to be an epic opponent, and the creature is even responsible for a fair bit of the hype surrounding the upcoming content updates that will add this creature to the game.

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Blue Devil

Fallout 76’s Blue Devil turns out to be quite similar to Deathclaws, with one unique twist that makes fighting against this cryptid a challenge. This cryptid can howl and incite fear in nearby players, causing them to turn and temporarily flee.

Mega Sloth

The Mega Sloth is often non-hostile to players, but still surprisingly deadly when provoked. Fallout 76’s community seems to have a particular fondness for this cryptid based on how popular it is to tame this animal as a pet to display at player CAMPS in Fallout 76. Also, while this cryptid is relatively rare to encounter, the mushrooms that grow on their back can be cooked into a soup that temporarily gives players substantially increased critical hit damage, which is a game-changer for VATS builds.


It’s no secret that this cryptid has a cult following faction in Fallout 76 since players will likely encounter these fanatics on multiple occasions throughout exploring the Appalachian wasteland. Mothman remains one of the most mysterious of all of Fallout 76’s cryptids, and this creature even has a relatively popular fanbase in the real world.


Flatwoods Monster

Much like the Mothman, most of the time players encounter this cryptid when they discover it lurking behind them in the shadows, only for it to flee when confronted. Also, compared to the other aliens in the Fallout franchise, the presence of the Flatwoods monster in Fallout 76 has some serious implications for the aliens that show up in the next Fallout game.

Grafton Monster

The Grafton Monster is a challenging enemy in the early game, but this cryptid’s difficulty decreases significantly after players reach the max level in Fallout 76 and put together a proper build. Certain variations of this Cryptid in Fallout 76’s Public Events can be quite strong, but this monster’s slow speed still makes them a little uneventful to fight. In general, this cryptid’s real-world reputation precedes them greatly compared to what they amount to in Fallout 76, although they do give players some valuable junk resources when defeated.


This cryptid has a similar origin story to Super Mutants in the Fallout franchise games, except the overall lore of the Snallygaster isn’t nearly as extensive as that of Super Mutants, and it’s also easy to miss out on unless players know where to look. This failed FEV experiment is still terrifying to fight though due to its appearance, regardless of whether players are familiar with their origins.

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Beast of Beckley

This Cryptid only shows up once in Fallout 76, during a specific, non-replayable side quest, so it’s arguably an easily forgettable encounter, at least for players who go into the mission without any existing knowledge of the folklore surrounding this cryptid. While the Beast of Beckley is a nice homage to West Virginia’s history, for many players this creature in Fallout 76 is hardly distinguishable from ordinary wolves that can be encountered throughout the game.


The Ogua’s ability to shield itself within its shell makes for an interesting fight, but otherwise, beyond combat, the Ogua arguably pales in comparison to the other cryptids in Fallout 76. The Ogua arguably lost its spectacle and recency bias shortly after it was introduced to the game in the Once in a Blue Moon update, and as a consequence it’s considered an underwhelming cryptid, at least in-game.

Smiling Man

The Mothman’s human sidekick, the Smiling Man, is equally creepy and spooky as the Mothman itself. While there isn’t much to encountering this cryptid, it’s still usually a memorable experience due to this cryptid’s unnatural appearance and demeanor.