Fallout 76 had an undeniably interesting launch. While many criticized the game for not meeting the astronomically high expectations that had been set for Bethesda, 76 was still a true to form Fallout game. Being set in the expansive nuclear wasteland of West Virginia, the game certainly did not have a shortage of interesting and new locations for players to explore.

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One of the many Appalachian locales players have in their sandbox is Camp Venture, an area located right on the edge of The Mire region. Camp Venture is filled with just as much loot as it is with secrets and lore, so the player is bound to have missed at least a few interesting tidbits here.

10 Pre-War Training Camp For The Free States

The Flag of the Fallout Faction, Free States

Before the War Camp Venture was known as V.E.S.T, or Virginia Endurance and Survival Training. V.E.S.T was used by the secessionist Free States faction to train its new recruits in the art of extreme and brutal wilderness survival.

The camp was personally run by Eddie Hayes Jr. — a survivalist member of the Free States. Right before the war in 2077, the Free States would secede from the United States, and as a result, Eddie and the rest of the survivalists abandoned Camp Venture for the safety of an underground bunker.

9 Taken Over by Taggerdy's Thunder

A picture of Taggerdys Thunder

The abandoned camp would become home to a unit of US Army Rangers left to fend for themselves by high command following the nuclear war of 2077. This unit was known as Taggerdy's Thunder, led by Lieutenant Elizabeth Taggerdy.

Without the camp, Taggerdy's Thunder would not have been able to survive the nuclear winter of 2078. Following this event the faction began to flourish and grow, initializing successful recruitment efforts and creating a brutal training regime under the leadership of Sgt. Ted Wilson.

8 Birthplace Of The Appalachian Brotherhood Of Steel

Appalachian BoS members posing for picture

After managing to survive the winter of 2078 Taggerdy's Thunder began to focus on much more than just survival. Initially, Taggerdy would ensure that the camp had ready defenses against any possible attacks or weather events, and a constant flow of supplies.

Once these basic necessities were met the Thunder began to recruit survivors in the local area. Despite their selective training process, the Thunder would eventually bolster their numbers to become a significant force in the Virginia wasteland. They would eventually join the Brotherhood of Steel, becoming the major faction's Appalachian branch.

7 Brutal Training And Recruitment Process

Obstacle Course in Camp Venture

The Virginia wasteland is filled with dangers and frights at every corner. Due to these apocalyptic living conditions, recruits of any faction need to undergo an extensive amount of training to be able to handle themselves.

Nevertheless, the Camp Venture training and recruitment process developed a reputation for being an especially brutal and deadly undertaking. In fact, most recruits did not make it through the process, and a handful even died. This process would eventually have negative effects on the local Brotherhood of Steel.

6 Refused to Cooperate With Other Factions

Brotherhood member wandering the wasteland

Following classic Brotherhood of Steel Tropes, the Appalachian branch developed a paranoid and almost hostile behavior towards the other factions. They maintained this attitude even in the face of common problems, such as the crippling Scorched Plague.

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This resistance to working with other wasteland actors is a common trait in most Brotherhood of Steel branches, and in the case of the Appalachian branch, it would be its ultimate downfall.

5 Abandoned Due to Mismanagement


While Camp Venture enjoyed a very fruitful and positive run, problems began to amass and the pressure simply became too overwhelming. The Brotherhood's strict recruitment process meant that it had very few new cadets. This, coupled with its refusal to cooperate with any third parties and the mounting threat of the Scorched Plague, quickly spelled doom for Camp Venture.

In 2093, the Brotherhood completely abandoned the camp, what remained of its members would set up base in Fort Defiance. Just like the Free States before them, the Brotherhood had also left Camp Venture to its own devices.

4 Overrun By the Scorched

Scorched attacking player in fallout 76

The Scorched Plague serves as the main antagonistic force in Fallout 76. It has consumed virtually everything in the wasteland of Western Virginia and has left almost no human life intact.

Camp Venture is not unique in this sense. Following its abandonment by the Brotherhood of Steel, the camp became home to new tenants, the Scorched.

3 Infested And Forgotten

Camp Venture on a map

Come 2102, the year of the opening of Vault 76 and the beginning of the player's adventure, Camp Venture has been devoid of any human life for quite some time. In fact, the camp has become completely derelict, and its only occupants are the mindless and hostile scorched.

This does not mean that the location is pointless and should be completely avoided. For those brave enough to face the scorched, the location is still filled with great loot and interesting information.

2 "About The Brotherhood" Holotape

Player loading Holotape in 76

The Brotherhood of Steel is the most important and consistently present faction in the entire Fallout series, showing up in every single major title. Its founding is one of the most important events in Fallout history, and this holotape covers the founder's ideology and vision when creating the Brotherhood.

Any player interested in the game's lore should give this tape a listen, it can be found on the main table within the command center of Camp Venture.

1 Filled With Great Loot

When it comes to great character builds in Fallout 76. Weapons and armor are of the utmost importance, and the player should always be on the lookout for better weapons, armor, and their respective mods.

Camp Venture is filled with loot that will help give the player the edge they need to survive the wasteland. Exploring this location will be helpful for practically any character build.

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