
  • Bloodied builds in Fallout 76 offer high rewards for players constantly at low health.
  • Unyielding armor, Adrenal Reaction mutation, and bloodied weapons are crucial for maximizing damage output in a bloodied build.
  • Perk cards like Nerd Rage, Serendipity, and Bloody Mess help bloodied builds stay alive longer and deal more damage.

There are lots of different build types in Fallout 76. Some are designed to soak up damage, while others are designed to carry as much as possible. One of the most popular build types is bloodied builds. These rely on the player constantly being in low health.

Fallout 76: 10 Best Perks For New Players

Newcomers to Bethesda's Fallout 76 should consider the following excellent beginner perks.

While it may sound counter-intuitive, being at low health gives the player lots of bonuses if used with the right armor, weapons, and perks. Bloodied builds are seen as high-risk builds. But with high risk comes high rewards. That's why lots of high-level players opt to create a bloodied build for their character.

It's important to note that there are lots of ways to create a bloodied build. This article can be used to create a rough template. Every player will have their own preferences, so it's important for players to put their own spin on their bloodied builds.

11 The Full Bloodied Set-Up

A Bloodied Build Needs More Than Just Perks

Fallout 76 (1)

Having a good bloodied build depends on lots of different things like weapons, armor, buffs, and more. While having the right perks is important, players should also use a combination of everything to maximize their bloodied build.

There are four main weapon types that benefit bloodied builds: anti-armor, quad, vampire's, and, of course, bloodied. Most players who play using a bloodied build tend to use fast-firing weapons to inflict as much damage as quickly as possible. So, weapons like the handmade rifle and the railway rifle are very good when used as a part of a bloodied setup.

Fallout 76: 7 Ways To Get Legendary Weapons

Legendary weapons make or break a character build in Fallout 76. These are the best ways to get your hands on some serious firepower.

As for armor, there's one main armor effect that players want: unyielding. Unyielding armor gives the player up to a +3 to all SPECIAL stats, excluding endurance when they are at low health. When active, this boosts carry weight, damage resistance, VATS hit chance, and more. Unyielding armor is a crucial part of almost every bloodied build.

Certain mutations can also really help bloodied players. The main one is Adrenal Reaction. This mutation allows the player to do more damage while at low health. Other great mutations for bloodied builds can be seen below:

  • Eagle Eyes: Increased Perception and Critical Hit Damage
  • Egg Head: Increased XP Gain
  • Healing Factor: Automatically Heal While Not in Combat
  • Herbivore/Carnivore: Extra Boosts From Eating Certain Food Types
  • Herd Mentality: More SPECIAL Points While on A Team
  • Marsupial: Increased Carry Weight and Jump Height
  • Scaly Skin: Increased Damage Resistance
  • Speed Demon: Increased Movement Speed and Reload Speed

10 Weapon Perks of The Player's Choice

Increase Damage Output

Fallout 76 (2)

The weapon type that the player uses will determine the perk group that they will need to invest in. Each weapon type has its damage increased by up to 60% if all of the damage perk cards for that particular weapon are maxed out. That said, for energy weapons, the maximum damage increase through perk cards is 30%. The table below shows all of the main damage-increasing perk cards for each weapon type.

Weapon Type


One-Hand Melee

Gladiator, Expert Gladiator, Master Gladiator

Two-Hand Melee

Slugger, Expert Slugger, Master Slugger


Archer, Expert Archer, Master Archer

Automatic Rifles

Commando, Expert Commando, Master Commando

Non-Automatic Rifles

Rifleman, Expert Rifleman, Master Rifleman

Heavy Weapons

Heavy Gunner, Expert Heavy Gunner, Master Heavy Gunner

Energy Weapons

Science, Science Expert, Science Master

Non-Automatic Pistols

Gunslinger, Expert Gunslinger, Master Gunslinger

Automatic Pistols

Guerrilla, Expert Guerrilla, Master Guerrilla


Shotgunner, Expert Shotgunner, Master Shotgunner

It's also worth taking note of the Demolition Expert perk card if the player uses explosive weapons. This perk card can increase explosive damage by a whopping 60%.

There are other perks that help to enhance damage, but they depend on the player's weapon selection. Some of the other perk cards, like Concentrated Fire, Ground Pounder, and Stabilized, can all help to give certain weapon types an extra boost in effectiveness. So, no matter what type of weapon the player uses, there's guaranteed to be a perk card to suit their needs.

9 Nerd Rage

A Must-Have Perk For Bloodied Builds

Fallout 76 (3)

All bloodied builds should use the Nerd Rage perk card. This is one of the most powerful perks for bloodied builds. When it's at its max rank, players will have the following bonuses when below 20% health:

  • +40 Damage Resistance
  • +20% Damage
  • +15% AP Regen

Those three bonuses are incredibly powerful, especially the 20% boost to damage output. One useful thing about this perk is that it shows an animation when the player hits 20% health. This is a great way of finding out what health percentage the player is at.

There are some other things, like unyielding armor and bloodied weapons, that are more effective when the player is below 20% health. So, having an easy way of finding out whether the player is below that threshold can come in very handy.

8 Serendipity

Stay Alive For Longer

Serendipity Perk in Fallout 76

Bloodied builds do have one major drawback: death! Players who use a bloodied build will find that they die more often than players who go for full-health builds. Serendipity can help to reduce the frequency at which bloodied players die.

When maxed out, this perk gives players a 45% chance to avoid incoming damage while under 30% health. When used in combination with Nerd Rage, it is a very powerful perk as it means that the player will take less damage overall. It's worth noting that this perk can't be used while in Power Armor. But there are other perks that Power Armor lovers can use instead.

7 Bloody Mess

An Important Perk For All Builds

Bloody Mess Perk in Fallout 76

The Bloody Mess perk card isn't just great for bloodied builds; it's a perk card that everyone should use, no matter their build type. When maxed out, this card increases the player's overall damage output by 15%. This doesn't have any weapon requirements, and it works while in Power Armor, making it an all-around great card.

This luck-based perk card can't be unlocked until the player is level 42. But it doesn't take long to get to level 42. As soon as this perk card becomes available, players should invest three points into this card.

6 Action Boy/Girl

Regenerate Action Points Faster

Fallout 76 (4)

The Action Boy/Girl perk card is great for those who rely on VATS. At its max rank, this card will allow players to regenerate AP 45% faster. When used alongside things like Company Tea and Canned Coffee, the player's AP bar will regenerate in just a couple of seconds.

For those who don't use VATS, Action Boy/Girl is still a very useful card. Sprinting, jumping, using a jetpack, and performing melee attacks all require AP points. So, being able to regenerate AP faster can come in very handy for almost every type of player.

5 Adrenaline

Increased Damage During A Killing Frenzy

Fallout 76 (5)

While this perk is not essential for a bloodied build, it's highly recommended that players invest at least a couple of points in this perk card. There are a total of five ranks for this perk card, making it quite expensive. But it allows players to inflict more damage for 30 seconds per kill.

At rank five, players can do up to 60% more damage to enemies while in the 30-second kill window. This 30-second window refreshes with each kill. So, events where there are lots of enemies, like Radiation Rumble and A Colossal Problem, are perfect for getting the most out of this perk card. Also, this perk card works both inside and outside VATs, so it can be utilized by all players.

4 Better Criticals

A Must-Have For VATS Users

Fallout 76 (6)

Critical shots are the biggest positive for VATS in Fallout 76. Unlike previous games, VATS doesn't slow down or freeze time. This would be an impossible feature for an online game to have. There are several things players can do to increase their critical shot damage. One of the big ones is using the Better Criticals perk.

At max rank, this perk card allows players to do 100% more damage on each critical hit. When used in combination with other critical hit boosts like magazines and weapon effects, it's possible to do hundreds/thousands of points of damage per critical hit.

3 Starched Genes

Keep Specific Mutations

Starched Genes Perk in Fallout 76

As mentioned in the first entry, mutations are a core component of a bloodied build. Mutations like Adrenal Reaction and Healing Factor play an important role in a bloodied build. Mutations are expensive. Whether the player buys the plans from MODUS in the Whitespring Bunker or purchases them from player vendors, mutations don't come cheap.

Fallout 76: The 15 Best Mutations In The Game, Ranked

From Speed Demon to Twisted Muscles, here are some of the best mutations you can hope to find in Fallout 76.

Rank two of Starched Genes prevents the player from losing any of their acquired mutations. Without it, every time the player uses Radaway, they run the risk of losing one of their mutations. Without Starched Genes, players will find themselves spending a fortune on mutations.

2 Class Freak

Reduce Mutation Side Effects

Fallout 76 (7)

Mutations come with a couple of negative side effects. From a decrease in intelligence to Chems being less effective. While most of the side effects aren't too bad, there is a way to make the negatives negligible. The Class Freak perk card has three ranks. Each rank reduces the negative effects of mutations.

Even if the player only invests one point in this card, their negative effects will still be reduced by an impressive 25%. The max rank reduces the negative side effects by 75%. So, when possible, players should try to max out this perk card.

1 Strange in Numbers

Another Mutation Perk

Strange in Numbers Perk in Fallout 76

Strange in Numbers is a great perk to have for those players who enjoy playing as part of a team. There is only one rank to this card. When active, positive mutation effects are boosted by 25%. This can be a very useful perk if the player is using a handful of mutations.

If the player is on a team with another mutated player, then this perk will activate. While it isn't possible to tell whether a player is mutated or not, most players, especially high-level players, have at least a couple of active mutations. So, it's a worthwhile perk to have.

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Fallout 76

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Action , RPG