Updated on May 23, 2024 by Benjamin Joe Peed: Fallout 76 is a game that allows players to choose their own playstyles. From melee and rifle builds to stealth and tank builds, there are lots of options for players to choose from. When leaving the vault for the first time, it can be overwhelming to know what perks to choose and how to improve the player's character.

Fallout 76: 10 Best Perks For New Players

Newcomers to Bethesda's Fallout 76 should consider the following excellent beginner perks.

This article is going to go over some of the best builds in the game and break down why they are so good. While it is important for players to put their own spin on their builds, there are some great builds that players can use as a guide/template. It is also important for players to keep in mind that a good build is somewhat subjective. What suits one player may not suit another.

For players who want to create a plan for their character, websites like Fallout Builds are great places for players to go and create different builds outside the game. It's also a good place to get some inspiration, as lots of players like to share their builds on the platform.

6 Stealth VATS Non-Automatic Rifle

Take Down Tough Enemies With A Single Shot

Chinese Stealth Armor in Fallout 76

Crucial Perks




Expert Rifleman


Master Rifleman


Concentrated Fire


Tank Killer






Escape Artist




Covert Operative


Better Criticals


Critical Savvy


VATS plays a vital role in Fallout games. While VATS in Fallout 76 doesn't allow the player to slow down time like in other games due to the fact that it's an online game, the system still works pretty well.

VATS builds work well for both full health and Bloodied builds. The idea behind this one is to maximize the damage output by VATS critical shots. When done right, players can inflict thousands of points of damage in a single shot.

Unfortunately, a VATS non-automatic rifle build does have some downsides. Players won't gain as much XP as they would with an automatic build due to their slow rate of fire. Also, this build doesn't work well in events like Radiation Rumble due to the sheer volume of enemies.

However, for players who want to pick enemies off one at a time, a VATS stealth build may be the perfect option.

5 Junkie's Power Armor

Embrace The Power Of Chems

Strangler Power Armor in Fallout 76

Crucial Perks


Heavy Gunner Perks (Recommended)

3 in Each



Strange in Numbers


Stabilized (Recommended Only For Heavy Guns)


Born Survivor


Chem Fiend


Super Duper (For Crafting Chems)


Chemist (For Crafting Chems)


Starched Genes


Class Freak


A Junkie's Power Armor Build isn't centered around the perks but around Chems. While most players see addiction as a bad thing in Fallout 76, there are those who choose to embrace it.

Using Junkie's weapons while being addicted to various Chems can be a viable way to take down enemies efficiently. Coupled with the right mutations and a good set of Power Armor and a Junkie's build can be very effective.

Fallout 76: Best Perk Cards for Power Armor

Here are the best perk cards to equip while riding a Power Armor in Fallout 76.

While it's not as popular as it used to be, there are those who still use a Junkie's build as their main build. For the most part, players tend to use these types of builds for heavy guns. While a Junkie's build can be good for other weapon types, it's heavy guns where this style really shines. The obvious downside of a Junkie's build is the side effects of various addictions. However, if done right, the pros definitely outweigh the cons.

4 Full Health Non-Power Armor

A Jack Of All Trades Type Of Build

Standing With A Tesla Rifle in Fallout 76

Crucial Perks


Weapon Damage Boosting Perks (Depends on Player Preference)

3 in Each

Adamantium Skeleton




Strange in Numbers




Bandolier/Batteries Included (Depends on Ammo Type Used By The Player)

Max Rank

Action Boy/Girl


Class Freak


Starched Genes


While not as effective as a tanky Power Armor build, a standard full-health build is what a lot of low and mid-level players tend to use. It is popular due to its flexibility. It can be used with almost every weapon type and most legendary effects.

A full-health build is good for those who enjoy transitioning from one build to another, as it doesn't require the player to take a bunch of Radaway or Chems to transition from one build type to another. Simply head to the nearest Punch Card Machine and switch to another loadout.

The downside of this type of build is that it doesn't really specialize in any one thing. So, players won't level up very fast, cause crazy high amounts of damage, or have a very high damage resistance. Instead, the player will be average across the board. A standard full-health build is a good choice for those who have not yet decided what type of weapons, armor, mutations, and perks that they want to invest in for the long term.

3 Full Health Power Armor Tank

Soak Up The Damage

Full Health Power Armor in Fallout 76

Crucial Perks




Heavy Gunner Perks (For Heavy Weapons)

3 in Each

Gladiator Perks (For One-Handed Weapons)

3 in Each

Slugger Perks (For Two-Handed Weapons)

3 in Each

Fire Proof




Strange in Numbers


Power User


Stabilized (For Heavy Gunners)


Starched Genes


Class Freak


Full-health Power Armor builds are mostly popular among lower-level players. However, there are a few veteran players who enjoy the benefits of having a full-health tank build. Builds like this are mostly used for those who enjoy melee weapons and heavy guns. The core idea of a tank build is to have as much damage resistance as possible. The higher the player's damage resistance, the less likely they are to die.

While Power Armor can be expensive to repair, by having rank 3 Power Patcher equipped, the player will need to repair their equipment less often. It will also be much cheaper to repair. Despite being a build centered around having high damage resistance, players using a heavy explosive weapon can still cause a decent amount of damage if they equip the Heavy Gunner Perks alongside rank 5 Demolition Expert.

2 Power Leveling

Level Up Much Faster

A Lunchbox in Fallout 76

Crucial Perks


Night Person

3 (Needs To Be Switched Out In The Daytime For Photosynthetic Or Solar Powered)



Strange in Numbers




Class Freak


Max Intelligence Points

Always Have 15 in Intelligence. Each Perk in Intelligence Boosts Player XP

Starched Genes


A power leveling build is ideal for lower-level players. While it may seem like a waste of perk points at first, investing in perks that increase the amount of XP players earn will really benefit the player further down the line.

Fallout 76: What Is Max Level? (& Tips To Get There Quickly)

Reaching max level in Fallout 76 is a bit of a process. Here's everything you need to know in order to do it.

Some events like Radiation Rumble and Eviction Notice are amazing events to get lots of XP. By having a build that gives more XP to the player, they can find themselves leveling up several times an hour. Like with all builds in Fallout 76, a power-leveling build relies on more than just perks. Utilizing mutations like Egg Head and Herd Mentality can help players earn even more XP. Combine that with lunch boxes, leader bobbleheads, and XP-boosting foods like Cranberry Relish and Brain Bombs, and the player can level up at the speed of light.

The downside of a power-leveling build is that players won't do as much damage as they would with other builds. But, this build is more of a mid-point build that will allow the player to upgrade to a higher damage build in the future.

1 Bloodied Commando

Take Down Enemies Fast

Using A Bloodied Build in Fallout 76

Crucial Perks




Expert Commando


Master Commando




Tank Killer


Nerd Rage


Starched Genes


Bloody Mess




Strange in Numbers


Bloodied builds are among the best build types in Fallout 76. And, out of all the Bloodied build types, commando builds are at the top of the food chain. While the player will die more often when compared to a full health build, a bloodied build more than makes up for it with high damage and a larger carrying capacity.

Ideally, the player should have a full set of Unyielding Armor and a Quad Railway Rifle. However, any good armor set and automatic rifle will work with this build. This build allows players to cause lots of damage. Also, by utilizing the Adrenaline perk, the damage will increase for every kill made within a certain time frame.

This is a high-risk build. But with high risk comes high rewards. Players will find that they will level up much faster using a bloodied build (with unyielding armor). While Bloodied builds are mainly used by high-level players, low-level players can also create Bloodied builds, provided they have a good weapon and a decent set of armor.

fallout 76
Fallout 76

PC , PS4 , Xbox One
November 14, 2018
Action , RPG