
  • The upcoming Fallout TV series honors the franchise's legacy and the demands of dedicated fans, with a new setting, new events, and new characters to enjoy.
  • The show's creative crew successfully captured the tone and details of the Fallout games, earning praise from executive producer Todd Howard for their commitment to authenticity.
  • The TV series is seen as a new entry in the Fallout franchise, similar to Fallout 5, with a unique story and familiar yet distinct perspectives, expanding the franchise into new mediums.

The upcoming Fallout TV series from Prime Video inherits a huge legacy in more ways than one. Not only does it have a strong cast and production crew behind it that the material has to live up to, but it inherits the demands and wishes of franchise fans dating back to the first game. Fallout fans are vocal, as fans await news on Fallout 5, debate and defend their favorite games in the franchise, and have tons of lore to enjoy within it too.

Like Fallout 3, New Vegas, and FO4 before it, the upcoming Fallout TV series gives fans a new setting, new events, new characters, and much more to enjoy. Game ZXC recently attended a roundtable interview ahead of CCXP23 to learn more about the upcoming series, and how the TV series stood out yet honored the franchise was a constant speaking point. According to executive producer Graham Wagner, Todd Howard has been impressed by the show and its commitment in this area.

Fallout TV Series Trailer Gives Fans Their First Full Look at the Wasteland

The Fallout TV series follows up on its recently released first-look images with a proper teaser trailer at CCXP23 in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

In one way, this is due to creating the overarching tone of the Fallout games and ensuring all the details were as practical as possible, using CGI only when necessary. In fact, there was a time, Wagner recalled, that Howard walked through the Vault 33 set and couldn't believe the crew got it "right.' Whether that was in imagination or the real reconstruction of materials to simulate the games wasn't clear, but that wasn't the biggest compliment Howard paid the crew.

Because the creative crew took the direction of creating a new entry in the Fallout franchise, albeit one in a different medium, and adhered to franchise traditions like a new setting and new characters, Howard reportedly compared the approach to the show to the approach of Fallout 5. Speaking to how the team selected what to include and what not to include in the show, Wagner stated,

"There's no way to get all [that lore] in a first season of a show, so we all felt like we had to squint our eyes a bit to embody it in the show. At one point, Todd Howard said, "This sort of feels like you guys are writing Fallout 5." That was the greatest compliment we could've gotten."

After all, this is a new story and not a recreation of a game like The Last of Us' TV adaptation. It is familiar in lore and tone, being told from unique yet familiar perspectives—Lucy as a Vault Dweller, Maximus as a member of the Brotherhood of Steel, and The Ghoul as a survivor in the Wasteland—but it is a brand new entry in the franchise, just like Fallout 5 eventually will be.

Not much is known about the next video game in the franchise, but at one point in 2022, Todd Howard did confirm that Fallout 5 would happen after The Elder Scrolls 6. Fans know, based on the franchise, that it'll feature a new story, a new location, and a new set of characters, and they know it'll be a long wait. This TV series won't eat up all the time until Fallout 5's eventual release date, but it's great to see the franchise expanding into new mediums.

The Fallout TV series airs on April 12, 2024. Game ZXC was provided travel and lodging for CCXP23.


Fallout is a post-apocalyptic RPG franchise created by Interplay Entertainment and developed by Black Isle Studios, before Bethesda Softworks took over the IP in 2004. The series features a retrofuturistic style following a nuclear war that devastated the game's world. Players typically inhabit a Vault Dweller, someone who remained safe in an underground shelter, appearing in the post-apocalyptic world where a problem needs to be solved. While the older games were more tactical RPGs, Fallout 3 took the franchise into the first person shooter genre, while also retaining the RPG elements.