
  • Fallout 5's decision to have a silent protagonist is worth careful consideration due to its potential impact on gameplay and player experience.
  • A voiced protagonist, similar to Fallout 4, could bring added emotion and make the character more memorable, but a silent protagonist would offer convenience and allow for player imagination.
  • Considering the historical success of silent protagonists in the Fallout series, Fallout 5 may be better off returning to this tradition, giving players more freedom in how they imagine their character.

One important question to ask about Fallout 5 is whether the game will return to the old tradition of having a silent protagonist. While it isn't something that will have much impact on gameplay as a whole, it's still something that should be given proper scrutiny. Fallout 5 is bound to be scrutinized heavily upon release, so the developers need to choose wisely when it comes to game decisions. This will cover everything from mechanical changes to minute details. Of course, the decision of whether to return to a silent protagonist is also up for debate.

Out of the many protagonists of the Fallout series, most have been silent protagonists. The games do have dialogue trees, but the protagonist's own words are often unvoiced. The exception to this rule was Fallout 4, which featured a fully-voiced protagonist whose backstory was closely tied to the main plot of the game. This ended up being one of the most discussed and controversial aspects of the game for several reasons. In the aftermath of Fallout 4, there are a lot of details worth considering for the sequel. Not surprisingly, the idea of another voiced protagonist is among the ideas that must be discussed.

Fallout 5's Development Timeline Makes Fallout 76 More Important Than Ever

Fallout 5 still has a long road of development ahead, and in the meantime, Fallout 76 has an important role to play for fans of the series.

Fallout 5's Protagonist's Voice or Lack Thereof is Worth Discussing


A Voiced Protagonist in Fallout 5 Could Have More Character

One advantage that could come with having a voiced protagonist like Fallout 4's is the added emotion that could come from the dialogue. Writing on its own can be good, and well-done voice acting can add to the effect of almost any line. In addition, a good voice could help to make the protagonist a more memorable character. While Fallout's past characters are more known for their stories, Fallout 5 could use voice acting in an attempt to make them more iconic, similar to Commander Shepard of the Mass Effect series. After Fallout 4, the door is certainly open for another fully-voiced protagonist.

Another Silent Protagonist in Fallout 5 May Be More Convenient

On the other hand, a silent protagonist may not help Fallout 5 stand out from past games, but it could prove to be the better option. In addition to not needing to get a voice actor for anything other than occasional grunts, it makes the main character more of a clean slate for players. The protagonist remaining silent would also help conversations go by quicker since the player's input could simply be selected rather than spoken, streamlining the process and letting the player return to gameplay sooner. Another silent protagonist in Fallout 5 wouldn't be particularly flashy, but history has shown that it works.

Silent Protagonists Have Historically Worked in Fallout

Whether Fallout 5's protagonist should have a voice is a question that is hard to definitively answer. Unless Bethesda lets players choose whether the protagonist speaks, the game will have to take a concrete stance. There could be some potential compromises, such as multiple voices to choose from, although that would likely take a lot of studio time to record. While there are some merits to voice acting, Fallout 5 may be better off making its protagonist silent again. A voiced protagonist isn't necessary for the game. Not to mention, it would give players more leeway in how they imagine their character.

Another silent protagonist in Fallout 5 wouldn't be particularly flashy, but history has shown that it works.

With Fallout 5 so far away, nobody can truly know whether the developers will go back to basics with a silent protagonist, at least not yet. Fallout 5 can continue a tradition by going back to a silent protagonist, or follow Fallout 4's lead by giving them a voice. There are legitimate arguments for the game to go either way on the topic, especially since it's one that's largely subject to personal taste. There will be a lot of important factors going into Fallout 5, with the protagonist's possible silence being prominent among them.