
  • Fallout 5 could give an underused faction, the Followers of the Apocalypse, a chance to shine in the spotlight and play a significant role in shaping the game's story.
  • The various endings in Fallout games have been influenced by major factions, and Fallout 5 could follow suit. The Followers of the Apocalypse could become a major player in the game's main plot up to the finale.
  • The Followers of the Apocalypse, known for their benevolence and pacifistic nature, deserve a victory in the series. Fallout 5 could finally provide them with an opportunity to have a definitively good ending and become a powerful influence in the wasteland.

There are a lot of possibilities for Fallout 5's story, and one very worthy option would be to give one underused faction some time in the spotlight. The Fallout games have introduced players to several in-game factions, both friend and foe. These factions have often played a major role in shaping the worlds that their respective games take place in. That will almost certainly be the case in Fallout 5 as well, and it could include some familiar names from past games. Those same factions could also end up factoring into the game's main plot up to the finale.

The various endings available in Fallout games are a significant part of the series' role-playing aspect. As indicated by Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4, the endings have largely been steered by the major factions in the games in question. New Vegas saw players taking a side on the NCR versus Legion civil war, with the alternate options of going freelance or working for Mr. House. Fallout 4 also had four factions to choose from, with their own crisscrossing dynamics to deal with. Factions have become increasingly important in Fallout's stories, and Fallout 5's story could easily be similar.

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It's Time For Fallout's Followers of the Apocalypse to Take Center Stage

Followers of the Apocalypse camp at Old Mormon Fort in Fallout: New Vegas

The Followers of the Apocalypse were last seen in Obsidian Entertainment's Fallout: New Vegas and they are a difficult faction to forget. Despite their threatening-sounding name, the Followers are in the running for the most benevolent faction in the series. They are largely pacifistic and are devoted to helping other people in the wasteland. Their iteration in Fallout: New Vegas takes this further by having them effectively be a faction of medics, providing care to anyone who comes into their camps. There's a lot of moral greyness in the Fallout universe, but the Followers of the Apocalypse are undoubtedly some of the good guys.

The Followers of the Apocalypse have appeared twice, but never as major players. Although Caesar of Fallout: New Vegas' Caesar's Legion was a former Follower turned rogue, they have almost no role in the conflict against the Legion. Meanwhile, while they have a conflict with the Children of the Cathedral in the first Fallout, they don't have a proper ending. To date, there has not been a chance for the Followers to have things turn out in their favor despite their good intentions. It's about time for them to finally get the victory that they deserve, and Fallout 5 could be the perfect opportunity for that.

There's a fair argument for the Followers of the Apocalypse to appear wherever Fallout 5 takes place, and they could finally play a pivotal role in the process. While the Followers probably wouldn't have any aggressive plans due to their peaceful nature, a powerful figure like the protagonist would be a big help for them. Fallout 5 could see them become a real power in the wasteland—not through military might, but through influence, similar to how the player could help the Minutemen in Fallout 4. Much like the Minutemen, the next incarnation of the Followers could bring a hopeful mission to the wasteland and the player.

Even though the Followers of the Apocalypse have yet to truly take the spotlight in a Fallout game, Fallout 5's changes to the series could grant them the opportunity to do just that. They would be an easy choice as the heroic side of a dispute thanks to their peaceful and charity-related goals, and players would have plenty of reason to help them out. Not to mention, for once they would have a chance to have a definitively good ending in the series. Fallout 5 could be the best chance for the Followers of the Apocalypse to shine.

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