
  • Fallout 5 must learn from Fallout 76 and Starfield's launch missteps to ensure success as a beloved RPG franchise.
  • Both Fallout 76 and Starfield have been accused of having empty worlds without enough interesting characters or locations to populate them.
  • Fallout 5 needs to deliver a more vibrant world and engaging characters to avoid feelings of emptiness like seen in Fallout 76 and Starfield.

Despite hopes of Fallout 5 being one of Bethesda's next projects, two of the studio's recent major releases, Fallout 76 and Starfield, are worrisome when it comes to the next chapter in the Fallout franchise. Although Fallout 5 is many years away from becoming reality, the lukewarm response to both Fallout 76 and Starfield at launch should inspire Bethesda to go back to the drawing board when approaching its next project.

If Bethesda must learn anything from Fallout 76 and Starfield's reception, it's that Fallout 5 should be handled with extra care. As a beloved RPG franchise, the Fallout series has become one of the most notable in modern gaming, but the next entry in the series will be a make-or-break moment for Bethesda.

Grandmother Should be to Fallout 5 What Adoring Fan Was to Starfield

Fun and quirky side characters have been seen throughout Bethesda's games, and its next Fallout title should keep this tradition going.

Fallout 5 Now Has Higher Expectations Than Ever

The past few years haven't exactly gone how Bethesda expected. With the evolution of gaming moving faster than ever, Bethesda's aging Creation Engine and overall approach to its games is quickly starting to feel outdated. Fallout 5 could be the right time for Bethesda to move on from its formula in favor of a fresh start. Although Starfield was one of the most anticipated games of 2023, many players were quick to note how outdated and barren the game felt, and Fallout 5 can't afford to feel the same.

Fallout 76's Rough Start

Since its original release back in 2018, Fallout 76 has arguably redeemed itself in the long run. This year, the game reached record player numbers, but that came after a rough period when the game first launched. Metacritic scores for the game were widely mixed, and some reviews even accused the game of being unfinished. The game has improved a lot since then, but six years is still a long time for a game to finally find its stride. It would have been much better for the franchise if Fallout 76 launched in the state it is now.

Starfield's Lonely World

One of the main complaints from players when Starfield launched was similar to some of the criticism of Fallout 76. The overall world of Starfield ultimately feels lifeless. There have even been Starfield mods made by players that make cities feel more lifelike. Although fan-made mods are a long-running tradition for Bethesda fans, the environments in Starfield just aren't up to par when compared to other open world titles. Red Dead Redemption 2 is the same age as Fallout 76 and still has some of the most realistic NPCs and environments in gaming.

Fallout 5 Has To Feel More Alive

If Fallout 5 is ever announced, Bethesda would greatly benefit from a change in course. There are definitely good features from Fallout 76 that Fallout 5 can emulate, but the next installment can't afford to have the same type of launch as Fallout 76 and Starfield. With other studio's engines quickly becoming more advanced and better suited for world building, Bethesda should consider retiring its Creation Engine for the sake of the Fallout franchise's future.

Skyrim and Fallout 4 may still be popular games that were great successes for Bethesda, but they are still very much a product of their times. Back in 2011, Skyrim was groundbreaking, but the landscape of gaming has changed drastically since then, and Fallout 76 and Starfield haven't exactly proven that Bethesda is keeping up with the pace. If Bethesda wants to redeem itself with the players who were left disappointed by its previous releases, the studio may want to look to Fallout 5 as a new beginning for the franchise and its future projects.