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  • Chems in Fallout 4 can be powerful, but beware of addiction and penalties, choose wisely.
  • Jet, Berry Mentats, and Overdrive are top Chems to look out for in the game for boosts.
  • X-Cell is a rare but potent Chem that boosts all SPECIAL stats, but use it carefully.

There are a bunch of consumables in Fallout 4, but few are as useful as Chems. Chems, or chemicals, are the variety of consumable drugs that the Sole Survivor can get addicted to if they consume them too much. Chems can be found all over the Commonwealth. They can also be crafted at Chemistry stations if the player has the right ingredients.

Chems can be powerful boosters in combat, but for those who play in Survival Mode, Chems can also have powerful penalties if overused. Companions might also be inclined to judge the player for using Chems, so players should pick poisons wisely. There are a few Chems in Fallout 4 that are always worth keeping an eye out for.


From the legendary Aeternus gatling gun to the hallowed Perfectly Preserved Pie, here are some of the rarest items in Fallout 4.

Updated May 19, 2024, by Benjamin Joe: Fallout games are seeing a large increase in player count due to the hit Fallout TV show. With that in mind, new players should know all there is to know about the best Chems in Fallout 4. There are lots of Chems that players will come across as they search the ruins of post-war Boston, so it's important to know which ones are worth grabbing.

The Chems that don't get mentioned here aren't bad Chems; they just aren't typically the best ones to use. Players should also note that items like Rad-X and Antibiotics won't feature on this list because players can't get addicted to them. Fallout 4 defines Chems as consumables that have a chance to cause addiction and withdrawal symptoms.

8 Jet

A Readily Available Boost

Fallout 4 Jet
  • Effects: Slows Time
  • Chem Effect Duration: 10 Seconds
  • Addiction Side Effects: -1 Agility
  • Chance Of Becoming Addicted: 25%

This Chem is nowhere near as good as its more powerful relative, Psycho Jet. However, since it is much easier to come across, cheaper to make, and less addictive, it can be quite a good Chem to use when trying to get to hard-to-reach places.

It can also be good for taking down multiple enemies in quick succession. Jet is one of the most commonly found Chems in Fallout 4, so players should have no problems collecting large quantities of the stuff.

7 Berry Mentats

Useful In Certain Situations

Fallout 4 Mentats
  • Effects: +5 Intelligence, Highlights Living Targets
  • Chem Effect Duration: 8 Minutes
  • Addiction Side Effects: -1 Charisma
  • Chance Of Becoming Addicted: 25%

There are several different types of Mentats, each one offers the player slightly different benefits. For example, Grape Mentats offer better prices from vendors, while Orange Mentats increase a player's perception by 5. This entry, though, will focus on Berry Mentats. While they aren't found very often, Berry Mentats can be crafted with an Anti Freeze Bottle, 2 Tarberry, and regular Mentats.

There are two reasons why Berry Mentats can be useful. The first is that they highlight enemies. This can be great in certain combat situations when it isn't obvious where enemies are shooting from. The second use is its huge boost to intelligence. This can help players pass various speech checks and also boosts the player's XP for its duration.

6 Overdrive

Great For VATS Users

Fallout 4 Overdrive
  • Effects: +25% Damage, +25% Critical Chance
  • Chem Effect Duration: 8 Minutes
  • Addiction Side Effects: -1 Agility, -1 Strength
  • Chance Of Becoming Addicted: 35%

Overdrive is a fairly rare Chem. Players mostly come across this it while looking through Chem Boxes. Fred Allen also usually has a couple in stock in Hotel Rexford.

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Need an extra challenge in Fallout 4? These combat mods will make the game just a little harder for you.

This Chem gives players a powerful boost to damage and critical chance for 8 minutes. When used correctly, this Chem is great for taking out groups of tough enemies like Gunners. Overdrive is seen as one of the most effective offensive Chems in the game. Not only are its effects great for dealing extra damage to tough enemies, but Overdrive is also one of the longest-lasting damage boost chems in Fallout 4.

5 Buffout

Survive Tough Situations

Fallout 4 Buffout
  • Effects: +2 Strength, +2 Endurance, +50 Max Hit Points
  • Chem Effect Duration: 5 Minutes
  • Addiction Side Effects: -1 Strength, -1 Endurance
  • Chance Of Becoming Addicted: 25%

Buffout is a fairly common Chem that can be found all over the Commonwealth. Long before the war started, it was akin to a steroid supplement, popular among men. Now, Buffout is just one of the many supplements that can serve players well in combat. This Chem can give players an edge during tough combat situations.

Since it is a commonly found Chem, players will have no problem finding and amassing large quantities of the stuff. Like with most items in Fallout 4, it's usually a good idea to hoard everything. So, it's a good idea to have a chest dedicated to excess Chems at the player's main settlement for emergency situations.

4 Psycho

Do Heavy Damage

Fallout 4 Psycho
  • Effects: +25% Damage, +25% Damage Resistance
  • Chem Effect Duration: 5 Minutes
  • Addiction Side Effects: -1 Strength, -10 Damage Resistance
  • Chance Of Becoming Addicted: 25%

A former stimulant developed by the US Army for its soldiers, Psycho is one of the more hardcore Chems on this list. Despite listing some pretty grisly side effects like bleeding gums and restlessness, it's a favorite among chem users. Crafting it is also incredibly simple: circuitry, stimpak, acid, and hubflower, which makes it an easy Chem to get in bulk.

Psycho's effects only last for 5 minutes, but it gives the player a powerful edge and allows them to deal some serious damage. Psycho is also a fairly commonly found drug, so there's a good chance that players will have at least one of two at any given moment.

3 Psychobuff

A Potent Combination

Fallout 4 Biggest Bethesda Release Combat
  • Effects: +25% Damage, +3 Endurance, +3 Strength, +65 Max HP
  • Chem Effect Duration: 8 Minutes
  • Addiction Side Effects: -1 Strength, -10 Damage Resistance
  • Chance Of Becoming Addicted: 35%

Psychobuff is a combination of the two previous entries. This Chem takes the best effects from Buffout and Psycho to create a Chem that can make players temporarily unstoppable.

Fallout 4: Best Merchants In The Game

When looking to offload materials or buy new items, these individuals are some of the best merchants that players will find.

Psychobuff is also relatively easy to craft. All players need to do is combine 1 Psycho and 1 Buffout at a Chemistry Station. Because of how easy it is to make, it is a great Chem to produce in bulk. Being able to inflict 25% more damage while having an extra boost to the player's overall health can help players survive some of the most dangerous situations Fallout 4 has to offer.

2 Psycho Jet

A Powerful Combination

fallout 4 jetpack mod
  • Effects: +25% Damage, +35% Damage Resistance, +40 AP, Slows Time
  • Chem Effect Duration: 25 Seconds (15 Seconds For Slow Time Effect)
  • Addiction Side Effects: -1 Strength, -10 Damage Resistance
  • Chance Of Becoming Addicted: 35%

As its name suggests, Psycho Jet is a combination of Psycho and Jet. This Chem only lasts a few seconds, but it can be an amazing Chem for both combat and parkour situations. During combat situations, if the player finds themselves pinned down, popping a Psycho Jet is a great way to charge through the surrounding enemies.

Its other great use is for getting to hard-to-reach areas. Fallout 4 has several locations that require a little parkour to get to. Using Psycho Jet alongside a jetpack can make parkour a breeze.

1 X-Cell

Very Rare And Very Powerful

Fallout 4 X-cell
  • Effects: +2 To ALL SPECIAL Stats
  • Chem Effect Duration: 2 Minutes
  • Addiction Side Effects: -1 To All SPECIAL Stats
  • Chance Of Becoming Addicted: 35%

One of the best Chems in the game, X-Cell is a consumable with high risks and high rewards. Since this Chem boosts all SPECIAL stats, it boosts all sorts of things like carry weight, critical hit chance, damage, and more. At the same time, it is incredibly addictive, making it risky. Still, its power makes it an incredible Chem to have.

However, with it being such a powerful Chem, X-Cell is very hard to come by. So, players will need to use them carefully, as there isn't an infinite supply.

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Fallout 4

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November 10, 2015