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  • There are a wide variety of ways to play through Fallout 4 and players are free to approach the game in any way they like.
  • Some character builds are far more powerful than people give them credit for and can be a lot of fun
  • To make the most of these builds, especially on the game's harder difficulties, players will want to grab certain perks and gear

Open-world games with lots of character creation options are the ideal time-killer. With so much to see, do, and become, the Fallout series is undeniably one of the best examples of this genre. Each game in the franchise adds more and more variables that players can adjust and toy with at their leisure and Fallout 4 is no exception.

Fallout 4: All Of The Companions, Ranked

Fallout 4 offers players the chance to travel with a companion. Of course, choosing one isn't easy, so we ranked the best ones!

The results are unexpected playstyles. Builds that range from bizarre to bold can flourish in Boston's wastelands if the Sole Survivor has the correct perks, weapons, and armor. With the variety to be found in Fallout 4, there are plenty of reasons to start a new playthrough and try out one of the many great underrated character builds.

Updated April 20, 2024, by Aldous Foster: With the release of the Fallout 4 Next-Gen Version around the corner and the recent success of the Fallout TV show, many players may be venturing into the Commonwealth for the first time or returning to try something new. These powerful builds offer players a wide variety of ways to approach the game. They can pick whichever style of gameplay suits them best and look for the gear and perks that best complement that build. Whether players want to go in loud and proud with explosives or pass through like a gust of wind, these great builds have something for everyone. a

11 Suave Cannibal

A Refined And Charismatic Hunter

  • Important Gear: Pickman's Blade, Disciple's Blade
  • S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Charisma, Agility, Endurance
  • Important Perks: Ninja, Blitz, Cannibal, Mister Sandman

With high Charisma, refined clothing, and a fancy home, one can slaughter and dine upon their foes with luxury unseen in the wasteland. This diabolic build is best served by investing in Endurance, Charisma, and Agility. Some of the best perks are Cannibal to eat bodies, Lady Killer/Black Widow to increase damage done to the opposite gender, and Sneak as well as Ninja because they both make a player more capable of hunting and acquiring prey.

Melee and stealth work together perfectly to provide players with a very strong way to tackle combat situations, killing and eating their foes before they act. To fully embrace an evil playthrough, players should also consider picking up weapons like Pickman's Blade. This is a very strong melee weapon that deals 25 points of bonus bleed damage. It also belonged to a prolific serial killer, making it the perfect fit for a Cannibal build. Once they reach Nuka-World, however, players may want to use the Disciple's Blade instead. They should be aware that this playstyle is not for the faint of heart, and many companions may begin to question the Sole Survivor's actions. Strong the Super Mutant is a good companion for this build as he has no such problems.

10 The Syringer

Mind Control Is An Incredible Power

The Fallout show's main character Lucy
  • Important Gear: Syringer, Fury Grenades
  • S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Intelligence, Charisma, Agility
  • Important Perks: Cap Collector, Sneak, Scrapper, Inspirational

In the Fallout TV show, Lucy uses a Syringer to take out enemies. Although it certainly is not the most powerful weapon around, it can be used to create a powerful build that excels at manipulating enemies. The Syringer fires the player's choice of syringe into enemies and can cause a variety of effects. From dealing poison damage to making them flee from combat, it is a fun weapon that can be very powerful when the player knows when best to use it.

With some Charisma perks and crafting perks, players will always be able to find or buy the ingredients they need for the syringes. This allows them to keep entire groups of enemies busy fighting each other or even paralyzed. They will also want to head into Nuka-World and pick up some Predator grenades and the recipe for Fury Grenades. These grenades allow the player to summon hostile wasteland creatures and turn any group of NPCs against one another. To maintain all this crafting, players should take perks such as Local Leader. This build is a master of trickery, staying in the shadows and rarely getting their hands dirty themselves.

9 Mad Scientist

All The Gear And All The Ideas

Crash Bandicoot_ N-Sane Trilogy Trailer Shows Off Remastered Graphics - Crash Bandicoot and Dr. Neo Cortex (1)
  • Important Gear: All the chems players can find, Power Armor, Gatling Laser, Final Judgement
  • S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Intelligence, Strength, Endurance
  • Important Perks: Chemist, Chem Resistant, Nerd Rage, Nuclear Physicist, Heavy Gunner

Knowledge is power, and in the Commonwealth that can come in the form of the Intelligence branch of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. The Chemist perk lets any chems that the player consumes last significantly longer, which makes the stat boosts, additional Action Points, and other modifiers gained from drugs much more worth the addiction and other penalties. Investing in Intelligence also allows the player to craft more of these drugs, and taking a few points in Endurance may be worth it to pick up the Chem Resistant perk.

10 Games With Unique Weapon Upgrade Systems

Not all weapon upgrade systems in video games are created equal. For those looking for the most unique ones, these titles are sure to impress.

With consumables such as Psycho Jet, the intelligent Sole Survivor is nigh unstoppable, especially because they can modify their power armor and Gatling laser to ridiculous levels, with fusion cores lasting twice as long due to the Nuclear Physicist perk. Players should also make sure to grab Nerd Rage. This one boosts the damage dealt and reduces damage taken when low on health in addition to slowing time, thereby granting greater knowledge-born power. To make this build truly shine, players should also take Heavy Gunner from the Strength tree. With all these perks, the player can mow down any enemy with massive amounts of sustained damage while the world moves in slow motion.

8 Dumb Luck

Embrace The Chaos

Patrick from Spongebob
  • Important Gear: Spray N' Pray, Kiloton Radium Rifle, The Problem Solver
  • S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Luck, Agility, Perception
  • Important Perks: Idiot Savant, Mysterious Stranger, Critical Banker, Four Leaf Clover

For those looking for a more chaotic and less-planned adventure, it is recommended to acquire many of the perks in the Luck branch while avoiding Intelligence at all costs. There is a perk in the Luck tree called Idiot Savant, which randomly grants multiplied Experience for actions and kills made. The effectiveness of this perk is relative to their intelligence, as the effects are much more likely to activate when the Sole Survivor is lacking in the brainpower department.

With the levels gained from this, the Sole Survivor can funnel points into other Luck perks that can grant bonus damage and chances to outright kill foes immediately like Bloody Mess, Better Criticals, and Ricochet. These are downright broken, allowing the player to trivialize combat with stored critical hits or suddenly kill an enemy when the Mysterious Stranger shows up. Players will want to spend as much time as possible in V.A.T.S as that increases their chances of getting random critical hits and of the Mysterious Stranger showing up.

7 Big League Slugger

Just Smash Everything With A Baseball Bat

Using a baseball bat in Fallout 4
  • Important Gear: Cito's Shiny Slugger, Grognak's Axe, 2076 World Series Baseball Bat
  • S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Strength, Charisma, Agility
  • Important Perks: Big Leagues, Rooted, Moving Target

Baseball fans should try this one out at some point, as the combat and kills made with this build are immensely satisfying. Firstly, acquire the Big Leagues perk from the Strength branch, which gives attacks done with melee weapons greater damage as well as chances to cripple, disarm, or outright decapitate adversaries. Then pick up the 2076 World Series Baseball Bat found in the basement of the Jamaica Plains Town Hall building. This is a unique variation of the common baseball bat that has a small chance to send foes flying into the distance, much like slamming out a homerun. This is even accompanied by audio of a crisp crack and crowds cheering.

31 Most Powerful Weapons In Fallout 4, Ranked

Fallout 4 has a plethora of weapons for players to choose from, but these picks have got the rest beat in terms of power and destructive ability.

Alternatively, players looking for a more fantastical form of melee madness can head to Hubris Comics and pick up Grognak's axe. This two-handed weapon causes stagger and bleed, and costs less Action Points in V.A.T.S. Either way, these weapons and a few Agility and Endurance perks to make it easier to get close to enemies make the game a wild ride of melee madness. Players will quickly find that the Big Leagues build is one of the most fun ways of playing the game.

6 Punch-Out

Who Needs Weapons When They Have Nuclear Bombs For Fists

Screenshot of Mike Tyson in Boxing ring surrounded by fans in Punch-Out!!!
  • Important Gear: Furious Power Fist or Power Armor
  • S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Strength, Endurance
  • Important Perks: Iron Fist, Toughness, Adamantium Skeleton

Strength builds are a great way to relieve stress without fiddling about with guns and other non-essentials. The simplest approach to combat in Fallout 4 is to use unarmed builds, which involve punching the lights out of every threat the Sole Survivor comes across. Although sacrificing their weapons may seem risky, the damage and crowd control capabilities offered by this build more than makeup for it. Before long, players will be unable to go back to firearms, seeing them as utterly uncivilized.

To be able to do decent damage against foes in this manner, aspiring wasteland boxers should select the Iron Fist perk. Although players may struggle at earlier levels, once this perk reaches higher ranks, the Sole Survivor will be able to disarm enemies, before leaving them paralyzed on the floor. If bare fists are too boring, try equipping a Power Fist for serious strikes that would make Mike Tyson jealous. Alternatively, players can equip some power armor. This also increases the damage of their punches and allows them to use the Pain Train perk to knock over enemies. Whether wanting to role-play as a wild boxer or a meditative monk, Iron Fist has a lot to offer.

5 Fearmonger

Post-apocalyptic Politician

Fallout 4 player with a gun fighting raiders
  • Important Gear: Any Charisma clothing and accessories
  • S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Charisma, Intelligence
  • Important Perks: Local Leader, Inspirational, Wasteland Whisperer, Intimidation

Sometimes one does not need to fight or kill foes to get their way. With the right setup, the Sole Survivor's power can be perceived by NPCs, who will back down if the player is at a higher level than them. The Intimidation perk in the Charisma S.P.E.C.I.A.L. branch makes the Sole Survivor so terrifying that those the player points a gun at will sometimes yield. After pacifying the target, the Sole Survivor can command them to attack others nearby, turning foes into friends without firing a single bullet.

With the high charisma investment needed for the Intimidation perk, players can also improve the effectiveness of their settlements and companions. This means that even if the enemies do not retreat, they will quickly wish they had, as the player can afford all the best gear for them and their newly improved Companion. To improve their chances of pacifying enemies, players will want to level up as quickly as possible. They should therefore increase their Intelligence and consider taking the Idiot Savant perk. Building up their settlements will also grant them experience.

4 Infiltrator

Passing Through Without A Trace

Player sneaking behind an enemy in Fallout 4
  • Important Gear: Disciple's Blade, Deliverer, Overseers Guardian
  • S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Agility, Perception, Strength
  • Important Perks: Ninja, Blitz, Rooted

Sneak is one of the best and most used perks in the series. The benefits are so great for combat and eliminating enemies quickly that it's instinctual for many players to pick this one up early on. This ends up being an excellent choice as stealth stays strong throughout the game. With high Strength and Agility, the player can take perks such as Big Leagues, Blitz, Rooted, and Ninja. If they then head to the Nuka-World DLC to pick up Throatslicer, then they have the foundations for one of the most powerful combinations in the game, allowing the Sole Survivor to teleport across massive distances to kill even the most dangerous enemies in a single hit.

Fallout 4: 5 Most Useful Perks (& 5 That Are Useless)

Fallout 4 is loaded with neat perks throughout the game, but some are downright pointless! Here's a look at the most useful & most useless perks!

Players may also want to take weapons such as the Deliverer or the Overseer's Guardian with a silencer to give them ways to deal ranged damage while staying hidden. For players wishing to make this build a bit more unique and interesting, perks such as Locksmith and Hacker can allow the Sole Survivor to bypass various obstacles and gain information. When combined with the sneak-related perks and consumables such as Stealth Boys, players can finish quests as complete pacifists. Trying to complete quests with as few combat encounters as possible may not be as thrilling as some of the other great Fallout 4 builds, but it does provide a completely unique sense of achievement.

3 Master Of Machines

Hacker And Mechanic Extraordinaire

Fallout Assaultron
  • Important Gear: Salvaged Assaultron Head,
  • S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Intelligence, Charisma
  • Important Perks: Hacker, Robotics Expert, Inspirational

The Robotics Expert perk in the Intelligence branch can be very useful due to how populated post-apocalyptic Boston is with potential metal minions. At first, players will only be able to power on and off robots, but at higher ranks, this perk can give someone control over all successfully hacked machines. This works well alongside the Hacker perk, making bending artificial intelligence to the Sole Survivor easier and more efficient.

Robots tend to have some of the best offensive and defensive stats and traits in the game, so using them in combat usually results in positive outcomes. With the release of the Automatron DLC, this build became even stronger. The Master of Machines can now completely customize a robot companion, giving it different parts from the other robots they come across in the game. With the right set-up, this build can take control of any technology in the game, although they will still never be able to fix any of the cars.

2 Bomberman

Just Throw Everything

Bomberman Jetters Bomberman and Boss
  • Important Gear: EXPLOSIVES!, Spray N' Pray, Broadsider
  • S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Perception, Endurance
  • Important Perks: Demolitions Expert, Scrapper, Science, Scrounger

Explosives can be tricky to utilize as the damage they deal does not discriminate. A poorly thrown grenade or badly placed mine can result in limb-crippling or death for the player. If planned accordingly, however, a build specializing in such armaments can be both fun and extremely powerful. To ensure they always have explosives available, players will want to take perks such as Scrounger and Scrapper as this increases the number of explosives they find and allows them to craft more of them. The Science perk also allows them to craft the more complicated explosives the game has to offer, such as the Plasma or Pulse grenades.

The Demolition Expert perk in Perception grants the player bonus damage with all explosives, including grenades and mines shot while in V.A.T.S. Furthermore, as someone ranks up, their grenade throwing gains an arced trajectory for better aiming, making lobbing a grenade through tiny gaps at unsuspecting foes that much easier. The perfect addition to this build is the Spray n' Pray submachine gun. Gained from Cricket the merchant, this automatic weapon fires explosive bullets, dealing 15 points of bonus area of effect damage. This ensures that even when out of grenades, the player will still be able to make plenty of loud noises.

1 Lone Wanderer

Who Needs Friends?

The Lone Wanderer walking with Dogmeat
  • Important Gear: Any
  • S.P.E.C.I.A.L: Charisma
  • Important Perks: Lone Wanderer, Attack Dog

For those who want to avoid chatty associates while maximizing efficiency, they should consider paying homage to Fallout 3's player character. The Lone Wanderer perk in the Charisma branch grants players increased carrying capacity, reduces received damage, and boosts damage output. It's almost like Bethesda decided to take the most desirable effects everyone liked from the previous game in the franchise and shoved them all into one perk. What makes this build so powerful is that players can take perks in whatever branch they want to complement their personal preferences, as long as they walk the radioactive roads without any companions.

It simply makes the player better in all situations, without losing out on much. Even better, Dogmeat does not count as a companion for this perk, meaning that they can still take this loyal friend along for the ride. Taking the Attack Dog perk can improve this even further, as Dogmeat will be able to hold enemies in place or tackle them to the floor, proving that he really is better than any human companion. With increased damage, a great pet dog, and the freedom to build any way they please, players will never need a human companion again.

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Fallout 4

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 10, 2015