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While a lot of Boston has changed in Fallout 4, The Castle remains the same. The location has seen better days, falling apart when players get to it for the first time. The Castle is also the main base for the Commonwealth Minutemen, giving the faction their home back.

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When players first get to The Castle, it is infested with mirelurks and the tunnels are taken over by robots. A quest will be given to players to clear out the area, making it possible to build and use it as a settlement. Clearing out The Castle also lets players learn more about the location as well.

10 Message In Bottle Located Nearby

The location of the bottle right outside The Castle

Behind The Castle, players can find a message in a bottle. While walking near the waters of Boston, these bottles can regularly be seen. The one located at The Castle is titled "Predator Becomes Prey."

This message says how a man named John was pulled into the sea by a fish way bigger than him. In an unfortunate twist of faith, it seems that John also had the keys to the boat in his pocket. Perhaps this gives a little Post-War look at how people went about their lives.

9 Damage Comes From Battle Against Mirelurk

A look at the damaged walls of The Castle

It could be expected the damage to The Castle came from the Great War, but it actually happened a lot later than that. The Castle was in pretty decent shape until a group of Mirelurk came in and attacked. A Mirelurk Queen damaged the walls, making it easier for the Minutemen to be overrun.

It can be seen that only one side of The Castle really suffered any damage, showing which side the Mirelurk attacked from. After the location is taken, the damaged walls can easily be fortified again.

8 Unique Armor Found In Tunnels

The last general of the minutemen dead

Players wanting to complete their Minuteman General look don't have to go too far. In the tunnels, the body of General McGann can be found. He will be wearing the Minutemen General's outfit and hat, which players can loot from his body.

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The outfit will also provide players with a damage resistance of 45 and an energy resistance of 80. Uniquely enough, both items will also give players a +1 to their charisma, making for a +2 increase with the whole set. Maybe with the uniform, the player will be respected as the general that they are.

7 Edgar Allen Poe Reference Found Here

A skeleton chained up in the wall

Players can find a reference to Edgar Allan Poe when they go through the tunnels. A skeleton will be tied up behind a brick wall, a reference to "The Cask of Amontillado." This story actually comes from Poe's time at Fort Independence, the Pre-War name for The Castle.

While Poe was stationed at Fort Independence, he was told stories about a lieutenant who was unpopular with his men. The lieutenant won a duel against another on Christmas Day, After the duel, the unpopular lieutenant was lured to the basement and chained up behind a wall that got bricked up.

6 Unique Wine Bottles In Tunnels

The wine bottles located next to the general's body

Keeping with the Edgar Allan Poe references, there are unique wine bottles located near the general's body. These will be called the Amontillado bottles, with the label having the name Montressor on it. This is another reference to "The Cask of Amontillado," as one of the main character's names is Montressor.

The bottle will also have P. Edgar on it. While there are some empty ones near the general's body, there are full ones located nearby. Drinking from these will gives players +1 strength, intelligence, and +15 action points. The downside is it will take -1 charisma and -1 agility.

5 Guns And Bullets Issue Found Here

the location of the magazine at The CAstle

For players wanting to collect the magazines, one is found near the radio operator in the middle of The Castle. Reading this magazine will grant +5 critical damage for each one read, making for a total of +50 critical damage. The artwork for the covers is also cool, with this one being about plasma weapons.

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Be careful using explosives while battling the mirelurks, as the magazine can go flying away and require some time to look for it. After it is picked up, it can be displayed in a magazine rack for anyone walking by.

4 Does Not Contain Much Junk To Scrap

The outside courtyard of the fort

After The Castle is taken, it becomes a settlement for the player to use. The only downside to this is that there is really nothing to scrap. If a player wants to build a big area here, supply lines and junk already in the player's inventory works nicely.

Other than the building supplies, players can easily get water and food for The Castle. Water pumps can be built behind the location.

3 Radio Freedom Broadcasted From Here

A person using the radio station in the center of The CAstle

While players most likely won't tune in to this station, just being at The Castle plays it in the background. Players will be alerted to other settlements that need help or even settlements already owned that are under attack. The station will require a person to operator it, taking one settler out of The Castle's population.

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This will allow players to tune in to Diamond City Radio while also getting notifications in the background. Just be warned, walking around The Castle may cause the player to learn another settlement needs their help.

2 Fat Man Found In Armory

A view of the armory after it is open

Inside of the armory a Fat Man and a Mininuke can be found. These will help the player as they take down the bigger enemies of the wasteland. It also offers a little more firepower for defending The Castle if it is ever under attack.

The Fat Man can be found next to some mines and the Mininuke will be found above the laser muskets at the back of the armory. For taking back the fort, this is a pretty good reward for players. Just be careful, some NPCs might run in and try to take it for themselves.

1 Taking Castle Allows For Artillery

An NPC manning the artillery piece

After taking The Castle, artillery pieces can be set up at different settlements around the Commonwealth. Setting this up at each settlement can make it so that the player is always defended and can call in the artillery wherever. It should be noted, the player is given artillery beacons where the shells can be called in.

This makes it so that players can call in artillery on unaware raiders. The radius for one cannon is five sectors on the Pip-Boy. While the artillery piece is beneficial to the player, it also provides +6 defense to any settlement it is located at.

NEXT: 10 Most Breathtaking Locations In Fallout 4