Fallout 4 was a significant step up for the franchise in many ways, introducing new features and gameplay enhancements that did a great job of modernizing the franchise. However, some fans had issues with the game's dialogue system, which limited player choice and agency in favor of being more accessible. The main storyline was also another source of grievance for many people, with many problems that were made even worse courtesy of Bethesda's dubious writing.

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However, over the many years since its release, Fallout 4 has maintained a decent player base despite all these flaws. The immersive world and engaging gameplay have helped many people get into this game and realize that it deserves way more credit than it received upon launch. In fact, most people would argue that the game has aged well in many ways, with its features and elements standing the test of time to be quite enjoyable even now!

8 Settlement Building

Fallout 4 Sim Settlements Sanctuary

Fallout 4 added a construction and management side activity that ended up being quite riveting. While it wasn't for everyone, building settlements was a ton of fun and captivated a player's interest for quite some time.

Over time, players are surprised by just how well this mechanic holds up, even if there are some arbitrary restrictions that bog down the experience at times. Thankfully, mods can come to the player's rescue in this regard, and make settlement building more enjoyable than ever before.

7 Pulse-Pounding Combat

Fallout 4 - Molly Combat

Fallout 4 made many changes to the combat system that were well-received across the board. Aiming down the sights was a simple yet welcome inclusion, and sprinting around to run-and-gun enemies is a blast.

With the wealth of weapons available at a player's disposal, combat rarely gets boring. From the energy weapons that vaporize enemies to the iconic Fat Man that blows up everything in the vicinity with a mini-nuke — including the player themself, if they're not careful enough — Fallout 4's combat is a treat that still holds up today!

6 Emotive And Terror-Inducing Enemies

Feral Ghoul Reaver attacking.

One thing where Fallout 4 excels is the manner in which its enemies are designed and animated. Feral Ghouls have never been more terrifying, outright throwing themselves at the Sole Survivor while running in a haphazard and creepy manner.

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Many other enemies have unique attacks and animations of their own that makes their threat more palpable. From having their blood sucked out to being walloped with a Super Sledge — the intricacies of the animation in each of these moves make them all the more threatening.

5 The Voiced Protagonist

Fallout 4 Sole Survivor And Dog

The news about Fallout 4 having a voiced protagonist wasn't really received warmly by the fanbase. Upon release, many players had issues with the voices, preferring the silent treatment that other playable characters in the series were subject to.

However, in modern times, more and more games are expected to have a voiced protagonist who helps players immerse themselves in the game world. As a result, many people would argue that the voiced protagonist of Fallout 4 actually makes the game more approachable and easier to get into in modern times.

4 The Allure Of The Glowing Sea

fallout 4 glowing sea

The Glowing Sea is one of the best areas in Fallout 4, featuring an irradiated region that is filled to the brim with tough enemies, unique locations, and a consistent level of radiation that players need to be well-equipped for. The atmosphere of this region is incredible, making it one of the best areas to explore in the game.

There are many secrets and memorable encounters in this region, and players should be at a very high level before even thinking about venturing into this area. To this day, the tense yet alluring nature of the Glowing Sea makes it one of the most enthralling areas that players can explore to this day.

3 Revamped Power Armor

Fallout 4 Immersive Fallout Combat Mod

Power Armor is a staple in the series that players love to equip time and time again. Some people hated the idea of players getting access to this powerful piece of equipment so early in the game, cheapening both this piece of equipment and the Deathclaw that players fight soon after.

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However, barring its wonky introduction, there's no denying that Power Armor feels more engaging and powerful to use than ever before. Players can demolish enemies in this suit and trivialize most of the game's challenges as long as they have a steady supply of Fusion Cores to power their suit.

2 An Excellent Selection Of Music


As is the case with any Fallout game, the music in the fourth mainline entry is in a class of its own. The classic tracks across the game's many FM stations are a joy to listen to, making the act of exploring the Commonwealth quite engaging.

The music in this game was timeless before its inclusion in Fallout 4, making it quite a treat to witness in every way. Jamming to these tracks while shooting down enemies is a surprisingly cathartic and engaging experience.

1 Deep & Satisfying Weapon Modification


Fallout 4's weapon modification system is another feature that has aged pretty well. The sheer number of possible modifications for each weapon allows players to truly customize their arsenal to suit their playstyle, kitting out their firearms with scopes, silencers, bayonets, and everything else along the same lines.

The satisfaction of crafting the perfect weapon is still just as rewarding years after the game's release. Mods can make this system more engaging by removing the restrictions of this system and allowing pretty much any mod to fit on any weapon, which is both ridiculous and entertaining at the same time!

Fallout 4 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with PS5 and Xbox Series X/S versions coming in 2023.

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