Fallout 4's Far Harbor DLC has plenty of interesting content for players to discover, and several important decisions for them to make. The primary tension on the island comes from three rival factions: the residents of Far Habor, the Children of Atom, and the residents of Acadia. "The Way Life Should Be" is a central quest in the main story questline of the DLC, and players will have to complete it in order to get Kasumi back home to the Commonwealth.

To begin the quest, players will first have to have completed the quest "Best Left Forgotten", in which DiMA's suppressed memories can be obtained. Having retrieved the memories, players will be given a quest marker at the Vim! Pop Factory, where DiMA's Secret Medical Facility is located.

Fallout 4: How to Collect DiMA's Memories (Best Left Forgotten)

Collecting DiMA's memories can be hard. Here's how players can do the quest (and how they can use console commands to skip it).

Uncover DiMA's Secret Medical Facility

Fallout 4 Far Harbor Vim Pop Factory

Upon arriving at the Vim! Pop Factory, players will encounter several hostile Super Mutants who will attack on sight. DiMA's Secret Medical Facility can be found on the lower floors near the large spinning vats and the office containing the Vim! Pop Power Armor. A novice terminal can be hacked in order to unlock the metal door barring entrance, and once the door has been unlocked, players can proceed to enter the elevator on the other side.

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The elevator will bring players to a rather grizzly scene where several corpses are strewn about a room with an unmarked grave in the center. Uncovering the grave will reveal that it contains the remains of the original Captain Avery along with a holotape revealing that DiMA murdered her in order to replace her with a synth leader. Collecting the skull and locket will also open up additional options when it comes to deciding DiMA's fate.

(Optional) Report Back To Kasumi

Fallout 4 Kasumi

At this point in the story, players can choose to report back to Kasumi and share the information they have uncovered with her. Kasumi remains indecisive about what to do, but it will be possible to convince her to leave Acadia and return home at this point with enough persuasion.

Kasumi's main position on the issue is that regardless of DiMA's crimes, the entirety of Acadia should not be held collectively responsible. It is also possible to simply finish the conversation after passing over the information, allowing Kasumi to decide later what her final decision will be.

Option 1: Confront DiMA

DiMA the synth from the Far Harbor DLC

Regardless of whose side players wish to take in the matter, it will be necessary to speak with DiMA about the incident. Heading to Acadia and speaking with DiMA will present players with several options. After being presented with the evidence of his crime, DiMA requests that the evidence remain secret and claims that he was acting for the greater good and that he is the only suitable leader for Acadia.

It will also be possible here to confront him over the Wind Farm Killswitch and Nuclear Launch Key too, and only through this conversation will players be able to side with DiMA and agree to bury the secrets or bring him to trial voluntarily.

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Option 2: Inform Far Harbor

Fallout 4 Far Harbor Captain Avery

The second option is to return to Far Harbor to inform them of DiMA's crimes. There are two ways players can go about this. First, it is possible to discuss the matter privately with Captain Avery, which will enable players to bring DiMA to justice without causing a full-scale assault on the innocents living in Acadia. Speaking with Captain Avery will allow players to reveal the truth to her that she is, in fact, a synth and that DiMA murdered her original self. It may take several speech checks in order to convince her of the truth, but doing so will enable players to apprehend DiMA alone and bring him to Far Harbor for trial.

The second choice is for players to tell Allen Lee about the truth of the matter, including the fact that Captain Avery is a synth. This will lead to him exiling the Captain and assembling a lynch mob to attack the residents of Acadia. Doing so, without having first convinced Kasumi to leave, will cause her to be caught up in the violence and killed, ultimately leading to the failure of the quest "Closer To Home". Following the assault, Allen Lee will take over as the new leader of Far Harbor and the settlement of Acadia will be left abandoned.

Option 3: Replace High Confessor Tektus

Fallout 4 Far Harbor The Nucleus-1

One final option is to side with DiMA. This can be done during the initial conversation with him after uncovering his various secrets. This option requires players to agree to bury the evidence and instead seek to replace the leader of the Children of Atom, High Confessor Tektus, with another synth leader.

Siding with DiMA here will complete the quest and lead to the start of the quest "Reformation". In order to access The Nucleus and engage with High Confessor Tektus, players will need to complete the initiation mission "Visions in the Fog" first. This will keep the peace between the rival factions and is potentially the least violent solution to the conflict, though DiMA will never be held to account for his crimes if players choose this path.

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Fallout 4

November 10, 2015