
  • Bloatfly projectiles in Fallout 4 are actually squirming larvae, which most players are likely to miss in-game.
  • The projectiles de-spawn by burrowing into the player, which could have some scary implications.

A Fallout 4 player online has shown off a terrifying bloatfly detail that will definitely pass by most players of the game. Fallout 4 has a vast array of scary enemies to face in combat, and this detail definitely makes fighting the bloatflies a scarier prospect.

Thanks to the Fallout TV adaptation on Prime Video, the franchise is seeing a massive resurgence at the moment. While the series was never unpopular, the lack of new titles had undoubtedly harmed it somewhat. Now though, the entire Fallout series has received a player count boost, which has continued even after the show’s initial release period. It’s been cool to see fans excited about the franchise again, discovering even more new details crammed into the games long after their original launches.

Fallout 4 Player Loses Survival Mode Progress in Most Heartbreaking Way Possible

A Fallout 4 player encounters a strange glitch, causing them to lose a ton of Survival Mode progress in the most heartbreaking way possible.

Redditor Either_Letter_4983 pointed out the harrowing detail about bloatflies, realizing that when they fire at the player, the projectiles are their squirming larvae, which continue to attack while attached to the player. Since most gamers play Fallout 4 in first-person, it’s a detail that is far too easily missed. While bloatflies aren’t exactly the toughest enemies in Fallout 4, this detail is one that makes them much more unpleasant to face, as it’s definitely difficult to unsee. One gamer even pointed out the fact that they disappear by burrowing into the player, which is a theory that could have some terrifying consequences.

Terrifying Bloatfly Detail in Fallout 4

According to one gamer in the thread, this detail is actually given to players in one of the Fallout 4 loading screens. However, this is clearly missed by a lot of players, including one user who claimed “I wish I could unlearn this.” When one player pointed out that lore-wise, it would make more sense for the bloatflies to deal more bleed damage, another user clarified that in Fallout 4’s Survival Mode, this is indeed the case.

It’ll be interesting to see when Bethesda decides to move forward with another title in the Fallout series. With The Elder Scrolls 6 up first, gamers could be forgiven for not expecting another Fallout until at least the 2030s, which would be an enormous wait. However, it seems that Bethesda wants to release games at a quicker rate going forward, so this might not be the case. It remains to be seen how the studio approaches the situation, but with the success of the Fallout TV series, it seems unthinkable that nothing will be done to capitalize.