Bethesda releases an update to the Survival Mode of action RPG Fallout 4, bringing with it a number of changes including some new survival features and gameplay fixes.

Although Fallout 4 has made a huge impression on the world of gaming since its release in November of last year, some users were looking for something a little more challenging from the title. Thankfully, Bethesda was more than willing to work on a Survival Mode for the game, adding in a level of realism with relation to hunger and disease. With the mode still in beta, the developer has revealed a number of changes to exactly how this addition will function.

Releasing a full list of changes on the official Bethesda forums, the company looks to be making a number of tweaks to this Fallout 4 game mode. To begin with, there is one additional feature, with thirst, sleep, disease, and hunger bars now changing color based on the player character’s status. This will no doubt make it easier for players to keep track of their general wellbeing.

Alongside this, there have been several smaller changes to mechanics that are already in place. To begin with, players will find that it takes less food and drink to be able to sustain themselves. Meanwhile, Bethesda has lowered the sleep cycle from 24 hour to 14 hour days, and there will now be a reduced chance of catching a disease.

Not all the changes will makes things easier for the player, however. Not only has the sole survivor’s carry capacity been lowered, but vital Fusion Cores will also now weigh more. Hopefully, these changes will help maintain a strong challenge to keep players occupied.

Meanwhile, Bethesda is also bringing in a number of fixes for the game. As an example, one issue where players will become parched or peckish when thirst or hunger has been satisfied has been resolved. Another fix has solved a problem where the Adrenaline effect would persist after changing difficulty level.

Fallout 4’s Survival Mode is currently still in a PC beta, and will continue to be so until the end of March. At some point in the future, however, the game mode will be rolled out across the board to PC and console players. Hopefully it will prove to be a worthwhile addition to the game, particularly while players are waiting for the huge Far Harbor expansion.

Here is a full rundown of the changes made:

Fallout4 1.5.146 Survival Steam Beta Update New Survival Features
  • Thirst, hunger, sleep and disease icons will change color based on status
Survival Fixes
  • Less food and drink are required to maintain proper sustenance
  • Carry capacity lowered
  • Sleep cycle has been lowered from 24 hours to 14 hour days
  • Increases chance to get a disease
  • Fusion cores weigh more
  • Nuka Cola Quantums no longer cancel out caffeine effect from Nuka Cola and Nuka Cola Cherry
  • Fixed occasional issue with becoming parched or peckish when thirst or hunger are actually satisfied
  • Fixed issue where Adrenaline effect would incorrectly persist after changing difficulty level
  • When companion is down, a quest target will appear on them

Source: Bethesda Forums