
  • Fallout 4 Survival Mode is challenging with disabled fast travel and saving only in beds - a hardcore experience.
  • Losing progress in Survival Mode due to bugs can be frustrating and time-consuming for players.
  • With the recent popularity surge in Fallout, fans hope for a quicker release of a new title from Bethesda.

A Fallout 4 player has managed to lose a bunch of progress in Survival Mode in the most upsetting way possible. Survival Mode in Fallout 4 is the most difficult way to experience the base game, and to lose progress like this would be heartbreaking for any player.

At this point, it’s easy to forget that Survival Mode in Fallout 4 wasn’t actually in the game at launch. It was added a few months after release, although, for many players, it’s the definitive way to play the game at this point. It has several differences from other difficulty modes. For example, fast travel is disabled, saving is only possible in beds, ammunition has weight, and characters must eat, drink, and sleep at regular intervals in order to survive. It’s definitely a much more hardcore experience, but it adds a lot to the gameplay loop of Fallout 4 that every fan of the game should try at least once.

Fallout 4 Player Finds Unexpected Loot on Legendary Deathclaw

A Fallout 4 player defeats a Legendary Deathclaw and discovers some rather unexpected loot on the creature.

Redditor IcyProcess212 shared the heartbreaking clip, which shows them exploring the ruins of Fallout 4’s downtown Boston. They jump onto a stationary car, which immediately bugs out, and the game’s physics sends the car flying into IcyProcess212, killing them instantly. According to the player, this cost them a total of 30 minutes of progress. It’s not enough to kill the save entirely, but it’s definitely frustrating enough to see a player turn off their game and try again another day.

Fallout 4 Survival Mode Ends in Disaster

Unfortunately, Fallout 4 is known for these types of bugs. One gamer in the thread even commented, “Why would you jump on a car in survival?” showing they aren’t the first and last player to go through this experience. While there are some hilarious Fallout 4 glitches, there are an equal number of frustrating ones like this that can be a real pain to deal with, especially for those who aren’t aware of their existence. It’s a good lesson for all Fallout 4 Survival Mode players - don’t jump on cars.

With Fallout’s recent jump in popularity thanks to the TV adaptation, it’s hard to imagine that Bethesda will stay on its usual schedule in the wait for another title in the series. At the studio’s current rate, a new Fallout is unlikely until the 2030s, which would feel like a massive waste of the hype the franchise is generating at the moment. The good news is that Bethesda wants to increase its output going forward, and it’ll be interesting to see how that manifests itself. A few situations are possible - Fallout is given to a new studio, or Bethesda undergoes a massive expansion to allow for both Elder Scrolls and Fallout to be developed simultaneously. Let’s see what route the studio takes.