
  • Fallout 4 player discovers Sheng Kawolski replaces Travis Miles at Diamond City Radio after killing Travis.
  • Bethesda's attention to detail and replayability keeps the game engaging for players.
  • Killing Travis is optional and offers an alternative experience for players.

After over 3,000 hours of playtime in the game, a Fallout 4 player online has made a new discovery after killing an NPC, that many might miss during their own playthroughs. Fallout 4 continues to offer new experiences to players almost nine years after its initial launch.

As with any Bethesda game, Fallout 4 is filled with tons of small details that are very easy to miss. Some are even designed to be missed by players on one playthrough, in the hope that they notice it on a future run of the game. This gives Fallout 4 a ton of replayability, making players feel like there's always something new to experience, even when on multiple repeat playthroughs. This level of detail is a big part of the reason the game remains so popular to this day. Just recently, a Fallout 4 player online pointed out an entertaining location that most players will never stumble across. Bethesda includes these kinds of details, aware of the fact that only a small minority of players will find them, which is why this world feels so intricately designed.

Fallout 5 Should Fully Embrace a Trend Sparked By The Amazon Series

Riding high on the massive popularity of the Fallout TV show, the next game could take a fun fan trend and incorporate it into its design.

Redditor _dooozy_ noticed during a repeat playthrough that after killing Travis Miles during the "Confidence Man" quest, the host of Diamond City Radio is replaced by the child NPC, Sheng Kawolski. According to the player, this detail had slipped them by, despite 3,000 hours of playtime in the game. Sheng resides in Diamond City in Fallout 4, but isn't presented as a particularly important NPC in the game unless Travis is killed. It's cool that rather than simply making Travis an Essential NPC and thus invincible, Bethesda came up with a solution in the event he was to perish.

Fallout 4 Player Discovers Who Takes Over Diamond City Radio After Killing Travis

Many gamers in the thread felt that killing Travis was the wrong course of action, as, in the words of one user, "it's pretty boring. Sheng doesn't tell any news or introduce any songs, he just advertises his water." That's certainly valid. Whether it be his confident or non-confident version, Travis Miles is one of the best Fallout NPCs, with a pretty cool character arc for those who complete "Confidence Man." Still, it's good that those who prefer Sheng Kawolski's version of Diamond City Radio have the option to make it happen at any point in the game.

Despite Fallout's recent resurgence in popularity of late, it doesn't seem as though Bethesda will be releasing a new entry in the series any time soon. The studio continues to support Fallout 76 with new content, although whether that is enough for many gamers remains to be seen. Recently, Fallout's original creator confirmed he would consider returning to the franchise in the future if the project were to offer a fresh experience. It's certainly an interesting possibility, even if it doesn't feel likely at this point.