Fallout 4 is easily one of the best post-apocalyptic titles around, and it goes without saying that any player who wishes to explore a modern iteration of the Commonwealth region in the Fallout universe should definitely try this game out. This area is full to the brim with unique locations and powerful enemies. The Sentry Bot is one such foe that no player should take lightly, especially in their first encounter with this enemy.

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The Sentry Bot can prove to be quite a fearsome foe, with its incessant assault being the bane of most players' existence. For the people who wish to know everything there is to find out about this unique enemy, here are ten things that most people didn't know about the Sentry Bot.

10 Sentry Bots Are Actually Really Ineffective As Companions

Sentry Bot Companion in Fallout 4

The Automatron DLC for Fallout 4 allowed for the Sole Survivor to craft powerful Sentry Bots that could accompany him like a normal Companion. However, people who thought that this would change the tide of battle in their favor would definitely be disappointed.

The Sentry Bot has extremely poor pathfinding, takes a while to target enemies, overheats in a short span of time, and essentially becomes target practice for most enemies. Given how expensive it is to construct a Sentry Bot, one would expect it to at least serve as something more than a massive distraction.

9 The Penetrator Perk Helps Target Their Fusion Cores More Efficiently

Fallout 4 Scrapper Perk

The Sentry Robot hides its dual Fusion Cores while attacking, but ends up overheating in a short span of time and needs to let the Fusion Cores cool down. At this point, it exposes these cores and becomes quite vulnerable. Players should make the most of this opportunity, and hit these cores with all they've got.

However, what most people might not know is that the Penetrator perk actually bypasses the need to expose these cores. By unlocking this perk, players can directly aim at the Fusion Cores in VATS for massive damage without having to wait for this blind spot to come up of its own accord.

8 The Sentry Bots In Fallout 4 Are The Largest Ones Yet

Fallout 4's Sentry Bot

A rather interesting fact about the Sentry Bots in Fallout 4 is the fact this game features the largest version of these enemies – at least in a 3D Fallout game.

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Both Fallout 3 and New Vegas have Sentry Bots as enemies, but they're nowhere near as huge as their cousins in the Commonwealth. Fallout 4's versions of these constructs are downright massive.

7 Legendary Sentry Bots Trigger Unique Explosions

Fallout 4's Sentry Bot self-destructing

The Legendary Sentry Bot features a rather unique action upon dying, similar for most Legendary robot enemies. Perhaps this was made to ensure that their destroyer doesn't walk away unscathed.

Upon its death, the Legendary Sentry Bot creating an explosion similar to that of a mini-nuke. However, the Sentry Bot doesn't need to be Legendary to trigger this explosion either – as demonstrated below.

6 They Will Self-Destruct If Both Weapons Are Destroyed

Sentry Bots in Fallout 4

If a player manages to disable both weapons that a Sentry Bot might have, the robot adopts a rather annoying course of action to ensure that the threat dies regardless.

The Sentry Bot will initiate a self-destruct sequence and then charge at the player. This self-destructing explosion creates the same mini-nuke explosion that Legendary Bots do upon their death. This makes it a pretty deadly tactic to try and disarm a Sentry Bot.

5 Legendary Sentry Bots Cause An Explosion Twice

Fallout 4 Sentry Bot

Given all the information up to this point, there's one question players might have on their minds — what if a Legendary Sentry Bot happened to self-destruct?

The result would be nothing short of chaotic. Not only will the self-destruct sequence lead to one explosion resembling a mini-nuke, but the ensuing destruction of the bot will lead to another explosion of the same kind. This makes it even harder for players to survive killing one of these things.

4 They Can Survive A Direct Hit From A Mini-Nuke

Fallout 4 Lone Wanderer Firing Fat Man.

Speaking of mini-nukes, it goes without saying that any Fallout player who wants to deal with these powerful enemies swiftly would ideally want to hit them in the face with a mini-nuke.

However, this might not reap the results that players would be hoping for. Instead of completely evaporating as they should, most Sentry Bots will be left intact even after getting hit by a mini-nuke! No wonder they're considered to be some of the fiercest enemies in Fallout.

3 The VDSG Catalog States That Sentry Bots Can Use Stealth

Sentry Bot in Fallout 4

The Vault Dweller Survival Guide has a bunch of tips that are featured throughout most of the game's loading screens. However, not all of them are accurate, including a rather peculiar entry about the Sentry Bots.

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According to the VDSG catalog, Sentry Bots have stealth capabilities and the ability to ambush enemies. However, the Sentry Bot in the game never showcases these capabilities at all, in direct contrast to this claim.

2 They Were Created For The United States Armed Forces

Sentry Bots from Fallout 4

Given the massive offensive power of the Sentry Bot, their original purpose shouldn't surprise fans. The main aim of these behemoths was to serve in the US Armed Forces as powerful weapons.

The Sentry Bot was greenlit for work in the army since 2063. Since then, it has become an enduring — and dangerous — part of the wasteland after the nuclear war ravaged America.

1 Unique Sentry Bot South Of Suffolk County Charter School

Sentry Bots present in Fallout 4

Numerous Sentry Bots can be encountered throughout one's journey in Fallout 4. However, one can argue that the Sentry Bot south of the Suffolk County Charter School is perhaps the most memorable of the lot.

After discovering a partially submerged power station, players can open a door in the central pylon tower. This area is mainly unremarkable, save for the brick wall which reads out "YOU LOOK NICE TODAY!" along with a red skull. Following this, a Sentry Bot will spawn on the other side of the building and start barraging the player with a surprise assault. It's a jarring yet memorable moment that personifies why so many people love the Fallout series.

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