Fallout 4's director, Todd Howard, offers gaming fans a tease about the upcoming expansion packs for Bethesda's recently released post-apocalyptic RPG.

While speaking during a red carpet interview before celebrating the launch of Fallout 4, Todd Howard announced that Bethesda will shape the open world title's Season Pass and DLC using fan feedback. Due to the game just recently being made available, Howard and his company want players to explore the Commonwealth as much as humanly possible and share their take on the base material before developers make any concrete decisions about what gets included with Fallout 4's add-on content.

Although the Fallout 4 director has confirmed that the studio is currently planning out the DLC, Howard didn't share specifics as to what may or may not be in the preliminary pipeline. Regarding the matter, the Bethesda executive said:

"This game is huge, but it's not just this launch. It's going to be well deep into next year. It's like the game is done [does air quotes] but it's not done, because until everybody plays it, it's not really done. Because what they bring to it is really important; we're going to see what people like, what they want more of, what they want different, and we're going to do that."


Fallout 4's expansion packs were reported as being available for pre-order way before Bethesda even had a clue about what kind of gameplay would be included, which prompted waves of criticism online. The studio's vice president of marketing and PR, Pete Hines, was then tasked to defend the announcement, saying that it made sense to inform folks early about post-launch plans.

However, some fans had anticipated Bethesda's DLC strategy, claiming that it would be taking advantage of the Fallout 4 community by using them as guinea pigs for bugs, glitches, and content gaps, which is a salient point. After all, the Maryland-based game developer and publisher has become infamous for Skyrim's somewhat shoddy release, leading many to dub it as one of the most broken games at launch.

Nevertheless, Bethesda has asserted that it learned from Skyrim's problems to improve Fallout 4, which is evidenced in the post-apocalyptic RPG's evaluations from critics across the board, as the game has gone on to garner rave reviews. Plus, as far as researching fans' reactions is concerned, a similar approach was used for the post-development process on previous entries in the series with Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. As it happens, the method was successful, with both titles going on to receive top-notch paid DLC expansions with new quests, items, achievements, and more. So, taking all of this into consideration, it's important to reserve judgment on what's to come, especially with Fallout 4 just having released two days ago.

What do you think about Bethesda using fans for feedback on Fallout 4's upcoming DLC? If you've been playing the game, what kind of stuff would you like to see added or amended with the future content? Let us know in the comments below.

Fallout 4 is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Source: Red Carpet Report (via GameSpot)