
  • Luck prevails in Fallout 4 as a player miraculously survives a deadly fall into an inlet, saved by a glitch in the game.
  • The game's emphasis on stats like Luck, Agility, and Intelligence can have a major impact on gameplay, offering unique benefits for players.
  • Despite potential glitches and bugs in Fallout 4, some lucky occurrences like surviving a dangerous fall can actually work in a player's favor.

A super lucky Fallout 4 player's Survival run has been saved by a "miracle" when they fall into an inlet instead of landing on the ground. The RPG nature of Fallout 4 is full of potentially lucky or unlucky occurrences, and this player may have clipped the most fortuitous moment so far.

Since its inception, the Fallout series has focused on a set of attributes called SPECIAL. This acronym stands for important character-building RPG stats: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck. In the latest games, these categories lead to helpful skills that can bolster carry capacity or hacking, get the fullest out of the VATS system, and emphasize exploring the world alone. These may also improve dialogue with Fallout 4 NPCs by adding options centered on these attributes that improve the chance for success. One gamer has shared a clip focused on a lucky occurrence that didn't require the attribute, but rather a glitch that worked out in their favor.

Fallout 4 Player Makes Kronk from Emperor's New Groove in the Game

One Fallout 4 player has taken the time to recreate Yzma and Krone from The Emperor's New Groove as the game's main couple.

Reddit user Vovalucky recently shared a clip in which they're aboard a Fallout 4 Brotherhood of Steel Vertibird firing at a Super Mutant Behemoth. As the Vertibird circles the powerful creature at Fort Strong, the Survival player unloads rounds from the mounted minigun and quickly defeats it. Before the Vertibird can land, it's blown up and the player is sent plummeting to the ground below. Although the character ragdolls as if they're dead, and it takes a moment for the user interface to return to normal, they survive the fall thanks to a small inlet of water catching them. The player absorbs some laser fire while floating in the water, but when their health meter returns, they've taken very minimal damage.

How Did This Fallout 4 Player Survive This Fall?

Given how long their character is floating in the water before they return to normal, this gamer was likely saved by a glitch. As Survival games end when a character dies, the player has to restart from scratch. Unlike other Fallout 4 players who have had Survival games cut short due to glitches, this one seemed to have luck on their side. Despite the fact that Luck is a key attribute in the game, this Vertibird fall depended on actual luck rather than requiring skill point investment. While the clip concludes before the player retakes Fort Strong on behalf of the Brotherhood of Steel, they may have been successful thanks to this serendipitous moment.

Although there are potentially deadly and humorous Fallout 4 glitches, this video is a reminder that there are also some beneficial ones. While Bethesda continues to update the RPG, players may not want positive bugs like this patched out.