
  • Expect the unexpected in Fallout 4 - flying cars are just one of the many bugs players may come across.
  • Veteran players know to keep their distance from cars in-game, as they can unexpectedly pose a serious threat.
  • Physics glitches can lead to bizarre deaths in the game, so give cars some space to avoid getting clobbered.

A new Fallout 4 player ended up becoming the unfortunate victim of a flying car. The odd moment will certainly be a memorable one for the Fallout 4 player, but also continues to add to the list of odd moments in the Bethesda title.

Bethesda games are loved for many reasons, but even diehard fans have come to expect a certain level of bugginess, at least at release. Some of these bugs end up being embraced, like putting a bucket over a Skyrim NPC's head to easily steal from them. However, other notorious bugs, like the incredibly dangerous cars of Fallout 4, continue to pose a problem for players, including those who are brand new to the title.

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Such is the case with Worldly_Froyo_8581, who shared a brief clip of their experience of being suddenly taken out by a flying car. In the clip, their character is standing in the bed of a rusted out truck while trying to take down an attacking mole rat. After firing at the mole rat, it promptly dies, awarding the player with XP. It's a short-lived victory, though, because the car directly behind the mole rat suddenly springs into action and flies through the air to clobber the player, killing them instantly.

Fallout 4 veterans may have come to expect stationary cars in the game to be dangerous by this point. Players have previously reported being killed by cars suddenly moving in Fallout 4 like this, or due to them exploding, or even getting killed for no apparent reason after simply bumping into a car. The issue is so notorious that players in the comments joked that it wasn't a Fallout 4 playthrough unless the Sole Survivor came across at least one dangerous car encounter.

Explaining the Fallout 4 Player's Car Death

In some cases, random car deaths in Fallout 4 are hard to justify, but in this case, it looks like it was a simple physics glitch. As the player finished off the mole rat, its model was pushed back into the car behind it, which likely caused their two hitboxes to temporarily overlap. This is the same kind of issue that can lead to random objects shaking violently when placed too close together or on top of each other. In this case, the overlap led the car to launch and unfortunately sent it hurling back at the player, rather than away from them.

As noted, bugs like these seem to be unavoidable for Bethesda titles, due in large part to the engine the games use and their huge open worlds. Players should give cars some space in Fallout 4 for safety's sake, but fans of the developer will also encounter some odd bugs in Starfield, as well.