Bethesda Softworks games are known for featuring some strange NPCs and that's no different with the Fallout series, including 2015's Fallout 4. One Fallout 4 fan recently noticed a strange issue with Mama Murphy as she moves around one of the Settlements in the post-apocalyptic Boston Commonwealth as it's edited.

Reddit user No-Atmosphere-4145 posted a clip of their Fallout 4 adventure days ago in which they're customizing one of the many Fallout 4 Settlements. The Settlement that No-Atmosphere-4145 is working on in their clip is Sanctuary Hills, and it's one of the earliest locations in the game that features named NPCs like Mama Murphy. The video shows Mama Murphy acting out of character as the usually calm and slow Fallout 4 NPC that typically asks players for medicine begins flying through the sky and crawls through a solid wall.

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No-Atmosphere-4145's clip begins with the player entering a very decorated house before opening their Pip-Boy to access their inventory and place a Floral Barrel Vase on a nearby table next to a television. After putting this item in an ideal spot, the Fallout 4 player takes a moment to pause as their lights are toggled off and on before leaving the house and facing two buildings opposite to them. This is when things start getting strange as Mama Murphy floats across the sky between the two buildings above a statue that is surrounded by four lamp posts.

Mama Murphy floats backward in No-Atmosphere-4145's Fallout 4 clip before kneeling on all fours as she phases through the walls of one of the Settlement buildings. No-Atmosphere-4145 then zooms in on the building to show the top of the NPCs head poking out from behind cover as she remains in the kneeling position in the shelter as if she's hiding. The player then looks at another Fallout 4 NPC that's standing atop a wall and after a brief moment of silence where the Fallout 4 player and NPC stare at each other, the NPC simply disappears rather than moving erratically like Mama Murphy.

While Fallout 4 NPCs have behaved strangely since the Bethesda Softworks title was released, it isn't the only game from the developer with characters that act like this. There are many examples of Skyrim NPCs doing similar things to Mama Murphy as video has shown Nazeem flinging around the sky at high speeds and another depicts a dead NPC following a Skyrim player through the game's frigid landscape. Although No-Atmosphere-4145 was able to clip the moment Mama Murphy acted bizarrely in their Settlement, it's currently unclear what was causing the character to move so abnormally.

Fallout 4 is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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