Fallout 4 has a few characters that can be recruited as followers, and will help you out in fights as you explore the Commonwealth. Strong is the only super mutant follower in the entire game, with his mutation giving him more health and carrying capacity than any other companion.

Strong will regularly express his dislike of nearly everything the player does. but it's still best to bring him along when exploring the wasteland, as he enjoys killing powerful enemies. Strong is in trouble when you discover him and needs some help. Here is where you can find Strong and recruit him in Fallout 4.

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How To Recruit Strong in Fallout 4

Go To Trinity Tower


Trinity Tower is located in the Back Bay area to the east of Diamond City. The tower is hard to miss on the city skyline as it's one of the tallest buildings in the Commonwealth. Look for the tower with bright yellow trim on each side. This area is filled with raiders and super mutants, so be prepared for a fight.


When you get close to the building, your Pip-Boy will pick up the Trinity Tower Radio signal. Switch over to the station to hear a distress signal from Rex Goodman. Rex's repeating message says some super mutants have captured him, and he needs rescuing.

Begin Curtain Call Quest


Listening to the radio message will begin the Curtain Call quest. Enter the bottom floor of the building and fight your way upwards. The tower is inhabited by super mutants and mutant hounds. Take the elevator up and fight the super mutant boss named Fist. He will be tougher than the rest and is equipped with a minigun.


You can find many pieces of Super Mutant armor in the building. Your character is unable to equip them, but Strong can. At the top of the tower is a steamer trunk filled with rewards and the Trinity Tower Cell Key.

Descend Trinity Tower


Speak to Rex and Strong trapped in the cell. The mutants have locked them both up. Use the cell key to free them. Make sure to grab the Melee Bobblehead located in the cell before leaving.


Follow them to a nearby lift. You have to take two lift rides as you work your way down the tower. New mutant enemies will appear in the tower. Fight them as you ride downward. Rex will thank you once you've made it to the ground floor. Your character will receive Agatha's Dress or Reginald's Suit as a reward depending on their gender. Ask Strong to join up with you and he will accept.

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Fallout 4

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 10, 2015
RPG , Action